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Take the “Strong Start” Challenge

Get your year off to a strong start! Whether you’re a new or established freelance writer, get your business in order and set yourself up for a great year.

Setting Goals Based on Where You’re At in Your Writer’s Journey

You set goals because you want to make your life better. Here are some different goal-setting approaches that might work best — based on where you’re at in your writing journey.

5 Big Benefits of Meditation for Writers

For writers, meditation has big benefits — here you can discover five of them. Heather Robson takes a look at what meditation is, how it can help you as a writer, and simple ways to get started.

10 Bloggers Who Could Turn Your World Upside Down… in a Good Way!

Launching your own blog can be life-changing, as the 10 stories shared here illustrate. Starting with a simple blog, these writers are now making huge money, and they want to show you how to do it.

3 Ways to Never Run Out of Ideas for Your Blog

Coming up with ideas for your blog can be a fun process when you use these three methods. You’ll find the ideas aren’t going to run out… if anything, they’ll come easier than ever before.

10 Reasons You Might Be a UX Copywriter and Just Not Know It Yet

Every website could benefit from user experience (UX) copy. Here are 10 ways to know if UX is the key to building a writing business that will fill you with purpose.

The 5 Easiest Projects for a UX Copywriter

Prospects abandon shopping carts at a rate of almost 70%. An effective UX Copywriter can help eliminate bad user experiences by writing five key essential but often overlooked projects.

5 Short, Simple Writing Projects You Can Build a Career (And a Nice Lifestyle) On

Make a good living writing simple projects of the “there’s more where that came from” variety. Here are five fun, easy-to-learn projects you can build your business around.

Write a Powerful, 309-Word Blog Post about a Good Night’s Sleep

Practice is a great way to improve as a content writer. Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from a content expert.

How to Talk to Your Niche

Choosing your niche is an important step. But, what comes next is even more important… You need to figure out how to talk to your niche.

Is Your Fear of [Fill in the Blank] Holding You Back?

Many freelancers have an on-again, off-again relationship with fear. Here’s a 5-step plan so you can take action, build your business, and reach success.

3 Ways to Open a Story That Will Hook Your Reader Fast

Weaving a story into your copy or content can make it more engaging and drive better results. These 3 story leads will help you open strong…

Web Writing Trends Spell Big Opportunity for Writers Like You

Businesses spending more marketing dollars online means more money and opportunity for web writers. Discover key trends so you can be an early specialist.

Is This Missing From Your Daily Routine?

Do you include a daily fast write as part of your routine? If not, you might be missing out on some big writing and business benefits. See what they are…

Is Kitchen Sink Syndrome Killing Your Productivity?

You’ve heard of Shiny Object Syndrome. But what about Kitchen Sink Syndrome? Find out if you’ve got it and what to do about it for better productivity.

4 Goal-Setting Alternatives that Can Yield Big Success This Year

Setting goals is a powerful way to achieve more. But if you struggle with typical goal setting or want to try something new, check out these approaches.

3 Smart Social Media Goals and How to Achieve Them

There’s a vital key to social media success. Keep it in mind and any social media goal you go after will be instantly more attainable. Discover it here…

How to Build Your Business Fast with a 30-Day Challenge

Building momentum toward your goals is faster and more fun when you try this jump-start tactic. To make real progress in a short time frame, try this.

Writing an Indoctrination Series for Your Clients

An indoctrination series is an email sequence that new subscribers receive to help them get to know, like, and trust you.

10 Resources You Can Use to Become a Better Writer

To help you get off to a great start this year, here are 10 resources to help you become a better writer fast. You’ll be more organized and a faster writer.

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