This Week from AWAI …

Our Best COS Offer Ever

Our highest level of personalized, mentored learning keeps getting better.

With more opportunities to spend “one-on-one” time with experts…

More resources…

And more paths to success…

There’s never been a better time to join Circle of Success.

But here’s the best part:

We’ve made joining this elite group of writers easier and more affordable than it’s ever been in its 20-year history.

Check this out.

LIVE 2-HOUR WORKSHOP — Get Published, Get Paid!

I want to personally help you get into the paid-writing game NOW!

I’ve set aside two hours to help YOU get your first byline AND your first paycheck as a professional writer.

I’ll share everything I know about writing the kinds of articles we here at AWAI (and thousands of other companies doing digital marketing) pay for and publish.

Then, you’ll take what I show you and write an article for AWAI.

My marketing team and I will review ALL submissions. If we like what we see, we’ll PUBLISH your article AND pay you for it. And there’s no limit to the number of articles we’ll choose.

So if you’re ready to get your first “win” under your belt …

Let me show you how to do it.

Free 5-Part Video Training Series:
Be an In-Demand Copywriter

Join AWAI President Rebecca Matter as she energetically shows you how to start living the writer’s life as a successful, “thrive from anywhere” copywriter.

She’ll walk you through the benefits of this enormous opportunity — like very good pay, a flexible schedule, and huge demand …

And cover what you DO need to get started making great money … and what you don’t!

No previous writing experience is necessary …

The cost is zero dollars …

And the training will take just about an hour of your time … an hour that can change your life dramatically.

You don’t want to miss this!

Claim Your FREE Access

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Last Chance to Grab Your Subscription to the Premiere Magazine for Writers

Sign up to get your hands on the perfect introduction into the world of professional writing. Get industry insights, writing tips, career advice, and more.

The Professional Writers’ Alliance New Member Discount Expires Soon

As a member, you’ll enjoy professional-level resources, tools, and training you need to succeed. In order to join for a deep discount on the standard membership dues, you must sign up by June 27th.

About Today’s Deadline…

If you’re ready to be among the first in the ENTIRE WORLD to specialize in this lucrative field, please act now before it’s too late.

This is Like 1997 All Over Again For Writers...

We’re on the verge of something HUGE for writers. And right now, there’s a short window of opportunity to get in early. Let me explain …

The ONLY Writing Project That’s Like Texting a Friend

“Nano-writing" is taking the copywriting world by storm. It’s why even Business Insider says: “The [nano-writing] era is here. Social networks are old-hat.” And here’s the really cool thing about it: “Nano-writing” is the ONLY high-paying writing project that’s like texting or messaging a friend.

Living the Writer's Life: Eddie Stephens

Eddie’s story is similar to many other Barefoot Writers, where he discovered freelance writing while in need of a new career and never looked back. But what he did soon after starting is a path too many writers waver on: choosing a niche and staying the course. Not only has Eddie stayed focused on a specific niche, he now has regular clients hailing from all over the world. Read on to find out how he got there.

Web Copywriting Pioneer Reveals a “Robotic” Opportunity for Copywriters

Companies in all sorts of industries use chatbots for lead generation and sales. Find out how copywriters are involved.

Living The Writer's Life: Donna Kaluzniak

Donna Kaluzniak is the ideal example of someone who found the perfect niche and went after it. Once she decided to be a writer, she looked at her work experience… and thankfully hit on a topic she enjoys. Not only that, but it’s a highly-specialized field. She’s now making the most of being an elite, go-to writer in this niche. Plus, she’s a terrific, positive example of someone in command of her writing business — and her life. Go, Donna!

A Full Year’s Subscription to a Career-Launching Magazine for Writers... for Just $11

This magazine could be the launching point of your new copywriting business.

How – and Why – to Become an In-Demand “Website Doctor”

This is the perfect side-hustle for copywriters… and it requires almost no writing.

Living The Writer's Life: Apryl Parcher

From writer to speaker to trainer and now book author, Apryl Parcher is forging through the channels of communication and finding nothing but success. Enjoy her unique insight on getting started, as well as tips on how to use social media to advance your career even before you make a name for yourself.

Living the Writer’s Life: Christopher Dean

Christopher Dean received a tip from a friend that opened the entire world of writing for him, and he’s made the most of it ever since. Find out how he escaped the daily slog of retail employment and replaced it with contentment and a relaxed lifestyle.

Living The Writer's Life: Jason Gaspero

“Incredible” is the single word that comes to mind when you read Jason Gaspero’s account of life as a Barefoot Writer. It’s beyond dream-worthy, since all he does month-in and month-out is travel to far-off, exotic destinations and write about his experiences — and makes a great living because of it. Plus, he enjoys a lifetime worth of adventure on a weekly basis (fried scorpion, anybody?). If you’ve ever entertained a fancy for travel writing, you’re going to love Jason’s story.

What Is SEO, Why Is It So Important, and How Do Copywriters Fit In?

SEO is more important than ever for companies doing business online. And that means opportunity for copywriters. Companies are in dire need of quality and engaging website content that people actually want to read … and boosts SEO rankings at the same time.

Three Winners Announced for The Writer’s Life Writing Contest to Rewrite the Content for a Website Intro Section

3 winners of the $200 prize have been chosen for The Writer’s Life writing contest to rewrite the content for a website intro section.

Congrats to the $5,000 Winner From The Ultimate White Paper Mentorship Program

The results are in … and while all the submissions were of high quality … there can be only one winner: Kristen Stelzer earned a $5,000 check from AWAI for her winning white paper.

[FREE] VIRTUAL SUMMIT: Copywriting’s Future, COVID-19’s Impact, and More…

This Thursday, we’re holding THE most important online event in AWAI’s 23-year history.

Master the Art of Writing Long-Form Sales Letters

Learn everything you need to master the art and science of long-form sales letters from Sandy Franks, AWAI’s Copy Chief, who has 29+ years of experience writing winning copy and training copy teams for Agora Publishing.

Living The Writer's Life: Brad McMillen Why Writing Means “Goodbye, Cubicle” and “Hello, Opportunity!” for Brad McMillen

Life as a professional writer brings Brad McMillen the kind of freedom-from-The-Man we all crave. But it wasn’t until he “admitted” something to himself — out loud — that he was able to move forward in his goals. Find out what he said and learn why Brad is already on his way to long-term writing satisfaction.

Living The Writer's Life: Angela Williams Stillwell

Angela Williams Stillwell proves Barefoot Living can be shaped around your own interests. She recognized early on how freelance writing could give her the flexibility she wanted in life, both to pursue a career she enjoys and to continue her daily habits of exercise and playing with her pets. With a realistic grasp on how unpredictable life can be, Angela’s pursuit of Barefoot Writing gives her the time and income needed to overcome any obstacle — and enjoy herself along the way.

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