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Use This Single Writing Skill to Create a Massive Freelance Writing Income

Companies are increasing the money they allocate to advertising online, especially for email marketing. It gives them one of the highest returns on their investment. But, they need well-trained email writers.

Is Email Your Ticket to Being a Successful Freelance Writer?

Virtually every business uses email to communicate with customers… and they need writers. For a quick start to making money, here’s why writing these short, fun projects could be an ideal option.

New Writer and Don’t Know Where to Start? Do This...

Follow a simple path to make real progress toward your writer’s life. Here are four action steps to get started with the one skill every writer should learn today.

4 Ways You Can Make the Case for Hiring You as a Freelancer

Just like you make the case to prospects for why your client’s product or service is their best choice, you can make the case to your prospects that you, the freelancer, are their best choice. Here are four ways to do that.

To Make Your Writing Life an Adventure, Just Say “Yes!”

How will you answer when a prospect asks you to write something new: with self-doubt, with questions that stall for time, or with confidence? Here’s what you should do…

Taking Your Web Writing from Side Hustle to Full Time Income

Are you a part time writer hoping to become a full-time writer? See this freelance web writer’s six-step plan for going full time.

The Best “Feel Good” Opportunity for Writers — And It Pays Well, Too

UX copywriting gives you the opportunity to help your clients better serve their customers. Discover what it is, where to find clients, and why it offers a high level of work satisfaction.

How to Achieve Your Writing Goals with 1% a Day

You can make a 37% improvement in your freelance writing business this year if you adopt this simple tactic. Here are eight steps to try to move you toward greater success.

One Decision Helped This Member Build a Six-Figure Writing Career

Joining Circle of Success is one of the best decisions you can make to advance your career and get on the path to building a six-figure writing income.

LinkedIn Reveals the Top Writing Jobs of 2021

Writers nabbed three of the top spots on LinkedIn’s list of the most in-demand jobs this year. Here’s more about each opportunity, and how you can land these jobs ASAP.

Congratulations to the Winner of AWAI’s Sales Letter Writing Certification Copy Project with a $5,000 Start Fee Plus Royalties

Senior Copy Chief Sandy Franks announces the winner of AWAI’s $5,000 Sales Letter Writing Certification Spec Challenge.

Living the Writer's Life: Rob Gramer

Sitting around a conference room at his old engineering job was never going to be enough for Rob Gramer. He craved something more… a career where he could engage his curiosity, make serious money, and WIN. Lucky for Rob, he found an early mentor in copywriting legend Mark Ford and was able to build a brand new career. Today, Rob is a successful direct-response copywriter with multiple controls for large companies. Here’s his story…

Find Your Ideal Writer’s Path FAST with Barefoot Writer Magazine

Barefoot Writer magazine walks you through top answers to the biggest questions in starting a paid writer’s life — and shows you pathways to a lucrative writing career.

4 Cs and an F that I’ve Learned Are Essential to Success as a Social Media Manager

Become an expert in this specialty and you can have writing success doing short projects. Michele Peterson reveals five guidelines for a steady stream of retainer income.


AWAI announces their annual “State of the Industry” Virtual Summit… which brings together 12 writing and marketing experts to share industry trends and opportunities with attendees.

How You Can Create a Valuable Giveaway to Attract New Leads

Does the thought of creating an e-book for your business overwhelm you? What will you write about? Who will want to read it? How will it be seen? If you follow the guidance inside, your e-book will be a valuable giveaway that attracts new leads for your business.

6 Reasons Every Writer Should Offer Social Media Services

Being a social media writer offers six important benefits that help you land more clients and make you an integral part of their marketing campaigns.

3 Tips to Get Speaking Gigs that Will Build Your Business

Public speaking at events where your target audience will be is a smart way to get clients. Find out how to get speaking gigs.

With Billions of People Hooked on Social Media… It’s a GREAT Time to Become a Social Media Expert

With over 4 billion people using social media, businesses need help from social media writers to connect with prospective customers. Here are three good reasons why social media can expand your career.

How a Painted Baseball Transformed the Heart of a Town Through the Power of Story

As a storyteller and video artist, Andrew Davis has a history of weaving the two together in a way that creates something memorable. Here’s an example of how he does it…

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