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Should You Get Your Ducks in a Row?

If you want to make money as a copywriter, having a solid structure for your business can be the confidence-builder you need. Here are three reasons why…

From Flight Attendant to Million-Dollar Copywriter

Henry Bingaman found a path to big fees and royalties as a copywriter. In this interview, he shares key points on his journey, and advice for new writers.

Master the Art of Writing Long-Form Sales Letters

Learn everything you need to master the art and science of long-form sales letters from Sandy Franks, AWAI’s Copy Chief, who has 29+ years of experience writing winning copy and training copy teams for Agora Publishing.

20 Ways to Stand Out As a Professional Web Copywriter in 2020

As a web copywriter, you need to make it easy for clients to say yes to hiring you. One way to do that is to stand out from other web copywriters…

Write a Powerful, 83-Word Email About a Blender… And You Could Get a Check for $200!

Practice is the best way to keep improving as an online copywriter. Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from a master.

How I Found a Big Idea in Paris

Successful copywriters are the ones who can find and develop solid Big Ideas for direct-response promotions. Use these three guidelines to spot Big Ideas.

How to Plan Out Your Freelance Website Content in Under an Hour

Successful writers must have a website, your piece of internet real estate. Here’s how to plan site content that shows prospects who you are and what you can do.

Living The Writer's Life: Brad McMillen Why Writing Means “Goodbye, Cubicle” and “Hello, Opportunity!” for Brad McMillen

Life as a professional writer brings Brad McMillen the kind of freedom-from-The-Man we all crave. But it wasn’t until he “admitted” something to himself — out loud — that he was able to move forward in his goals. Find out what he said and learn why Brad is already on his way to long-term writing satisfaction.

The Government “Perk” That Can Hand Copywriters (Like You) a $2.52 Million Windfall

There’s a wealth-generating tool ideal for freelance writers, yet many don’t take advantage of it. Here’s how you can make more money in the long run.

How Long Does It Take New Freelancers to Earn a Living Wage?

How long it takes to make a good living as a writer is a common question. With four decades of experience, Bob Bly offers his answer so you know what to expect.

Living The Writer's Life: Angela Williams Stillwell

Angela Williams Stillwell proves Barefoot Living can be shaped around your own interests. She recognized early on how freelance writing could give her the flexibility she wanted in life, both to pursue a career she enjoys and to continue her daily habits of exercise and playing with her pets. With a realistic grasp on how unpredictable life can be, Angela’s pursuit of Barefoot Writing gives her the time and income needed to overcome any obstacle — and enjoy herself along the way.

The Art of Instant Ideas with Andrew Davis

For the first time ever, we’ve partnered with Andrew Davis (a very influential marketer you’re going to want to meet!) to bring you a deep-dive training on something other people said “couldn’t be taught.”

Write a Powerful, 309-Word Blog Post about a Good Night’s Sleep

Practice is a great way to improve as a content writer. Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from a content expert.

Get In on One of 2020’s Hottest Copywriting Niches

The demand for content is huge right now. And qualified content writers have plenty of high-paying projects to choose from. Learn how you can get paid five, six, even seven figures per year writing content.

Prize Winners Announced for The Writer’s Life Email Writing Contest

3 winners of the $200 prize from our email writing contest about the Swing Miracle Golf Simulator in The Writer’s Life have been chosen from 350 submissions.

Why Content Marketing Has Become a Go-To Marketing Channel

In the world of online marketing, content marketing has taken the industry by storm in recent years. Find out why content marketing has the power to engage prospects and customers, and boost sales.

How to Talk to Your Niche

Choosing your niche is an important step. But, what comes next is even more important… You need to figure out how to talk to your niche.

The 3 Biggest Reasons Why Email Copywriting Is a Big Opportunity for Making Six-Figures as a Writer in 2020

Now is the best time to hang out your shingle as an email writer. Email expert Jay White looks at three reasons why this opportunity has never been bigger.

Practice Assignment: Write an Effective Email about a Golf Simulator…

Practice is a great way to improve as an email copywriter. Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from an email expert.

Now Hiring: 11,023 Email Copywriters

If you’re looking for a writing specialty with thousands of job openings, Jay White has the answer. Here are three things you can do to get started.

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