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3 Smart Social Media Goals and How to Achieve Them

There’s a vital key to social media success. Keep it in mind and any social media goal you go after will be instantly more attainable. Discover it here…

Take a Selfie of Your Freelance Website to Attract Web-Copywriting Clients

When potential clients look at your website what impression do they get about you? Make it a professional one to land more web-copywriting clients.

What Are Today’s Top-Paying Gigs in B2B Writing?

What are today’s top-paying B2B writing gigs? Steve Slaunwhite lists six opportunities to make good money writing for the $5.6 million B2B industry.

Working with Small Businesses as a B2B Copywriter

Small businesses are often overlooked as potential clients for B2B copywriters, but working with this market can be profitable as well as satisfying.

3 Ways to Pick a Niche in B2B Copywriting

Increase your chances of success by doing this one thing. You’ll attract B2B companies who need a writer like you — a writer they’ll happily pay good fees.

B2B Copywriting and the $20 Million Toaster

The toaster may cost $40, but this household staple has hundreds of copywriting opportunities supporting it that can lead you quickly to the writer’s life.

A 5-Step Process to Writing Articles that Get Published

Writing good editorial articles is easier when you have a process in place. Follow Rebecca Matter’s proven worksheet to write content faster and stronger!

Kaizen in Action: 8 Types of Micro-Commitments and How You Can Use Them in Your Sales Process to Increase Conversions

Ryan Levesque shows how sometimes the biggest successes happen not by thinking bigger, but by thinking smaller.

No Experience? No Problem. How I Snared $6,000 in Client Work My First Week as a Freelance Copywriter...

The secret to getting started when you’re looking for copywriting work? Instead of focusing on what you DON'T have, focus on what you DO. Here’s how...

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Ryan Levesque

Ryan Levesque shares fail-proof advice on launching your paid writer’s life.

Breaking News: Business Building Expert and Six-Figure Copywriter Joshua Boswell Opening Doors to New LIVE Coaching Program: Get All the Clients You Need to Launch Your Business

To achieve six-figure copywriting success you need clients. This system brings them in on autopilot.

4 Things I Absolutely Love About Being an Online Copywriter

Real freedom comes from doing work you love. Nick Usborne found it in a market that keeps getting bigger and better every year.

5 Creative Ways for Saying Thank You to Your Clients

Saying thank you to your clients is more than just polite. It builds relationships and can help keep your clients coming back to you with new projects.

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Alex Green

How Alex Green went from being told he’d never make it as a writer to best selling success.

Five “True Life” Tips for Breaking Into the Lucrative World of Financial Copywriting

One market offers the biggest paydays for copywriters, and marketers are always looking for new talent and good ideas. Here are five tips for breaking in.

A Glimpse Into the Highly Lucrative World of Financial Copywriting

If you want to make a lot of money as a copywriter, focusing on the highest-paying market in the copywriting industry will help you reach that goal — fast.

The Five Types of People to Include In Your Inner Circle of Success

Success isn’t a solo journey. If you want to accelerate your copy career, you need to surround yourself with other successful writers, like these 5 types.

3 Things I Wish I'd Known When I Started My Copywriting Business

Kathryn Aragon shares the advice she wishes she had known when building her copywriting business… 3 pieces of knowledge that can save you so much time.

How to Find a Copywriting Mentor

A business mentor can help you be successful faster. Here’s how you can find a mentor for your copywriting business.

5 Ways My Money-Making Website Changed My Life, Both Personally and Professionally

Nick Usborne spends 1-3 hours a week on a hobby he loves. It’s been very lucrative and changed his life. Read how a similar hobby could change yours too.

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