This Week from AWAI …

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Fastest Ways to Make Money as a Writer — Free Webinar and Q&A

Join us for this FREE webinar to discover three easy yet important freelance writing projects clients need now — and how to quickly jump in.

Living the Writer's Life: Ben Phillips

Ben Phillips has worked with some of the top companies in the industry, and his willingness to continue building his skills has positioned him perfectly for a six-figure career. Check out some of Ben’s top advice about working for agencies and using LinkedIn to find clients.

Living the Writer's Life: Tim Matassa

After leaving his career as a teacher, Tim Matassa jumped into his first Bootcamp ready to explore new opportunities. Now, four years after his first interview with Barefoot Writer, we catch up with Tim to learn how things have progressed. He shares what it’s like to work with legendary copywriter Mark Ford, how he managed to write a direct-response letter that topped a long-running winner in number of sales made, and how he’s learning to put his teaching skills to good use helping new copywriters.

Living the Writer's Life: Matthew Troncone

One lively conversation with Matthew Troncone and your mind will be swimming in all the possible directions a writer’s life can take you. Since he started exploring the world of copywriting in 2007 following a health scare, Matthew has gone in a variety of directions with his writing and made waves at every step. He continues to follow what interests him, works hard to make it a success, and really lives it up in his free time. Enjoy Matthew’s story.

Living the Writer's Life: Allison Comotto

Allison Comotto was a senior college student looking for a way to make money with storytelling. Now, three years later, she is a six-figure financial copywriter with Stansberry Research and has her first $4 million promotion under her belt. Discover why she loves working in-house so much and whether financial knowledge is really necessary for writers hoping to break into the niche.

Living the Writer's Life: Ann Jamieson

Ann Jamieson’s dream of traveling to Turkey came true when she bartered her writing for a free tour. Since then, she’s been building her business within the equine, travel, and alternative-health niches. Discover how this longtime horse enthusiast has managed to turn her passions into writing gigs so she never has to “work” again.

October Issue: Marketable Humanity

Just released, the Octobber issue of Barefoot Writer! Our Featured Interview this month is with an extraordinary copywriter who’s pinpointed one of the biggest things we all struggle with. It’s hard to put yourself out there and be vulnerable and honest. Yet doing so will likely blast your writing career right out of the water.

Living the Writer's Life: Max Latimer

Max Latimer first found copywriting while searching for a way to break free from unfulfilling jobs. He initially thought it would be a useful tool to help him create his own business… and then discovered that copywriting itself was the dream business he’d been looking for. Discover what happened after that lightbulb moment and why these days, he’s excited to get out of bed in the morning…

$200 Prize Winners Announced for The Writer’s Life B2B Email Writing Contest

From over 340 submissions, Steve Slaunwhite announces the 3 winners of the $200 prize from our writing contest about the WarmCo food warming unit in The Writer’s Life.

Living the Writers Life: Catherine Catozzi

If you need a dose of inspiration to carry you through the cooling fall weather, look no further than Catherine Catozzi’s story. Just a few months ago, she made up her mind to be a Barefoot Writer. And then she did one simple thing that landed her a string of clients – and a four-figure month. Read on to find out how she did it.

From Not Knowing About Copywriting To Becoming an In Demand Writer

See How This Brand New AWAI Member Went From Zero Clients and No Income to Earning $17K in Just Ten Weeks …

September Issue: Reshape Your Writing Future With a Channel Change

Just released, the September issue of Barefoot Writer! Our September issue of Barefoot Writer focuses on a few ways to change your own thought channel.

FREE Virtual Open House — All Your Questions about Circle of Success Answered

There are so many benefits to Circle of Success — and so many moving pieces — that it's difficult to cover everything in a typical invitation letter. That’s why I’m inviting you to a very special LIVE Virtual Open House Encore Event so you can see exactly what the Circle of Success experience entails.

Winner Announced for AWAI’s SEO Magnet $5,000 Spec Challenge

This newly certified SEO copywriter has a $5,000 project in the works – and more potential clients waiting to work with her.

JUST PUBLISHED! Carline Anglade-Cole’s Marketing Memoir: My Life as a 50+ Year-Old White Male

AWAI Copywriter of the Year Carline Anglade-Cole’s new marketing memoir, My Life as a 50+ Year-Old White Male is now available on

Living the Writers Life: Wendy Howarter

Wendy Howarter bravely took a step back to look at where she was in life and wasn’t satisfied with what she saw. Not only did she decide she needed to do something about it, but she washed her hands entirely of all that was bringing her down and now enjoys her time island-hopping and writing about wine. Discover how she flipped her life and found joy through writing.

August Issue: Fix the Fissures To Earn More Sooner

Just released, the August issue of Barefoot Writer!

AWAI Member Wins a Check for $2,000 – and the Chance to Work with AWAI

Jim Stripling not only became a certified email copywriting specialist – but also landed his first client: AWAI.

July Issue: Flip Those Worries to Happier Writing

Just released, the July issue of Barefoot Writer!

Last Chance to Grab Your Subscription to the Premiere Magazine for Writers

Sign up to get your hands on the perfect introduction into the world of professional writing. Get industry insights, writing tips, career advice, and more.

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