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If You Want Writing Clients to Take You Seriously, Do This…

Proving what you can do for clients is an important part of building your writing business. Follow these five steps to show prospective clients who you are.

How to Increase Copywriting Proposal Conversions

When working with a new client or on a new project with an existing client, you want to show them why you’re the right one for the job. Here are five ways to increase your proposal conversions and win that project.

TODAY: Free Training on Growing Demand for Writers

Join us LIVE today for an exclusive free training with one of the world’s top content experts. You’ll discover how to take advantage of a massive shift in the industry that’s changing everything.

Content Writers Needed — NOW!

Learn why the demand for writers who specialize in content is off the charts. And how you can use this new surge to catapult your writing career, and grow your income fast.

The Absolute Best Way to Get Expert Help and Feedback on Your Writing

Effective sales letters follow a very specific formula. With the right training, you can become a sales letter writer making high fees and big royalties. Plus, set yourself up for other writing projects as well.

How I Went From Worried, Broke, Job-Juggling 21-Year-Old… to Sales Letter Writing Specialist — in 8 Weeks

There are countless opportunities for writers but the core piece of every campaign is the sales letter. Discover the secret of how a timid newbie went from “sales letter dummy” to sales letter writer in weeks.

Use These Four Words That Generated Over $30 Million in Sales

Learning to write direct-response sales letters is how you reach the status of “A-level” copywriter because you are solving a client’s problem. One element of every sales letter is closing the deal. Here’s how to do that.

4 Proven Steps to Landing Your First Paid Copywriting Project

No matter what career path you’re currently on, if you want to make a living as a writer, you CAN make it happen. Follow these four proven steps, like the new AWAI members share here…

How to Take Advantage of the Growing Demand for Skilled Content Writers — Free Webinar and Q&A

Join us for this FREE webinar to learn why the demand for writers who specialize in content is off the charts. And how you can use this new surge to catapult your writing career, and grow your income fast.

How Copywriting Royalties Work

You can earn professional fees writing copy. But you can earn really big money when you get paid this too. Learn how and set yourself up for big paydays.

5 Sales Copy Editing Tips That Can Double Conversions

Even when you’ve written the best sales copy you can, there are ways you can make it better. In fact, here are five sales copy editing techniques I’ve learned that can double conversions.

5 Lessons I Learned from My Copy Chief

No matter how much experience you have as a writer, one of the fastest ways to improve is to find someone ahead of you and get their feedback on your writing. Here are 5 tips you can use…

Do You Need a College Degree to Be a Copywriter?

New writers want to know if a college degree is going to make or break their careers, so Jen Adams tackles the topic head-on. Here are three points aspiring writers need to hear.

Get Paid $10,000 to Write a Single Letter and Then Get Paid Again Every Time It Mails

Writing direct-response sales letters is how you earn big fees and then a royalty every time your client mails your letter. But to earn these “A-level” fees, you need to know how to develop Big Ideas. Here are 4 ways to do it.

Attract Your Best Copywriting Clients with Personal Branding

Do you want to choose which clients you take on? Be able to decline those you’re just not that into? To attract your vision for your best clients, you need personal branding.

3 Good Reasons for B2B Copywriters to Learn Web Writing

Here are three reasons why all copywriters with an interest in B2B copywriting should also look into web writing — and a few ways to get involved with this growing and lucrative field…

How Many Writers Does a Business Need?

The math tells the story… The writing world holds endless ongoing opportunities. Discover how many writers are needed to meet the growing demands of businesses… and more.

These 6 Projects Are Easy for Clients to Say “Yes” To!

Get your foot in the door and a chance to prove yourself to a new client when you start with simple projects like these six. They’re short, easy for you to learn, and easy to convince a potential client to give you a shot.

Blockbuster Deals (Big Savings) Available on Your Favorite AWAI Products

AWAI’s “Year of the Writer” Sale will only happen a few times this year, so when it does, it’s something you should jump on right away. You can pick up your favorite AWAI product at up to 90% savings.

Summer Camp for Writers

Set yourself up for success by creating your own writer’s “summer camp” experience. Use these resources to learn, grow, try new things, and gain a lasting impact on your writer’s life.

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