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These Potato Chips Launched My Copywriting Career (Seriously!)

Most copywriting careers don’t start with a HUGE project. Instead, little copy projects can be key to building your business. Ed Gandia reveals his story.

How I Used Bullet Journaling to Double My Productivity as a Writer

If you’ve tried planners, calendars, and other systems without success in your quest for organization, this new option may be the answer you need.

These 9 Copywriting Tips Can Help You Make More Money Faster

These nine reverse engineering tips will help you get the most out of your copywriting Swipe Files and help you earn more money, much faster.

3 Reasons Why Short-Form Copywriting Is Set to Become Your Next Superpower

A new trend is hitting the copywriting world and it equals big opportunity. Nick Usborne outlines three reasons it’s happening, and what it means for you.

Copywriter's Checklist for Submitting Copy

Look like a professional from day one when you follow this handy checklist for submitting your copy to clients. Impress your clients from the start.

How Copywriting Royalties Work

You can earn professional fees writing copy. But you can earn really big money when you get paid this too. Learn how and set yourself up for big paydays.

Two Hidden Persuasion Tactics That Get Prospects to Hit the Buy Button

If you use these 2 persuasion tactics in your copy, you’ll get more people buying the products you’re selling — and you’ll land more copywriting projects.

Today’s 7 Most-Asked Questions about B2B Copywriting

Expert Steve Slaunwhite gets a lot of questions about the opportunity for B2B copywriters. He offers his best, concise answers to the top 7 questions.

6 Key Differences Between Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer Marketing

B2B marketing can be a fast route to the writer's life. And B2B copy can be easy to write. But to be successful, you must know these 6 crucial differences.

Enrollment Closing for AWAI’s LIVE Virtual Business Building Intensive

Enrollment for AWAI’s LIVE Virtual Business Building Intensive is closing tonight. If you’re serious about turning your writing skills into a profitable business in under 30 days, now is your time.

How to Find the Pain Points of Your Ideal Clients

Your self-promotion for copy services should not be about you. Instead, it should be about something very important to your ideal clients. Find out more...

How to Use Direct Messaging for Social Media Marketing Success

Social media is a great place to attract attention with public posts AND it can be an effective way to continue the conversation with direct messaging.

Why Direct-Response Copywriting Is Here to Stay

Many marketers feared direct-mail copywriting would die off when the Web came along. Now there’s a new threat to the direct-response industry. Or is there?

Advice for Earning All 8 AWAI Verified Badges – From Someone Who Just Did It

What’s the key to becoming certified in the eight top copywriting skills? This writer has the answers.

A Secret Way of Starting a Clientless Copywriting Business from Scratch

To start making money fast, Ben Settle shares a proven seven-step plan you can follow from scratch so you can be clientless and make good money.

How to Be the “Jeff Bezos” of Clientless Copywriters

Become the Amazon or Sears Catalog of your niche, and your clientless copywriting business will achieve success with minimal time on your part. Here’s how…

The Case Against Being “Nice” In Your Email Copy

Do you have to be “nice” in your email copy and tell customers what you think they want to hear? Get the low down on how being a “nice guy” and refusing to be honest, can potentially cause your list a lot of pain and suffering.

3 Smart Social Media Goals and How to Achieve Them

There’s a vital key to social media success. Keep it in mind and any social media goal you go after will be instantly more attainable. Discover it here…

Take a Selfie of Your Freelance Website to Attract Web-Copywriting Clients

When potential clients look at your website what impression do they get about you? Make it a professional one to land more web-copywriting clients.

What Are Today’s Top-Paying Gigs in B2B Writing?

What are today’s top-paying B2B writing gigs? Steve Slaunwhite lists six opportunities to make good money writing for the $5.6 million B2B industry.

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