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5 Ways to Hold Your Reader’s Attention Through to the End

Grabbing your reader’s attention is only the first step. After that you need to hold your reader’s attention. Here are five ways to do that…

How to Get That Coveted Conversational Tone in Your Writing

You’ve heard of the ugly first draft… which you never want to turn in to a client. Especially if the sentences are formal, stilted, and (yawn)… Boorrrinng. Here’s how to make sure you get the coveted conversational tone.

Create an Ideal Buyer Persona for Your Business

Do you know who your ideal buyer is? When you create an ideal buyer persona, you’ll give yourself a number of marketing advantages.

Use Intention-Based Marketing to Boost Your B2B Business Results

Marketing your B2B freelance business is a requirement if you want clients… but haphazard methods yield haphazard results. Use intention-based marketing for a business-winning strategy.

5 Quick and Easy Tips to Organize Your Virtual Workspace

When you work as a freelancer, your computer plays a critical role in your workflow. Use these 5 tips to organize your virtual workspace.

Should You Call Out Bad Content?

You’ve probably received or seen bad content — a poorly designed offer, a confusing sales letter, a wordy and dense web page… Should you point it out to the company while offering to fix it? Maybe… if you do it the right way.

Take the “Strong Start” Challenge

Get your year off to a strong start! Whether you’re a new or established freelance writer, get your business in order and set yourself up for a great year.

Developing Affinity Marketing Partnerships

Affinity marketing partnerships give your marketing leverage when you work with other businesses that also serve your clients. See how it’s done.

Make Your B2B Copywriting "Lean" into Persuasion

B2B copywriting has a unique challenge… it has to persuade people with different roles and different goals. That’s why it’s important to understand what drives both an operations manager and a CEO to make a purchase decision. And to create copy that speaks to each one.

A 5-Day Plan to Set Your 2021 Business Goals

January 2021 is coming up fast. With less than two months left in 2020, this five-step plan with help you set business goals for the next year.

Show Your Expertise with a Curated Newsletter

Thinking of launching an email newsletter, but feel overwhelmed by the content creation you’ll need to do? Launch a curated newsletter instead.

3 Ways to Never Run Out of Ideas for Your Blog

Coming up with ideas for your blog can be a fun process when you use these three methods. You’ll find the ideas aren’t going to run out… if anything, they’ll come easier than ever before.

Writing a Reader-Focused Newsletter - 5 Approaches that Work

Writing a reader-focused email newsletter can be a gamechanger (for you or your clients). It helps you connect with you audience and pulls in work.

How Waiting Until the Last Minute Can Be a Smart Time Management Trick

How often do you find yourself waiting until the last minute to get started on a project? You may have stumbled on to a secret to getting things done.

How to Estimate Project Time – Tips for Freelance Web Writers

When you’re working as a freelance web writer, you need a plan for how to estimate project time, so you can set sensible fees. These tips will help.

7 Tips on How — Not Where — to Find Writing Clients

No one has ever asked expert Gordon Graham this question, yet he calls the answer a key to success. Here are seven tips that work for any writing project.

Feeling Disorganized? 5 Tools to Get You Back on Track

Do you ever feel like your scrambling to keep track of your ideas, your deadlines, your time? These time management tools for writers can be a lifesaver.

Achieve Your B2B Copywriting Goals by Doing This Every Single Day

Use this software industry technique to hit every one of your B2B copywriting goals this year, without herculean effort. It all starts with optimizing for the starting line rather than the finish line.

Is Guest Blogging a Good Strategy for Web Writers?

Guest blogging for web writers? Is it a strategy that makes sense? When you guest blog on other people’s platforms, you can accomplish two important goals.

5 Metrics You Should Track for Your Freelance Writing Business

Instead of getting lost in data to track your freelance writing business, focus on these five key performance indicators to keep your finger on the pulse of your small business.

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