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Living the Writer's Life: Karmin Gentili

Karmin Gentili is still kicking herself for a missed opportunity when she was first starting in the world of copywriting. She was working on AWAI’s Masters Program for Six-Figure Copywriting when she disagreed with the feedback of her tutor... and decided to quit. It was a tutor who just happened to be master copywriter Paul Hollingshead! “Can you believe I threw that amazing opportunity away?!?” Years later, Karmin gave things a second try and has been building a cherished writer’s life that allows her to care for her aging parents. Here’s her story...

Living the Writer's Life: Craig Grossman

Inspiration can come from anywhere. For Craig Grossman, inspiration comes from various aspects of the AWAI courses he’s studied or even from his clients. He’ll take one idea and turn it into a blog article or use it to enhance a website. That is just one of the skills this gourmet-food-brokerage-owner-turned-copywriter uses to run his new B2B copywriting business. Today, Craig truly is an artist and writing is his creative outlet. Enjoy his story…

Write a Quick Case Study Headline — and You Could Earn $200

Practice is the best way to keep improving as an online copywriter. Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from a master.

Living the Writer's Life: Holly Emery

When Holly Emery took AWAI’s Master Certification for Direct Response Copywriters, she was hoping to build a career to take her away from a job in the private sector. Then, a chance referral from a friend who introduced her to a client in the mindset coaching niche. In this interview, you’ll learn how Holly was able to navigate this first big project and even secure a monthly retainer. Plus, you’ll find out how Holly avoids ever having to write under pressure. Her “nightstand trick” may just help you sleep better too!

Living the Writer's Life: Rachael Gray

When she first started, this young woman took the copywriting world by storm — achieving incredible success while still in her 20s. Today, her name is a bit different and her outlook on life has evolved to include meditation, better self-care… and still… incredible copywriting skills. You’ll love this peek into the daily life of copywriting rock star Rachael Aurora Gray.

Living the Writer's Life: John Diamondidis

When did you first decide you might have some writing skill? Was it because of a writing contest? A blog article? Or, like John Diamondidis, was it on a TV set while filming a promo for your professional wrestling career?! We hope you’ll enjoy this interview where John shares some of his top tips for new writers. And remember, when in doubt… “Writers write!”

Living the Writer's Life: David Pederson

David Pederson is proud to live in the land of cowboys, bandits, and bankers… also known as SoCal. He found the world of copywriting through a desperate attempt to keep his job as a database administrator trying to persuade high-level executives to sign off on multimillion-dollar projects. Today, he uses those powers of persuasion to write in the health care and cybersecurity sectors. When asked about his dream location to live and work, David simply replied, “I’m here, writing to you from it.”

Living the Writer's Life: Bernie Boyd

Not everyone who joins AWAI ends up staying in copywriting. For many, this experience becomes a gateway to other opportunities they never expected to find. That’s what happened for Bernie Boyd. She started with AWAI in 2018 and eventually discovered her true passion as a project manager. It just so happened that one of her biggest clients for years was a community run by A-list copywriter Marcella Allison. Enjoy Bernie’s story...

Living the Writer's Life: Jim Abbey

Jim Abbey once asked a client why they had chosen to hire him. Much to his surprise, they mentioned an attraction to the way he laughed at an event they had attended together. Jim decided to take this as a lesson and now “laughs his way to the bank.” He uses the resources from the AWAI community and Circle of Success to build a writing career focused on writing in the sustainability industry. You’ll love the “aha moments” Jim shares that led to his life as a Barefoot Writer.

Living the Writer's Life: Anne Hill

One of Anne Hill’s favorite quotes is from the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. In part, it reads, “I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start over again.” It’s something she reads regularly and has taken to heart. We’re so thrilled Anne was willing to share her story of reinvention and perseverance with us here. Not only has she managed to build a beautiful writer’s life, but she now writes on her terms for clients she loves.

