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Living the Writer's Life: Eddie Stephens

Eddie’s story is similar to many other Barefoot Writers, where he discovered freelance writing while in need of a new career and never looked back. But what he did soon after starting is a path too many writers waver on: choosing a niche and staying the course. Not only has Eddie stayed focused on a specific niche, he now has regular clients hailing from all over the world. Read on to find out how he got there.

Web Copywriting Pioneer Reveals a “Robotic” Opportunity for Copywriters

Companies in all sorts of industries use chatbots for lead generation and sales. Find out how copywriters are involved.

Practice Assignment: Write a Sample of This Short-Copy B2B Project

Practice is a good way to improve as a B2B copywriter. Follow the project details to do this practice exercise, using tips about this B2B short-copy gig.

Living The Writer's Life: Donna Kaluzniak

Donna Kaluzniak is the ideal example of someone who found the perfect niche and went after it. Once she decided to be a writer, she looked at her work experience… and thankfully hit on a topic she enjoys. Not only that, but it’s a highly-specialized field. She’s now making the most of being an elite, go-to writer in this niche. Plus, she’s a terrific, positive example of someone in command of her writing business — and her life. Go, Donna!

An SEO Checklist for Your B2B Copywriting Website

Most people simply assume that SEO is ridiculously complicated and super expensive as well. The truth is that for a "normal" freelance website, the whole SEO process is pretty simple if you understand Google’s algorithms. Use our checklist to hit the high points.

How to Be Everywhere in Your Niche

Want to attract the attention of prospects within a certain niche? Learn how to be everywhere in your niche. You’ll build your authority and your contacts.

How to Achieve Higher Levels of Success and Wealth… Without Actually Working Harder

Implementing the suggested systems in a classic book provided Suzanna Fitzgerald with tangible personal growth and positive business results. Here’s her story…

The Anatomy of a Well-Niched Freelance Website

Creating well-niched freelance website can bring more and better clients your way. Use these three examples of niched websites for inspiration.

A Full Year’s Subscription to a Career-Launching Magazine for Writers... for Just $11

This magazine could be the launching point of your new copywriting business.

Video: How to Launch Your Freelance Writing Business During a Pandemic or Economic Crisis

Is now the “time” to launch a freelance writing business? Ed Gandia answers that question with a business model for success and a five-step plan for prospecting.

Thriving as a B2B Copywriter — Even Now!

As B2B companies try to stabilize from the impact of the pandemic, they need marketing communications for prospects and customers. Here are 7 in-demand projects.

Pick a Niche Industry in 60 Seconds and Attract More Writing Clients

Having a niche makes getting clients easier, helps you focus your marketing, and earn more money. Try this simple two-step recipe to get your career moving.

How to Impress and Win Over Web Writing Clients with Certifications

Training certifications serve as currency that can open doors to opportunity and increase your income. Here are other benefits to being a certified writer…

How – and Why – to Become an In-Demand “Website Doctor”

This is the perfect side-hustle for copywriters… and it requires almost no writing.

Living The Writer's Life: Apryl Parcher

From writer to speaker to trainer and now book author, Apryl Parcher is forging through the channels of communication and finding nothing but success. Enjoy her unique insight on getting started, as well as tips on how to use social media to advance your career even before you make a name for yourself.

How Gratitude Seeds Success in B2B Copywriting Businesses

Being grateful for what you currently have helps you be happier in the moment. But did you know there's more to it than that? Here are three reasons why it's critical to the health of your business to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Expand Your Services to Existing Clients for an Income Boost

When you expand your services to existing clients, you’ll land more projects with less effort… and see a big boost to your web-writing income.

Living the Writer’s Life: Christopher Dean

Christopher Dean received a tip from a friend that opened the entire world of writing for him, and he’s made the most of it ever since. Find out how he escaped the daily slog of retail employment and replaced it with contentment and a relaxed lifestyle.

How I Found My First Copywriting Gig in the Midst of a Global Pandemic

Copywriting is the antidote to job losses and uncertainty in the news. PWA Member Tracey Ingram shares her action plan to her achieve goals during COVID-19.

Take Control of Your B2B Copywriting Schedule

If you’ve ever wondered why you didn’t get your daily list done, you don’t want to miss this advice to take control of your B2B copywriting schedule.

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