Big Ideas for Kicking Off the New Year
Happy New Year!
It’s the first day of 2014, and joining Wealthy Web Writer in wishing you the best of success for the coming year are Joshua Boswell, Jay White, Heather Lloyd-Martin, Pam Foster, Rebecca Matter, and Ed Gandia.
Each has a special message they’d like to share with you to help you do big things in the New Year.
From Joshua Boswell:
As we enter a New Year, it is likely that each of us has a feeling of wishing that we'd done more in 2013 and a hunger to achieve our dreams and goals in 2014.
The great question is this: How do you do that?
Having the motivational power to achieve new goals is a very simple process. Yes, it can be difficult, but it is actually very simple. I can sum it up in two words: Emotional Repetition.
Recent studies show that your subconscious mind defines and controls over 90% of your daily actions. These automatic and habitual actions turn into results in your life. Let's call these subconscious habits, "blueprints." You have a blueprint for every minute aspect of your life. The reason why you don't have the wealth, health, relationships, prestige, and fame you may want is because you have not installed a blueprint in your subconscious mind yet that demands that level of wealth, health, happiness, etc. …
All blueprints that are established in the subconscious mind must and do become reality in your life. It is inescapable.
So, how do you install a new blueprint in your subconscious?
Emotional Repetition.
Any thought, desire, plan, or result that you feed to your subconscious mind repeatedly and with emotional emphasis will eventually become a new blueprint. The formula is easy: The higher the emotion, the lower the repetition needed. The lower the emotion, the higher the repetition.
For example, if you hate math, you have to go over a formula dozens … maybe hundreds of times … to memorize it and make it feel natural to use. If you are twitter-pated with your one true love, then even a tiny wisp of a request from them will have you moving heaven and earth to make them happy.
Write down your goals and then write down all the reasons you want to have that thing in your life. Then write down the pain you'll experience by not having it in your life. Make this a short, concise, powerful statement and review it 3-8 times a day. Soon, the blueprint will be installed and you'll naturally and automatically achieve your goal.
Yes, it really is that simple.
I wish you all the best in 2014!
Joshua Boswell
Joshua Boswell is an A-level copywriter in the technology and nonprofit industries. One of his proudest copywriting moments is writing the copy that helped to save a small private school from bankruptcy. You can connect with Joshua Boswell through his website, here.
From Jay White:
From an email copywriter’s perspective, building an audience and making connections starts with specifying the niche you want to pursue. Who is your “dream client”? Is it somebody in the health and wellness industry? A financial company? Or maybe in the personal development arena? Whatever it might be, choose ONE that you really would love writing for and focus on that. Trying to be all things to all people has doomed more copywriting careers than I can count.
Then, once you’ve chosen your audience, go even deeper by targeting the sub-niches in that audience, specifically individual niches that you are A) very familiar with because of past experience, or B) extremely passionate about, like a hobby. Because of your advanced knowledge in the area, becoming the “go-to” writer for that niche will be much easier. Yes, the audience may be smaller, but the chances of getting hired virtually skyrocket.
Think of it — why would they hire somebody else, when you know all about their products, their audience (which you are a part of), how they talk, where the pain points are, etc.? When you walk into a situation with the advanced knowledge of the products and market, it’s a no-brainer for the client to fall all over themselves to get you in the fold … and that’s the formula for success that I recommend to the writers I coach, and I hope you’ll use it to build your dream business in 2014.
Jay White is a master at writing relationship-driven email copy and developing successful email marketing campaigns. He authored AWAI’s email marketing program Email Copy Made Easy, where he teaches writers to craft effective emails that get people to take action.
From Heather Lloyd-Martin:
2013 was a big year for SEO copywriters. Google's new Hummingbird update matches pages to the meaning behind the query. Google cracked down on spammy press release anchor text and “stitching” articles. Research is showing that "standout" content is what gets good search rankings — not articles that are similar to 1,000 others out there. And rel=author is now a BIG deal.
Unfortunately, other changes made things a little difficult for us. Google's [not provided] keywords made tracking our success a little harder. Yes, you can gather the data, but it's not as easy to do. And Google's new Keyword Tool is a little … lacking.
The advice I give to Certification students is: It's not enough to “just write” and blissfully ignore the SEO world. In 2014, you need to know what's going on and what it means to your site (and your clients' sites). That means staying up-to-date with the latest and having a way to ask questions. You don't need to be an SEO expert, but you do need to keep up with industry news. The more you know how to leverage new opportunities (and work with data), the better copywriter you'll be. And the more money you'll be able to make, too.
