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Learn the Secrets of A++ Level Copywriter Clayton Makepeace at Bootcamp This Year

Clayton Makepeace is a 43 year veteran, A++ level copywriter, and just one of the many speakers you'll see at this year's AWAI’s FastTrack to Copywriting Success Bootcamp and Job Fair. Spots are limited and the event always sells out - get more details and sign up here!

Tune Out Your Lizard Brain for Big-Writing Success

Discover why you should tune out the “lizard” part of your brain if you hope to achieve big writing success, and find out what to do instead.

An Inside Look at a Working Copywriter’s Journey

Get an inside look at working copywriter Rae Robinson’s journey from earning $12k a year to $120K … and how you can follow in her footsteps.

Effective Self-Marketing, a “Go-For-It” Attitude, and Hard-Earned Copy Skills Helped this New Copywriter Get a Great Start to His Copywriting Career

In his first six months of copywriting, this member landed three big clients that have given him a great income and an even greater sense of accomplishment.

Use Your Writing Skills to Preserve Knowledge for Future Generations

As AWAI member David Guthrie discovered, a website is an easy way to use your writing skills to preserve knowledge and information for future generations.

Create Opportunities with MacGyver-like Resourcefulness

Linda Wilkinson shows how to find new clients and creatively solve challenges with some simple tools and resources that are available to all copywriters.

The Art of “Planned Distraction”

Distraction isn’t normally our friend, but it can be. In fact, the art of “planned distraction” can rev up your creativity and offer a fresh perspective.

How to Generate More Ideas Than You Ever Imagined

Writer Bob Sands examines a proven “mining” technique for developing infinite creativity. In order to get a few good ideas, you need to generate a lot.

The Truth About Making Six Figures as a Copywriter

The path to six-figure copywriting isn’t an easy one, but it’s definitely doable! Here you'll read about writers who quickly reached the six-figure mark.

How to Know When You’re Good Enough

Afraid your writing skills aren't "good enough?" Rebecca explains why a foundation in persuasive writing automatically makes your copy better.

Never Forget WHY You’re Doing This

Julie explains how reminding yourself why you became a freelance copywriter is a very powerful motivator.

The “First Wealth” Is …

Embracing your health as the first step to wealth really is the way to go, if you want a long-lasting, lucrative career as a freelance writer.

Big Ideas for Kicking Off the New Year

Joshua Boswell, Jay White, Heather Lloyd-Martin, Pam Foster, Rebecca Matter, and Ed Gandia each have a special message they’d like to share with you to help you do big things in the New Year.

The Real Story Behind "The Nutcracker"

Originally published in 1816, the original Nutcracker story was a complex world of intrigue, adventure, and true love between a girl and her nutcracker doll.

5 Lessons from Michael Jordan’s Minor League Baseball Career

Michael Jordan’s baseball career has 5 important lessons for writers: learn from criticism, be generous, work hard, prove naysayers wrong, and love what you do!

Applying the 4 “C’s” of Copywriting Success

Commitment, consistency, clarity, & confidence are 4 qualities that will help you succeed in your career. Take 40 minutes to figure out you want to commit to.

4 Steps to Reverse Your Inner Conflicts: The Power of the Victory Log

Rae Robinson gives you a great idea for tracking your goals and keeping your freelance writing business on track.

Play for the Name on the Front of Your Jersey

Michele Peterson encourages you to define the “why” that’s driving your writer’s life.

Motion Beats Meditation

Christina Gillick wants you to take the first step, push the rock over the edge, dive in, get your freelance career going!

7 Ways to Overcome Fear

Christina Gillick has some advice for differentiating fear and anxiety, and why neither should keep you from living the writer's life.

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