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How Copywriting Royalties Work

You can earn professional fees writing copy. But you can earn really big money when you get paid this too. Learn how and set yourself up for big paydays.

5 Sales Copy Editing Tips That Can Double Conversions

Even when you’ve written the best sales copy you can, there are ways you can make it better. In fact, here are five sales copy editing techniques I’ve learned that can double conversions.

5 Lessons I Learned from My Copy Chief

No matter how much experience you have as a writer, one of the fastest ways to improve is to find someone ahead of you and get their feedback on your writing. Here are 5 tips you can use…

Do You Need a College Degree to Be a Copywriter?

New writers want to know if a college degree is going to make or break their careers, so Jen Adams tackles the topic head-on. Here are three points aspiring writers need to hear.

Get Paid $10,000 to Write a Single Letter and Then Get Paid Again Every Time It Mails

Writing direct-response sales letters is how you earn big fees and then a royalty every time your client mails your letter. But to earn these “A-level” fees, you need to know how to develop Big Ideas. Here are 4 ways to do it.

Attract Your Best Copywriting Clients with Personal Branding

Do you want to choose which clients you take on? Be able to decline those you’re just not that into? To attract your vision for your best clients, you need personal branding.

3 Good Reasons for B2B Copywriters to Learn Web Writing

Here are three reasons why all copywriters with an interest in B2B copywriting should also look into web writing — and a few ways to get involved with this growing and lucrative field…

How Many Writers Does a Business Need?

The math tells the story… The writing world holds endless ongoing opportunities. Discover how many writers are needed to meet the growing demands of businesses… and more.

These 6 Projects Are Easy for Clients to Say “Yes” To!

Get your foot in the door and a chance to prove yourself to a new client when you start with simple projects like these six. They’re short, easy for you to learn, and easy to convince a potential client to give you a shot.

Blockbuster Deals (Big Savings) Available on Your Favorite AWAI Products

AWAI’s “Year of the Writer” Sale will only happen a few times this year, so when it does, it’s something you should jump on right away. You can pick up your favorite AWAI product at up to 90% savings.

Summer Camp for Writers

Set yourself up for success by creating your own writer’s “summer camp” experience. Use these resources to learn, grow, try new things, and gain a lasting impact on your writer’s life.

Living the Writer's Life: Ernst-Jan Buijs

Ernst-Jan Buijs grew up in a small city near Rotterdam, Netherlands. While still attending university, he was already thinking about the future. One thing was for sure… the typical 9–5 lifestyle just wasn’t for him. So, Ernst-Jan began looking for opportunities to build his own business. What he was able to build — while traveling Europe in a camper with his girlfriend — is quite astounding! You’ll love his advice for how to grow your own business when your heart longs for adventure.

VIDEO: How to Make Your First $1,000 as a Freelance Writer

Getting your first $1,000 as a writer is a key milestone. There are projects that offer the fastest start. Here are different ways to make your first checks as a freelancer and then build from there.

The Tao of Writing Email Subject Lines

Why aren't your email subject lines working? Steve Slaunwhite has eight questions you can ask yourself to find your own way to great subject lines.

Choosing a Writing Niche: Your Career vs. Your Passion

Deciding on your niche is not always an obvious choice. Here are two different approaches you can try, so you can make your choice and start getting clients and paychecks.

A Brand Spanking New Way for Freelancers Fed Up with Client Work to Build a Clientless Copywriting Business

You can build a copywriting business that does not rely on clients when you use this new option you probably have not heard anywhere else.

3 Tips to Level Up Your Online Networking Game

Whether you're stuck at home because of a pandemic or just not a fan of live events, you can still make amazing connections online. Virtual conferences are using tech tools that have made it easier to connect with other attendees. These 3 tips will help you level up your online networking game.

How to Earn $2,000 Using a Simple Website Content Checklist

If you can follow a simple checklist, take down a few notes, and then present those to your client, you could build a thriving freelance writing career, getting paid as much as $2,000 every single time.

Living the Writer's Life: Colette Rice

Years ago, Colette Rice and her sister took a life-changing trip to Egypt. While exploring a spice market, one vendor proudly told them his family had held the same booth for 250 years. When he saw her look of surprise, he explained, “Here, we think in thousands.” Colette’s fascination with the people in the world around her was the driving force that led her to seek a new career in copywriting. She tried freelancing for a while, but it was an in-house position with a nonprofit company that gave her the writer’s life of her dreams…

Turning Motion into ACTION Fuels Your Writing Business Success

You’re working on building your business every day… but are you just in motion, or are you taking ACTION? If you’re not taking these steps, you may not be making the progress you could be.

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