December 2021

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7 Ways to Land Your First (or Next) Client

Now’s the ideal time to set yourself up for success. Take a proactive stance by following these seven steps, and you’ll give yourself a head start on new opportunities in the writing industry.

Worried About Charging High Fees? Why You Must Charge What You’re Worth

Setting fees is a challenge for new writers. But, you need to know your value, and understand why you’re worth as much as you are. You have specialized skills businesses need… here’s why you should set your fees accordingly.

Tailored Guidance to Help You Grow Your Freelance Business and Income

Work with AWAI’s brand-new Copywriter Concierge and get a tailor-made game plan that will help you get clients, and build your career while putting more money in your bank account just as quickly as possible.

What If?

When you’re starting out in the world of paid writing, the “what ifs” are inevitable… Tackle any uncertainties and unknowns in your mind by following these specific steps.

Writer Secrets Learned Over 10 Years of Life with Barefoot Writer

Mindy McHorse has learned a lot in her 10 years as Executive Editor of Barefoot Writer. She shares 11 lessons to shorten your learning curve… and give you some insight and peace of mind about pursuing a well-paid writing career.

Not Sure How to Get Started? Get Inspiration from These Successful Writers

Everyday people like you have started writing careers. They had doubts and fears, yet they stuck with their dreams of the writer’s life and pushed through to success. Learn from people who are where you want to be.

Build Your Writing Business According to the Laws of Nature

Your business is going to go through “seasons”… changes that correspond to natural laws. How you prepare for those changes can help your business grow and grow. Don’t fear change — instead embrace it.

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