This Week from AWAI …

The Biggest “Writer Success Move” of the Decade?!?

The last time we saw an opportunity even remotely this big was in early 2021 …

 … when e-commerce experienced ten years’ worth of explosive growth in just 90 days, because of the pandemic.

That one single event set up so many writers for huge wins in their careers.

Now, there’s an even bigger, far more epic opportunity.

The kind that comes around only once in a lifetime.

And it’s available if you make THIS critical shift now.

Keep Reading…

Total "Newbie" to Paid Writing?

4 Days to $400 Writing Challenge

If You Dream of Being a Well-Paid, Work-From-Anywhere Writer, BUT…

  • You’ve NEVER written a word of copy…
  • You’ve not done ANY training…
  • You have ZERO samples, no portfolio…


A BRAND-NEW training program with ONE SOLITARY GOAL… to get you paid!


Did you miss today’s free event? FREE TRAINING: How to Futureproof Your Freelance Writing Business NOW

Click Here to Watch the Replay

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Get Predictable Writing Income with Retainer Deals — Free Webinar and Q&A

Find out how you can land retainer deals for steady freelance writing projects — and paychecks — you can count on month after month.

Your Invitation to Join the World’s #1 Professional Organization for Freelance Writers — $1 Membership Offer Ends at Midnight

Membership in this premier group provides freelance writers with numerous exclusive resources to help build careers and achieve the writer’s life. Find out more!

Living the Writer's Life: Jim Wright

It’s been 10 years since we last shared the story of veteran writer Jim Wright. Over the last decade, he was able to confront and eventually conquer his longtime feelings of impostor syndrome. Sure… writing can feel like a solitary endeavor, but Jim’s story helps show the value of making connections with others through live events and online networking. We hope you enjoy this special “where are they now” update.

Living the Writer's Life: Amanda Cowart

A 58-cent “raise” from her former employer was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Amanda Cowart. She transitioned into copywriting and has never looked back. In fact, even if she were independently wealthy, Amanda would still choose to do copywriting. That’s because it gives her a tangible way to empower organizations and help improve the lives of people around her. Check out Amanda’s story and pay attention to how she can use a Pomodoro timer to write anything… Yes, anything!

AWAI announces Winners of The 2022 Bright Future Scholarships

AWAI is thrilled to announce eight Bright Future Scholarship winners who will each receive $10,000 of credit toward any AWAI programs or services they choose to help them on their copywriting journey.

Living the Writer's Life: Roy Furr

We first met Roy Furr 10 years ago when he was building his writer’s life in the financial niche. Since then, Roy has had the chance to learn from some of the greatest masters in our industry and has turned a simple daily email for a few other writers into a lucrative training community. Today, he’s helping the next generation of writers build million-dollar promotions. You’ll love this interview where Roy shares the 1% trick he uses to keep his clients and customers coming back over and over again.

Living the Writer's Life: Heather Robson

When we last interviewed Heather Robson, it was 2012. She was writing white papers and case studies for clients and working hard to grow her business. Now, nine years later, Heather is a leading expert in UX copywriting and is the head of AWAI’s Wealthy Web Writer. But that’s not all! Did you know Heather’s also working on her fourth novel? You’ll love this insider’s look at one of our top instructors. Plus, don’t miss the end, when she shares her special four-day weekend reset technique!

5 Things You Can Do to Position Yourself as a Professional Writer - TODAY! — Free Webinar and Q&A

Join this free Inside AWAI session that will turn you from beginner to professional in under an hour. And set you up to attract well-paying writing clients looking to find a professional copy or content writer.

$200 Prize Winners Announced for The Writer’s Life Hydroponic Herb Garden Email Contest

From over 450 submissions, Nick Usborne announces the 3 winners of the $200 prize from our writing contest about the Hydroponic Herb Garden Cleaner in The Writer’s Life.

White Papers: The $1,000 Per Page Writing Project — Free Webinar and Q&A

Find out writers get paid more to write a couple of these 7-page documents than most authors earn from a 300-page book!

Your Client-less Copywriting Playback Is Here!

What an Amazing Event! A Virtual “Masterclass” for Building Your Own Million-Dollar Client-less Copywriting Business … From Someone Who’s Doing It Now — and Has Helped Countless Others Do It Too!

We’re going LIVE at noon!

Join today’s live “client-less” copywriting event with Ben Settle and Rebecca Matter! You’ll hear all kinds of amazing tips for setting up your client-less writing business that you won’t want to miss…

Living the Writer's Life: Jason Gaspero

Jason Gaspero loves the beaches, community, and food on his adopted island home of Koh Phangan in Thailand. Working as a copywriter, he gets his ideas for promotions while enjoying the beach and laughs about how the monkeys are taking over the island. If you’ve ever thought of living your writer’s life overseas, you’ll love this interview where we catch up with Jason — nine years after we first featured him on our pages!

Living the Writer's Life: Peggy Stankiewicz

When Peggy Stankiewicz added copywriting as a side gig, she was hoping to complete 100 projects that first year. Combine her ambitious goal with her steady determination to learn all she could, and it’s no surprise she reached her goal early… three months early! In this interview, you’ll learn how Peggy combines copywriting with her love of fiction writing. She also shares her tips for how to get started with Fiverr when first connecting with clients.

Watch Now: Is UX Writing the Future of Copywriting?

UX Copywriting is fast becoming a skill every copywriter needs to stay ahead of the competition. But what is it, exactly? And how can you use it in your own writing?

Congratulations to Our Latest Winner of AWAI’s Site Content Audit Report Challenge — Awarded with $2,000

Pam Foster announces the winner of AWAI’s latest $2,000 Site Content Audit Report Challenge. The winner shared strategies for how she netted a 99.4 score out of 100 on the report, along with feedback after her Certification experience.

Are You Ready to Play… “Which One Won?” A Lively Copy Review with Carline Anglade-Cole!

Check out this lively session where Carline Anglade-Cole, million-dollar health copywriter turned game show host 😉, shares the results of several copywriting tests, from conservative approaches to “crazy covers.”

We Want to Help You Achieve Your Writing Goals in 2022… How Can We Best Serve YOU?

With marketing spend soaring, and the demand for writers at an all-time high, 2022 is going to be a HUGE year for writers. Let us know how we can help you achieve your goals.

Writing for Good: How to Thrive as a Freelance Writer for Nonprofits and Causes — Free Webinar and Q&A

If you’d love to build a freelance writing career as a professional resource for nonprofits and causes… join us to discover your many opportunities with charitable organizations, local service organizations, trade associations, marketing agencies that serve nonprofits, and businesses that promote causes they support.

Living the Writer's Life: Thomas Blake

Thomas Blake followed a twisty path in life before he landed on B2B copywriting. But today, he’s living his writer’s life while enjoying a newfound hobby of drawing pencil sketches. He even managed to score a free art course in exchange for his blog-writing services. Read below to learn Thomas’ advice for how to avoid burnout and one sneaky trick to make sure you’re always writing in a conversational tone.

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