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Living the Writer's Life: Jen Phillips April

When I spoke to her from her writing office in Playa del Carmen, where she’s been for six years, Jen Phillips April looked refreshed and sun-kissed. But that wasn’t always the story… Discover how she decided she’d had her fill of Pennsylvania winters and what brought about the glorious new writer’s life in the tropics that she’s enjoying now.

Living the Writer's Life: Dave Sharpe

Self-professed “bad employee” Dave Sharpe desired nothing more than control within his own life. When a piece of sales content caught his eye, he discovered how writing might be the key to his escape. Read on to learn how he transitioned from always wanting more to being the head of his own writing agency in a trajectory that’s changed not only his life but the lives of those closest to him.

Discovering a New Mission: 3 Reasons Why Freelance Writing Is One of the Best Jobs for Veterans with PTSD

Looking for your next career? Freelance writing is an excellent option, especially for veterans who have experienced PTSD. With opportunities for therapeutic writing, flexible work arrangements, and connection with others, freelance writing can be a fulfilling career choice. Read more here.

Living the Writer's Life: Tom Gerencer

Tom Gerencer always had an eye for outdoor fun and committed to living where he could satisfy that need. But when money grew tight at the same time his family expanded, he needed a reliable fix. His two requirements were better-than-minimum-wage income and not being tied to an office. Not only did writing satisfy both needs, but he took it to a whole other level. Read on to discover how this born adventurer is making the most of his writer’s life.

Living the Writer's Life: Cindy Cyr

When Cindy Cyr’s boss refused to give her leave to travel to her dying sister’s side, the wheels of change were forever put in motion. But Cindy was able to make sweeping changes to her life pretty quickly, thanks to the opportunities she found through writing. Because of her bold actions, she’s never again faced the pain of being barred from spending time with a loved one when they were in need. Discover how her new path has paid off a hundred-fold since.

Don’t miss out on the “September Advantage”

Right now is the perfect time to declare your independence and build a writer’s life of freedom, flexibility, and control. Don’t miss out on the “September Advantage.” We’ll help you launch a well-paid writing career in just five days.

7 Ways to Make Money Writing from Home

Writing can take you where you want to go in life… Especially if where you want to go is anywhere but back to the office! You can work from home and make money writing when you start building up your freelance skills with these seven easy-to-learn writing projects.

Living the Writer's Life: Jon Stoltzfus

Jon Stoltzfus was at the height of his career as an aerospace engineer, looking from the outside like he had it all: high-six-figure salary, prestige, and influence. But on the inside, he was miserable. He turned an eye toward writing but didn’t take the plunge till a major life catalyst nudged him forward. But once he committed to copywriting, he committed fully. Discover how his writing career took shape and how he’s made the most of it since.

Living the Writer's Life: Julia Borgini

Julia Borgini’s work life always involved writing in some capacity, but it didn’t take long for her to realize not all writing jobs are created equal. When life took a stressful turn and she needed a change, the appeal of more autonomy and creativity brought copywriting to the forefront. Read on to discover how she melded her previous career skills with freelancing, and how she’s built a joyful writing life that’s still going strong more than a decade later.

TODAY ONLY: Get immediate access to The AWAI Method™ for just $29

Grab access to AWAI’s premier copywriting program for only $29 TODAY ONLY!

Earn Up To 30% More Than Other Writers…

Writers who understand user experience (UX) principles and know how to write UX copy earn up to 30% more per project. Grab this deal before it’s gone!

Boost Your Income Writing UX Copy

UX is something every writer should know and understand. This program will quickly get you up to speed!

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Money Magic

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and special guest, Terri Trespicio, talk about money, and how your relationship with money impacts your success.

3 Reasons to Join Our Private Bootcamp Facebook Community Now!

Register for Bootcamp and become part of our growing, enthusiastic group of Bootcamp attendees and experts, along with AWAI team members, who are already connecting in the private Bootcamp Facebook community.

Meet Bootcamp Speaker Terri Trespicio Award-Winning Writer, Speaker, and Brand Advisor

In this high-energy conversation with Jade Trueblood, AWAI's Director of Training, Terri talks about your unique, important value (don't worry about AI!)... the people who value great copy (your future clients)... and much more.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Overcome Blocks & Find Your Flow

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and special guest, Terri Trespicio, talk about overcoming writing blocks and how to find your flow.

How to Shift from a Fixed to a Growth Mindset… and Catapult Forward to Writing Success

Mindset is the way you perceive your external world, which determines how you think, feel, or act in a situation. This deep dive into fixed mindset (a limited perspective on your potential) vs. growth mindset (an expansive perspective) offers six tips for shifting your mindset for greater success.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: The Comfort Zone Myth

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and special guest, Terri Trespicio, talk about the comfort zone myth.

Living the Writer's Life: Jonas Munnich

Jonas Munnich began his career in sales because he’d heard it would be a good option for anyone hoping to be successful in business and entrepreneurship. Selling over the phone was not a great fit, but the concept of crafting words to persuade and improve sales fascinated him. Then a life-changing quiz set him on a direct path to copywriting and the promise of a terrific career. Read on to discover how...

AI, EI, and Life Lessons: A Chat with Bootcamp Speaker Nick Usborne

Nick Usborne is a trailblazer in digital marketing, always eager to explore new technologies and stay ahead of the curve. In this pre-Bootcamp conversation with AWAI's Jade Trueblood, Nick delves into the topic of AI and ChatGPT, addressing their potential benefits and drawbacks.

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