AWAI Writer’s Blog

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The Most Important Words in Copywriting

Ask many writers what the most important word in copywriting is, they’ll say “free” or “you.” They’re wrong. That honor belongs to words called “the heartbeat of a sentence."

How, When, and Why You Need an Updated Headshot

Discover why it’s essential to get an updated headshot to market your writing business, and learn tips for making sure the photo you get is as good as possible.

So, What Exactly Is Business-to-Business Copywriting?

We’ve been talking this week about Business-to-Business copywriting. Only I left out a major part of this discussion … exactly what B2B copywriting is.

Want to Be a Good Writer? Read Widely. Read Wisely. Read These Books.

Over the years I’ve read many books on copywriting. But two fiction books have taught me more about effective writing than any of these.

How Writing Fiction Makes You a Better Copywriter

Find out why fiction and copywriting are closely related, and how if you want to excel at one if might be worth it to look into the other.

Tune Out Your Lizard Brain for Big-Writing Success

Discover why you should tune out the “lizard” part of your brain if you hope to achieve big writing success, and find out what to do instead.

How to Find the Online Copywriting Work You’ll Love Most

Want to be an online copywriter but unsure what to write about? Here are some tips to identify the kinds on online writing projects you’ll really love to work on.

Earn a Living as a Copywriter and Retire Early

Copywriters often make as much money or more than doctors and lawyers, and they get the added benefit of being able to retire early.

The Benefits of Being an AWAI Member

Living the writer’s life comes in many forms. You don’t have to work 14 hours a day or wake up early. You can pick what works best for you and still earn a handsome living.

Anyone Can Be a Copywriter … But Not Everyone Should!

Discover how not to sell yourself short as a copywriter and why it’s vital to go after clients who already value what you do, instead of having to persuade.

Having the Right Perspective Will Create Success and Happiness in Your Life

Your limitations are not keeping you from achieving your dreams. Change your perspective and use those challenges to guide you to success.

How to Use the Power of Your Limitations to Achieve Your Goals

We all have limitations. But, instead of using them as excuses not to succeed, use them to fuel your success.

Why You Should Drop Preconceived Ideas About Your Ability to Write

Discover the five essential steps for launching a paid writing career at hyper speed — including what to do right away and what to forget immediately.

How to Compete with the Top Pros in Freelance Copywriting

Here are some tips for competing with top-level freelance copywriters who may have much more experience and better credentials than you.

Jay Abraham’s Key Secret to Copywriting Mastery

Developing empathy for your prospect will make you a much more successful copywriter. Empathy is broken down into three heartfelt parts.

A Simple Template for Faster Content Writing

Writing content is a great path for becoming a freelance writer. In this article, discover a template for writing faster and keeping writer’s block away.

How to Start Any Writing Project

These three steps will make it easy to organize your ideas, and ensure that your writing flows.

The “Storytelling” Niche for Writers That Brings You $1,500 to $2,000 Per Project

Meet Casey Hibbard and discover the writing opportunity where you help companies tell their stories—plus, pocket $1,500 to $2,000 every time!

Funnel Basics: How Much Should You Charge a Client for a Funnel?

Funnels have high value to clients… and they carry high price tags, too. Here’s a quick survey of the current (2015) market rates.

Funnel Basics: What Are the Key Parts of a Marketing Funnel?

Funnels have several key parts that make them work. Learn these parts and you’re well on your way to making a great income building your own funnels.

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