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The Zeigarnik Effect: Finish What You Started

If you’ve started and stopped projects or worked toward a goal and never finished, you’re not alone! Now it’s time to finish what you started. Learn how.

Make It Different in the Best Way: 4 Proven Ways to Control Your Future in 2022

Put yourself in charge of your future. Swap a reactive approach to life for an intentional journey toward your writing and lifestyle goals when you follow four simple steps. Make your next year your best and most rewarding year yet.

3 Types of Content Templates You’ll Be Writing for B2B Sales Enablement

A new specialty has emerged for writers, and even beginners can earn up to $5,000 per project. As a sales enablement copywriter, you write the materials that help the sales team sell more. Here are three content projects to start with…

Sales Enablement Copywriting: The New Ground Floor Opportunity?

Writers have a chance to get in on the ground floor of a new opportunity. Sales departments need writers who provide materials and templates that will help salespeople land the sale.

How This AWAI Member’s Love of Video Games Led to a Writing Gig with Loads of Freebies

AWAI Member Marcus Monaghan's initiative helped him get his foot in the door with a dream gaming client, as well as loads of free gaming gifts.

5-Part Checklist for Building a Money-Making Website

By following a proven formula for making money writing about something she loves, Jen Phillips April was able to experience several benefits from her Money-Making Website. Here’s a five-step checklist so you can get started.

4 Reasons Why I Really, Really Love My Money-Making Websites

Nick Usborne, a pioneer in digital marketing, has one type of writing he loves best of all. Here are four reasons this writing project is his favorite, including the $500,000 he’s made in passive income from it.

7 Direct Response Triggers Companies Use to Get Customers

Each stage of the customer buying journey is a chance to make money because someone has to write all the necessary marketing materials. Copywriters who know how to do so and trigger a response are indispensable to clients — and make big money.

How to Make Money As a Ghostwriter: Insider Tips to Get Started

Get these insider tips on how to become a ghostwriter from a writer with a thriving career helping other people tell their stories.

How to Achieve Copywriting Success as an Introvert

How can an introvert “put themselves out there” to become a copywriter and business owner? Guillermo Rubio used 4 steps that helped him find big success.

How to Prime Yourself for Contagious Emotion that Writes Itself

Writing with empathy is one of the most crucial skills you can have as a persuasive copywriter, and knowing about this scientific evidence will make it easier for you to tap into emotions and write stronger direct-response copy.

Live Training: Marketing 101 for Writers: Get More Assignments and Make More Money by Knowing the Basics

Learn basic marketing and you’ll become a more valuable writer. During the free training event, Marketing 101 for Writers, we’ll teach you what you need to know to make it easier for you to land well-paid writing assignments and make more money.

Which Well-Paying Writing Projects Would You Like to Write?

In this golden age for freelance writers, the opportunity is huge and growing. A wide variety of copy and content projects are needed to move a prospect through the four stages from awareness to happy customer.

7 Ways to Land Your First (or Next) Client

Now’s the ideal time to set yourself up for success. Take a proactive stance by following these seven steps, and you’ll give yourself a head start on new opportunities in the writing industry.

Worried About Charging High Fees? Why You Must Charge What You’re Worth

Setting fees is a challenge for new writers. But, you need to know your value, and understand why you’re worth as much as you are. You have specialized skills businesses need… here’s why you should set your fees accordingly.

What If?

When you’re starting out in the world of paid writing, the “what ifs” are inevitable… Tackle any uncertainties and unknowns in your mind by following these specific steps.

Writer Secrets Learned Over 10 Years of Life with Barefoot Writer

Mindy McHorse has learned a lot in her 10 years as Executive Editor of Barefoot Writer. She shares 11 lessons to shorten your learning curve… and give you some insight and peace of mind about pursuing a well-paid writing career.

Not Sure How to Get Started? Get Inspiration from These Successful Writers

Everyday people like you have started writing careers. They had doubts and fears, yet they stuck with their dreams of the writer’s life and pushed through to success. Learn from people who are where you want to be.

Build Your Writing Business According to the Laws of Nature

Your business is going to go through “seasons”… changes that correspond to natural laws. How you prepare for those changes can help your business grow and grow. Don’t fear change — instead embrace it.

5 Fears Writers Have in Common and 5 Steps to Move Past Them

Everyday fears and self-doubt can hold you back from the writer’s life you seek. Learn from the five fears and daily habits of a world-famous choreographer and author. Then follow five steps to build a career you love.

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