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Why You Should Drop Preconceived Ideas About Your Ability to Write

Discover the five essential steps for launching a paid writing career at hyper speed — including what to do right away and what to forget immediately.

The “Storytelling” Niche for Writers That Brings You $1,500 to $2,000 Per Project

Meet Casey Hibbard and discover the writing opportunity where you help companies tell their stories—plus, pocket $1,500 to $2,000 every time!

5 Tips From Top Writers to Help You Write Your Dream Book

Read this advice from dozens of top authors on how to successfully write and complete a book, plus additional tips to help you enjoy the writing process.

The No-Judgment Writing Technique That’s Become a Popular Obsession

Discover the no-judgment writing technique that’s become a popular obsession; build confidence that translates into goal-achieving action.

The “First Wealth” Is …

Embracing your health as the first step to wealth really is the way to go, if you want a long-lasting, lucrative career as a freelance writer.

Don’t Make This Mistake on New Year’s Day

This year set goals – not resolutions. Come up with a systematic way to implement your most important writing goals for the coming year and take tangible action steps.

5 Questions to Launch Your GFS

A Goal Fulfillment System is different from just setting goals. It takes you one step beyond voicing your goals and gives you actionable steps for following through on them.

Write an E-Book Without Writing Anything

Repurpose content you’ve written and researched over the years for other projects. You may be able to get your e-book together in record time!

How to Create a Profit-Generating Online Sales Funnel For Your Clients … or Yourself!

A website sales funnel is a powerful tool for your business. Learn what it is, how to set it up, and why you should start using it today!

Your One-Hour Work Week

Mindy McHorse keeps your e-book income rolling with a long-term plan for publishing success.

Believe in Yourself and Others Will Be Forced to Believe in You

Mindy Tyson McHorse gives you a kick in the rear to boost your confidence and realize you are your biggest fan.

Give It Away To Get Rich

Mindy Tyson McHorse starts of this weeks The Writer's Life series with an important message: One of the keys to having great wealth is being able to give it away.

More Important Than Food or Money

Mindy Tyson McHorse takes a moment to remind us that living the life of a freelance writer is more about being wholly satisfied with life and less about making a lot of money.

Do You Make These Mistakes In Goal-Setting?

Mindy Tyson McHorse shares some common mistakes people make when setting goals – and how to avoid them.

Ask Yourself What You "Can't" Have

Mindy Tyson McHorse continues the discussion on how to figure out what you want in life - and how to get it.

The Wikipedia Secret to Getting What You Want

Mindy Tyson McHorse challenges freelancers to set more meaningful goals by thinking outside of the box.

57 Things Other People Want From Life

Mindy Tyson McHorse shares what people really want from life in order to help jump-start your list of goals.

The Hardest Question You'll Ever Answer

Mindy Tyson McHorse shares one of the hardest questions freelancers face - and challenges you to answer it.

What Gives? Is Copywriting Dream-Easy Or Head-Scratching Hard?

Mindy Tyson McHorse explains how Bootcamp helps aspiring copywriters to overcome the hurdles of getting started as a copywriter and start living the writer’s life.

Barter Your Way to New Clients and Valuable Payoffs

Mindy Tyson McHorse shows you an effective technique she uses to land new clients that is perfect if you’re just starting out and don’t have any samples.

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