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Anyone Can Be a Copywriter … But Not Everyone Should!

Discover how not to sell yourself short as a copywriter and why it’s vital to go after clients who already value what you do, instead of having to persuade.

Having the Right Perspective Will Create Success and Happiness in Your Life

Your limitations are not keeping you from achieving your dreams. Change your perspective and use those challenges to guide you to success.

How to Use the Power of Your Limitations to Achieve Your Goals

We all have limitations. But, instead of using them as excuses not to succeed, use them to fuel your success.

Why You Should Drop Preconceived Ideas About Your Ability to Write

Discover the five essential steps for launching a paid writing career at hyper speed — including what to do right away and what to forget immediately.

How to Compete with the Top Pros in Freelance Copywriting

Here are some tips for competing with top-level freelance copywriters who may have much more experience and better credentials than you.

Jay Abraham’s Key Secret to Copywriting Mastery

Developing empathy for your prospect will make you a much more successful copywriter. Empathy is broken down into three heartfelt parts.

A Simple Template for Faster Content Writing

Writing content is a great path for becoming a freelance writer. In this article, discover a template for writing faster and keeping writer’s block away.

How to Start Any Writing Project

These three steps will make it easy to organize your ideas, and ensure that your writing flows.

The “Storytelling” Niche for Writers That Brings You $1,500 to $2,000 Per Project

Meet Casey Hibbard and discover the writing opportunity where you help companies tell their stories—plus, pocket $1,500 to $2,000 every time!

Funnel Basics: How Much Should You Charge a Client for a Funnel?

Funnels have high value to clients… and they carry high price tags, too. Here’s a quick survey of the current (2015) market rates.

Funnel Basics: What Are the Key Parts of a Marketing Funnel?

Funnels have several key parts that make them work. Learn these parts and you’re well on your way to making a great income building your own funnels.

5 Reasons to Get Started As a Social Media Writer Right Now

Working in social media is a great way to achieve fast success, build solid relationships with your clients, and boost your level of self-confidence.

How to Put Together a Winning Proposal and Snag Your First Social Media Writing Client

Discover the three main points to include in your proposal, when approaching a new social media writing client. This is all stuff they want to hear!

Pick a Niche in 10 Minutes or Less and Watch Your Writing Income Soar

Picking a niche for your writing business saves time and can make your writing income soar. Find out how to pick your niche in 10 minutes or less.

Fastest Way to Build Your Writing Muscles for Speed and Quality

Cut years off your learning curve using this writing exercise that helps you write noticeably faster and better in just a few weeks.

5 Tips From Top Writers to Help You Write Your Dream Book

Read this advice from dozens of top authors on how to successfully write and complete a book, plus additional tips to help you enjoy the writing process.

The Very Best Way to Grab and Hold a Reader’s Attention

Can reading fiction make you a better, more skilled copywriter? You bet it can. Find out how… and what you should read for the best results.

Key Message Copy Platforms: The Nuts and Bolts of How to Write Them

Learn the simple steps to writing Key Message Copy Platforms and you’ll generate much more revenue for your copywriting business—and become your client’s “content hero.”

Key Message Copy Platforms: A Must-Have Copywriting Service Every Company Needs

To build a successful freelance business, you should know how to write and sell Key Message Copy Platforms—because every company needs them.

Wanna Succeed As a Writer? Start Here…

Get started on your writer’s life journey now. Here’s the first step for building a super-solid foundation for your copywriting business.

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