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Six In-Demand Writing Projects that Dramatically Up Your Income

Learn these six in-demand B2B projects and you could find yourself launching a very lucrative freelance writing career in a short period of time.

Why Companies Will Pay You $3,000 to $5,000 for This Kind of Writing

Wake up every day knowing you have a never-ending stream of high-paying writing projects — and as many as you choose to take on because now more than ever, companies need email writers.

Copywriting for Beginners: Your Step-by-Step Guide

As a copywriting beginner, you’re in the right place to find out how to become a copywriter. Here are 5 steps to get started writing.

This Kind of Writing Is Considered the “Holy Grail” of Copywriting

Companies NEED SKILLED WRITERS like never before. But it’s writers who can craft a direct-response digital marketing campaign from start to finish that command the biggest fees and are always in demand.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Thriving as a Writer in VUCA Times

In today’s Monday Motivation for Writers session, Ted Capshaw and Jade Trueblood will talk about what it means to be living in VUCA times...How to use your awareness of the state of the economy and the world to pivot your business and your life...And how to set yourself up to thrive as a writer in spite of the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity that surrounds us.

Living the Writer's Life: David Pederson

David Pederson is proud to live in the land of cowboys, bandits, and bankers… also known as SoCal. He found the world of copywriting through a desperate attempt to keep his job as a database administrator trying to persuade high-level executives to sign off on multimillion-dollar projects. Today, he uses those powers of persuasion to write in the health care and cybersecurity sectors. When asked about his dream location to live and work, David simply replied, “I’m here, writing to you from it.”

Starting a Writing Career in a Recession: AWAI Is in the News!

Freelance writing? In this economy? Watch this news story about AWAI success Sean McCool, who started during the Great Recession and is still going strong!

Freelance Writing Opportunities for All Stages of the Customer Journey

As a freelance writer, you can help your clients foster satisfying customer interactions through all stages of the customer journey, with messages that resonate and keep them happy.

How to Get Paid to Write: How to Land the Best-Paying Writing Jobs

Get paid to write by following these 6 tips. Copywriting can be a lucrative and fun career; learn how to make money doing what you love.

These In-Demand Projects Pay $3,000 up to $5,000 or More

Well-trained web copywriters are in-demand more than ever and clients are willing to shell out big money to hire you to write their most pressing projects.

Living the Writer's Life: Bernie Boyd

Not everyone who joins AWAI ends up staying in copywriting. For many, this experience becomes a gateway to other opportunities they never expected to find. That’s what happened for Bernie Boyd. She started with AWAI in 2018 and eventually discovered her true passion as a project manager. It just so happened that one of her biggest clients for years was a community run by A-list copywriter Marcella Allison. Enjoy Bernie’s story...

The 10 BEST Digital Copywriting Opportunities for Writers Today — Free Webinar and Q&A

The opportunities for digital copywriters are so vast - and growing at a breakneck speed – that, with the right persuasive writing skills, you could earn a great living writing about any topic you choose and specializing in a wide variety of project types. Watch to discover 10 of the best digital copywriting projects for new and experienced writers, alike.

How to Learn Copywriting: 5 Insider Tips to Become an In-Demand Expert

If you want to know how to learn copywriting in the fastest way possible, follow these 5 insider tips and you'll be an in-demand copywriter in no time.

7 Specific Ways You Can Help the Companies Who Need You NOW More Than Ever… and Thrive as a Writer at the Same Time!

Here are seven ways you can help any client’s business — and set your writing career on a rocket path to success.

True Story of the $80-Million Missing Hyphen

Earn extra money, as much as $300 per day, working behind-the-scenes to help every serious business get the most out of every piece of copy and content they produce and publish.

What Is Freelance Copywriting? (And Why Writers Love It)

What is freelance copywriting? Learn why it’s a great career opportunity for writers, and how to get started.

Skilled Writers Needed Now for This Exploding Niche

The demand for trained writers who know how to write sales enablement copy for the B2B industry is surging. You could easily get paid $1,000 for a few hours of writing.

Find Your First Writing Clients in This Trillion Dollar Market

Salespeople make money on sales, and they need supporting materials like emails, scripts, and slide decks to help them. That’s where sales enablement writers come in. Discover more about this new opportunity here…

How Some Writers Earn Up to $6,000 a Day

If you start a blog, it’s possible you could earn as much as $6,000 per day writing about subjects you enjoy or have a passion for. Or you could use your blogging skill to land more clients. Both options can lead to financial independence and lifestyle freedom.

Living the Writer's Life: Jim Abbey

Jim Abbey once asked a client why they had chosen to hire him. Much to his surprise, they mentioned an attraction to the way he laughed at an event they had attended together. Jim decided to take this as a lesson and now “laughs his way to the bank.” He uses the resources from the AWAI community and Circle of Success to build a writing career focused on writing in the sustainability industry. You’ll love the “aha moments” Jim shares that led to his life as a Barefoot Writer.

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