Living the Writer's Life: Lynelle Suan

Lynelle Suan admits she’s a bit “ambitious,” but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! This young copywriter graduated high school in 2020 and jumped almost immediately into her writer’s life. While working from her native Philippines, she’s gaining the benefits of a higher income by working with clients in the United States and United Kingdom. Lynelle has thrown herself into a number of AWAI courses and mentorship programs, and her enthusiasm and drive is an absolute inspiration!

Living the Writer's Life: Peter Smolens

Peter Smolens fell in love with photography the moment he first saw a black-and-white print being developed. He’s also passionate about digital painting and even published a book on the topic. Through a happy set of circumstances, this love of art and photography led him to a career as a technical writer. Peter attributes his success to persistence. He draws inspiration from the adage, “You have to put your butt in the chair and do the work!”

Living the Writer's Life: Candice Lazar

Candice Lazar is a former advertiser and lawyer who discovered how copywriting could give her the freedom to enjoy nonstop adventure with her husband. Since we last talked with Candice in 2017, she has won the AWAI $10K Challenge, which gave her a lot of exposure in the world of copywriting. She also had the chance to work on a campaign with industry legend Brian Kurtz. You’ll love Candice’s thoughts on community and her advice for writers who are just starting out.

Living the Writer's Life: Curtis Dennis

When Curtis Dennis first learned about B2B copywriting, he was worried it would be boring and force him to suppress his fun-loving personality. But, a few months into the gig, he was happy to learn that B2B clients are people too! Now he has traded in expensive gas-guzzling morning commutes as a carpenter for companies like SpaceX for a writer’s life on a beautiful island with the perfect cool temperatures.

Living the Writer's Life: Jim Wright

It’s been 10 years since we last shared the story of veteran writer Jim Wright. Over the last decade, he was able to confront and eventually conquer his longtime feelings of impostor syndrome. Sure… writing can feel like a solitary endeavor, but Jim’s story helps show the value of making connections with others through live events and online networking. We hope you enjoy this special “where are they now” update.

Living the Writer's Life: Amanda Cowart

A 58-cent “raise” from her former employer was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Amanda Cowart. She transitioned into copywriting and has never looked back. In fact, even if she were independently wealthy, Amanda would still choose to do copywriting. That’s because it gives her a tangible way to empower organizations and help improve the lives of people around her. Check out Amanda’s story and pay attention to how she can use a Pomodoro timer to write anything… Yes, anything!

Living the Writer's Life: Roy Furr

We first met Roy Furr 10 years ago when he was building his writer’s life in the financial niche. Since then, Roy has had the chance to learn from some of the greatest masters in our industry and has turned a simple daily email for a few other writers into a lucrative training community. Today, he’s helping the next generation of writers build million-dollar promotions. You’ll love this interview where Roy shares the 1% trick he uses to keep his clients and customers coming back over and over again.

Living the Writer's Life: Heather Robson

When we last interviewed Heather Robson, it was 2012. She was writing white papers and case studies for clients and working hard to grow her business. Now, nine years later, Heather is a leading expert in UX copywriting and is the head of AWAI’s Wealthy Web Writer. But that’s not all! Did you know Heather’s also working on her fourth novel? You’ll love this insider’s look at one of our top instructors. Plus, don’t miss the end, when she shares her special four-day weekend reset technique!

Living the Writer's Life: Jason Gaspero

Jason Gaspero loves the beaches, community, and food on his adopted island home of Koh Phangan in Thailand. Working as a copywriter, he gets his ideas for promotions while enjoying the beach and laughs about how the monkeys are taking over the island. If you’ve ever thought of living your writer’s life overseas, you’ll love this interview where we catch up with Jason — nine years after we first featured him on our pages!

Living the Writer's Life: Peggy Stankiewicz

When Peggy Stankiewicz added copywriting as a side gig, she was hoping to complete 100 projects that first year. Combine her ambitious goal with her steady determination to learn all she could, and it’s no surprise she reached her goal early… three months early! In this interview, you’ll learn how Peggy combines copywriting with her love of fiction writing. She also shares her tips for how to get started with Fiverr when first connecting with clients.

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