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How to Write Stronger, More Effective Bullets That Your Clients and Readers Will Love

Have you ever written an ineffective, lacklustre bullet? Whether you use them in an email, website, or online sales page, the quality of your bullets can play a major role in whether or not a reader makes it to the end of your copy.

Write Powerful Bullets That Your Readers Will Devour Like Starving Teenagers...

Today, John Wood is going to talk about an essential part of every writer’s marketing arsenal: bullet writing.

Jeanie Davis: Leveraging the AWAI Community

Learn how Jeanie Davis used the AWAI community to help her find success and leveraged the networking opportunities that come with being a member.

More Important Than Food or Money

Mindy Tyson McHorse takes a moment to remind us that living the life of a freelance writer is more about being wholly satisfied with life and less about making a lot of money.

What is Your Gem Personality? The Answer Can Make You A Better Writer!

Christina Gillick shares a new way to identify your personality types and shows how knowing your type can help you in your freelance career.

How to Become an Authority in 60 Days

Steve Roller shares steps freelancers can take to become an authority in their niche.

The Best Fonts to Use in Print, Online, and Email

John Wood shares which fonts get the best results in your copy.

Nine Ways to Increase Your Personal Excellence Starting Today

John Wood gives nine ways that you can increase your personal excellence – and success – today.

Do You Make These Mistakes In Goal-Setting?

Mindy Tyson McHorse shares some common mistakes people make when setting goals – and how to avoid them.

57 Things Other People Want From Life

Mindy Tyson McHorse shares what people really want from life in order to help jump-start your list of goals.

Is Your Present Mindset Keeping You From Reaching Your Full Potential?

Cindy Cyr shares how a proper mindset can make all the difference in whether you achieve your goals or not – and gives tips on how to get into a proper mindset.

Easy Time Management for Copywriters and Other Freelancers

Roy Furr shares his time management tips that will help copywriters and other freelancers alike become more productive.

The Six "Success Forces" that Helped Turn Joe Sugarman into a Marketing Legend

John Wood shares six tips that helped make one man a marketing legend and how you can learn from him to achieve your freelance goals.

15 Tips for Getting Client Referrals to Grow Your Freelance Business

John Wood shares how you can grow your freelance business with client referrals by using these 15 tips.

17 Ways to Get Inside Your Client’s Mind So You’ll Always Hit Your Target Audience

Learn how to hit your target audience every time with these 17 tips from John Wood on getting inside your client’s mind.

Too Many Distractions? Use These Eleven Tips to Help You Focus ...

John Wood shares eleven tips to help you avoid distractions and stay focused on your freelance work.

Find Your Ideal Copywriting Coach in Five Easy Steps

Rebecca Matter shares why finding the ideal copywriting coach can make all the difference – and how to find them in five easy steps.

Should You Give the Client a "Ballpark" Price Before You Quote the Project?

Wondering if you should give your client a ballpark price before you give the official quote? Steve Slaunwhite shares why this might be a good idea.

Copywriting Royalties: How to Get Them

Roy Furr shares how copywriters can earn copywriting royalties.

What Gives? Is Copywriting Dream-Easy Or Head-Scratching Hard?

Mindy Tyson McHorse explains how Bootcamp helps aspiring copywriters to overcome the hurdles of getting started as a copywriter and start living the writer’s life.

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