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AI Updates for the Average Writer

It’s been a year since AI tools become the talk of the town. Check out tips for using AI as a freelance writer. [Including use cases.]

3 Tips for Crafting User-Friendly Writing

User-friendly writing is easy-to-read and puts the reader’s needs first. See three easy ways you can make your writing more user-friendly.

Empathy and Writing – How to Connect with Readers

Learn to combine empathy and writing to create copy and content that connects with readers, builds trust, and ultimately drives action.

Three Secrets to Build a Business You Love

Building a freelance business is great. But building a business you love is even better. Here are three secrets to get you started…

9 Marketing Experiments You Can Use to Grow Your Business

Do you avoid new marketing strategies because you fear they’ll fail? Try doing experiments instead. Here are 9 marketing experiments to get you started.

5 Ways to Use Case Studies to Market Your Web-Writing Business

Looking for creative ways to market your web-writing services. Case studies build your credibility and demonstrate your expertise. Get creative with them.

5 Ways to Hold Your Reader’s Attention Through to the End

Grabbing your reader’s attention is only the first step. After that you need to hold your reader’s attention. Here are five ways to do that…

Take the “Strong Start” Challenge

Get your year off to a strong start! Whether you’re a new or established freelance writer, get your business in order and set yourself up for a great year.

3 Ways to Never Run Out of Ideas for Your Blog

Coming up with ideas for your blog can be a fun process when you use these three methods. You’ll find the ideas aren’t going to run out… if anything, they’ll come easier than ever before.

How to Talk to Your Niche

Choosing your niche is an important step. But, what comes next is even more important… You need to figure out how to talk to your niche.

3 Ways to Open a Story That Will Hook Your Reader Fast

Weaving a story into your copy or content can make it more engaging and drive better results. These 3 story leads will help you open strong…

Is This Missing From Your Daily Routine?

Do you include a daily fast write as part of your routine? If not, you might be missing out on some big writing and business benefits. See what they are…

Is Kitchen Sink Syndrome Killing Your Productivity?

You’ve heard of Shiny Object Syndrome. But what about Kitchen Sink Syndrome? Find out if you’ve got it and what to do about it for better productivity.

3 Smart Social Media Goals and How to Achieve Them

There’s a vital key to social media success. Keep it in mind and any social media goal you go after will be instantly more attainable. Discover it here…

Writing an Indoctrination Series for Your Clients

An indoctrination series is an email sequence that new subscribers receive to help them get to know, like, and trust you.

10 Resources You Can Use to Become a Better Writer

To help you get off to a great start this year, here are 10 resources to help you become a better writer fast. You’ll be more organized and a faster writer.

Finding Marketing Stories in Your Everyday Life

Stories are a fast way to connect with your audience and earn their trust. Here are four steps to finding and using marketing stories in your writing.

How to Have a Successful At-Home Workday

If you dream about working at home, make sure you know all the tools and tricks to make for a successful at-home workday.

Get Every Writing Project Off to a Great Start

The steps you take when starting a writing project will set you up for success or failure. Learn four steps you should take at the start of every project.

The Writing Process, Deconstructed – Part 2

Writing is a five-step process. Learn about the revision, editing, and proofing steps of the writing process and how they can improve your work.

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