This Week from AWAI …

Labor Day Deal: 75% OFF Our Groundbreaking Training

You can boost the results of everything you write …

And Sandy Franks will teach you how to do it using her personal Core Story Framework.

Over 12 high-impact sessions, Sandy will take you from storytelling novice to narrative master, transforming the way you communicate.

She’ll show you all her tips and tricks for crafting compelling stories that will touch your readers and motivate them to take action … and make your clients (and their competitors!) take notice.

This is a crucial skill in today’s age of heavy messaging, AI, and content overwhelm …

And you can start learning it right now and save 75%!

Grab it here!

Get Published, Get Paid!

I want to personally help you get into the paid-writing game NOW!

By helping YOU get your first byline AND your first paycheck as a professional writer.

I’ll share everything I know about writing the kinds of articles we here at AWAI (and thousands of other companies doing digital marketing) pay for and publish.

Then, you’ll take what I show you and write an article for AWAI.

My marketing team and I will review ALL submissions. If we like what we see, we’ll PUBLISH your article AND pay you for it. And there’s no limit to the number of articles we’ll choose.

So if you’re ready to get your first “win” under your belt …

Let me show you how to do it.

Free Webinar:
Inside the Ever-Growing Demand for B2B Writers

Friday, September 6, at 12 p.m. ET 👇

Access Instructions Here

Browse Recent News

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Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Kim Krause Schwalm

Kim Krause Schwalm sheds light on the earning potential in the copywriting world.

Where to Find the Best Copywriting Jobs

Find clients with confidence and land high paying copywriting jobs.

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Joshua Boswell

Discover how a career in writing led once-broke Joshua Boswell to achieve his wildest dreams

High Paying B2B Copywriting Jobs

$500 per project and up for these easy-to-do copywriting jobs in the B2B niche.

Interview with Barefoot Writers: Katie Yeakle and Rebecca Matter

Never-before-shared insights from Barefoot Writer Publishers, Katie Yeakle and Rebecca Matter, on what makes AWAI so effective at helping writing dreams come true.

COS Membership Brings Copywriting Jobs

Elizabeth Blessing enjoys the support of fellow COS members, as well as the high-paying copywriting job she’s offered when contacting clients.

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Paul Hollingshead

Paul Hollingshead on how he went from drudgery to the kind of lifestyle most writers only dream of

Special Announcement: American Writers & Artists Institute Names Jedd Canty as 2017 Copywriter of the Year

2017 Copywriter Jedd Canty tells us all about his journey into copywriting and the Financial niche. Check out what he shares in an interview with Katie after being announced at this year's Fast Track to Copywriting Success Bootcamp and Job Fair

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Lynn Biederstadt

Lynn Biederstadt discusses the opportunities and advantages of life as an agency copywriter

Fastest Way to Learn Copywriting and Land Copywriting Jobs

Hands-on practice and feedback in AWAI’s Copywriters Initiative ensures you get the skills you need to get copywriting jobs.

Don’t Let These 3 Niche Misconceptions Hold You Back

Christina Gillick thought being a generalist copywriter was the best choice… until she realized she had three big misconceptions about choosing a niche.

Smart Networking for Copywriting Jobs

You can make the contacts you need to land high-paying copywriting jobs with PWA.

Only A Few Seats Left for Bootcamp!

It's not too late to sign up for 2017 FastTrack to Copywriting Success Bootcamp and Job Fair...there's still just a few seats left AND a chance to save $300 on your registration. Get all the details and sign up - before it's too late!

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Pam Neely

Author and Internet Marketer Pam Neely talks candidly about her freedom-filled, entrepreneurial-driven writer’s life.

Test-Drive Your Way to Freedom - Here!

Copywriting is one of the best paths to freedom...and if you're not quite convinced why not give it a test-drive? Find out how you can try our foundation program - without any risk - for 30 days! Get all the details and started on your way to the writer's life NOW.

Getting Copywriting Jobs in the Huge Health Niche

Healthcare spending will only grow in the U.S. And that means companies have plenty of copywriting jobs available to help them market their products and services.

Breaking News: Copywriter Who Transformed American Politics and “Changed the World” Making a Special Appearance at Bootcamp and Job Fair

Richard Viguerie is one of the many copywriters who will be at Bootcamp and Job Fair this year...and the impact he's had on our industry is legendary - he's not only shaped modern politics, he's an icon in direct marketing as well. Check out how excited we are to have him here with us!

Don’t Miss Out on the Opportunity to Transform Your Life

Copywriting gives people the tools to transform their lives — it’s a recession-proof contingency plan that allows writers to live where they want, work the hours they want, and build their own income of up to six or even seven-figures a year. If you have even a hint of desire to write your own check with copywriting... don’t miss this opportunity because of doubt or fear. Just take a look...

Make $10,000 a Month Selling E-books

Interested in making up to $10,000 a month by writing e-books? Master Copywriter Bob Bly tells us this is much easier than you might think.

Makepeace Mastermind Alliance: How to Write No-Nonsense “Tough Guy Copy”

There’s a no-nonsense approach to copywriting that’s not often used. Clayton calls it “tough guy copy” … gritty but not insulting. Learn more …

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