December 2020

Living the Writer's Life: Matthew Troncone

One lively conversation with Matthew Troncone and your mind will be swimming in all the possible directions a writer’s life can take you. Since he started exploring the world of copywriting in 2007 following a health scare, Matthew has gone in a variety of directions with his writing and made waves at every step. He continues to follow what interests him, works hard to make it a success, and really lives it up in his free time. Enjoy Matthew’s story.

5 Tips for Creating Your Own Luck in 2022

If you think you need to be lucky to be successful, realize instead that “luck” comes from a series of changes that allow you to create the sort of life you want over time. Follow these five tips…

5 Big Benefits of Meditation for Writers

For writers, meditation has big benefits — here you can discover five of them. Heather Robson takes a look at what meditation is, how it can help you as a writer, and simple ways to get started.

5 Ways My Money-Making Website Changed My Life, Both Personally and Professionally

Nick Usborne spends 1-3 hours a week on a hobby he loves. It’s been very lucrative and changed his life. Read how a similar hobby could change yours too.

Your Simple Path to Writing Success in 2022

Find your path and build your plan for your version of a successful writer’s life by following this simple three-step approach today. Turn next year into one you’ll always remember…

Living the Writer's Life: Allison Comotto

Allison Comotto was a senior college student looking for a way to make money with storytelling. Now, three years later, she is a six-figure financial copywriter with Stansberry Research and has her first $4 million promotion under her belt. Discover why she loves working in-house so much and whether financial knowledge is really necessary for writers hoping to break into the niche.

Developing Affinity Marketing Partnerships

Affinity marketing partnerships give your marketing leverage when you work with other businesses that also serve your clients. See how it’s done.

It’s Like a Secret Library Filled with $56,000 Worth of Copywriting Tips

Access to the most comprehensive library of professional resources offered to copywriters anywhere on the planet brings a ton of writing opportunities.

2020 Holiday Gift Guide for Writers

In the spirit of the season of making our days merrier, we pulled together the best-loved things that get us by in this newfound work-from-home life. Here are favorites from industry experts and AWAI’s team to help you gift a little something for the writer in your life, even if that writer is you.

Why 2022 Will ROCK for Writers

A surprising number of businesses opened this year, and they need help marketing… meaning, there’s plenty of writing work to be done. To prep for this opportunity, here are three things to do now.