Good luck! 2014 should be a VERY good year for SEO writers.
Heather Lloyd-Martin is an expert in SEO copywriting and considered one of the original pioneers in the industry. She’s crafted the SEO Copywriting Certificate Program, where she guides copywriters through the ins-and-outs of Search Engine Optimization, so they can offer this valuable service to their clients.
From Pam Foster:
The best way to make 2014 a big year for you is to focus on WHO you're marketing your web-writing services to; who you want to work with. The number one thing that changed my business momentum was concentrating all my business-building efforts on ONE industry — a niche market that's thriving and enjoyable for me. In 2009, I chose a date to declare my niche (the pet industry) then I created a specific business name and logo, launched a very simple website, and started spreading the word on LinkedIn and other social media. Soon after launching my new site, the inquiries started rolling in. Within 7 weeks, I had landed 7 new clients and I've enjoyed steady, major growth ever since then.
You can do this, too! Once you make up your mind to focus on one niche market, you'll discover that it's so much easier to market yourself and bring in business. Within a niche industry, you'll find groups (trade associations and social groups) where you can connect with clients that may need your help. In many, many industries, marketers are beginning to realize the power of content marketing, and they need an ally to write all that content for them. In short, they need YOU now. Go for it!!
Pam Foster is a Certified SEO Copywriter and web content consultant for multi-page sites and online promotions. In her program How to Choose Your Writing Niche, she trains copywriters to land more business with less effort by focusing on small, targeted markets.
From Ed Gandia:
Forget about your big goal, and go for a “quick win” instead.
Big goals are important. But they also require you to sustain a high level of motivation throughout the year. I've found that it's difficult to do that unless you consistently focus on getting quick wins.
These "micro goals" are all about momentarily forgetting about your big goal and setting a new goal that's all about getting something tangible as quickly as possible. Their attainment can provide the fuel you need to get back on the superhighway of success — and the protection you need to avert negative downward spirals.
For instance, rather than focusing on landing five new clients this year, a quick win would be to get a positive response from your email prospecting efforts this week. That alone could be the shot in the arm you need to propel you forward.
Using your newfound motivation and confidence, you could send even more prospecting emails than you had planned. Or you could make those follow-up calls you've been putting off.
Sounds too simple? It is! But it's also a surprisingly effective way to keep taking action towards your big goal.
Ed Gandia is a sought-after B2B copywriter, speaker, coach, and author (including AWAI's popular program, Writing Case Studies: How to Make a Great Living by Helping Clients Tell Their Stories).
And finally, from Rebecca Matter, founder of Wealthy Web Writer:
I have four pieces of advice for success in the New Year …
First, make decisions, and take actions.
Decide on your path, pick a niche, put up a website, and get moving. You can always change your mind later. If you wait until you’re “ready,” the time will never come.
Second, understand your value. Don’t go after clients who don’t understand what you do. It’s an uphill battle and you’ll spend more time having to resell them again and again.
Without you, companies can’t sell their products. It doesn’t matter how great the website looks. Without the right words, there will be no sales.
Third, communicate effectively with clients. Being pleasant to work with goes a long way in getting repeat business.
Be polite, courteous, and at the same time efficient. Marketers are often multi-tasking – so get to the point, and tell them what’s in it for them.
And finally, understand the power of momentum. Things can happen very fast. Once you start finding success, keep moving and leveraging into more business.
From all of us at Wealthy Web Writer to all of you … dream big and make this your best year yet! Happy New Year!!
This article, Big Ideas for Kicking Off the New Year, was originally published by Wealthy Web Writer.

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The first step is seeing the promise of the copywriters' dreams.
The second step is reading enough about writing copy to landjobs.
The third step is to land jobs.
Build your portfolio and network.
Start a website where prospects can see samples, read about you, and find ways to contact you.
Identify areas you like doing the most.
jindex –
To Rebecca Matter, Your big ideas for kicking off the new year has Caught my attention.
I found it to be a very inspiring piece of advice.
This is going to heip me kick off with a big dream this year. I can assure you.
Thanks a million.
Tom Appiah
Thank you Joshua for that great advice on programming our subconscious. 2016 is going to be a super year!
Guest (Martin Hamilton) –