This Week from AWAI …

Get Paid to “Fill In the Blanks” …

There’s no selling involved. No need to persuade.

Instead, you write two pages. You get paid $1,500 (on average).

Better yet, you can master this one in just four weeks.

What is it?

Click the button below to find out more and see how you can take advantage of this high-paying assignment!

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The ⏰ is Ticking… Last Chance to Claim Your $200 Flash Sale Deal

This is your very last chance to get in on our special deal.

You get our best-selling resource for new writers — The Writer’s Starter Kit — for $200 off the regular price and pay just $49!

It includes all the tools, templates, resource lists, guides, and fee schedules you’ll need to launch and run a successful writing business.

But you’ll need to hurry…

This special Flash Sale offer comes to an end at midnight tonight!

Grab it here now.

Use AI to Turbocharge Your Writing

AI is the future of copywriting.

So NOW is the time to get up to speed with our comprehensive self-paced training program How to Use the Power of AI to Become a Better, Faster, and Higher-Paid Writer.

You’ll learn everything writers need to know about AI … all the ways AI can rocket your productivity … feedback to ensure you’re getting the most out of what you’re learning about AI … and much more.

And right now, you can get started today and save $650.

Grab your deal here.

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Congratulations to Lynn Munoz, Our Fall 2022 Winner of AWAI’s Site Content Audit Report Challenge — Awarded with $2,000

Pam Foster announces the winner of AWAI’s recent $2,000 Site Content Audit Report Challenge.

Living the Writer's Life: Katie Sanders

Katie Sanders has five young children under the age of 12, but that hasn’t stopped her from pursuing a successful writer’s life focused on helping nonprofits. Her writing desk is often the kitchen counter (while she’s cooking dinner for her family), and she thinks up ideas for projects while running around after her two toddlers. Katie’s writer’s life may look different from others, but she is determined to make things work for herself and for her family.

Big Congrats to the 3 Winners of Our December Writing Contest… Each Will Receive a $200 Payout for Writing an ‘About Us’ Page

Sandy Franks announces the 3 winners of the $200 prize from our December writing contest in The Writer’s Life.

Living the Writer's Life: Dan Magill

It’s been more than eight years since we last checked in with Barefoot Writer Dan Magill. Since then, he’s been building his career and working on SEO blogs, fundraising campaigns, and sales pages. Because of his writer’s life, Dan was recently able to keep his 2-year-old son home from day care to enjoy extra family time before his wife started a new job. He also traveled to Nepal in 2017 to see a finished project he helped promote. You’ll love Dan’s five tips for new writers who are struggling to find clients.

Don’t Miss Your Chance to Get AWAI’s NEWEST Self-Paced Training Program for Just $497 $97!

How to Create a Course to Grow Your Business and Your Income will transform you into a knowledgeable course creator and writer, even if you’re starting from ground zero. Don’t miss your chance to get AWAI’s newest program!

Tap Into This Nearly $1-Billion-a-Day Market with AWAI’s NEW Training Program

Announcing our brand-new self-paced program! It gives you EVERYTHING you need to start creating your first course or information product.

Living the Writer's Life: Pat McCord

She’s a fiction writer with three published books, an AWAI $10K winner, and… oh yeah… she wrote a book for famed copywriter Bob Bly! As one of AWAI’s early students, Pat McCord is the perfect example of someone who took the copywriting skills she learned from her first course and ran with them. Here are her tips on how you can achieve satisfaction through writing by doing “everything” your first writing course suggests!

Living the Writer's Life: Charles George

It’s a special thing when you come across a writer whose emails are like a ray of sunshine in your inbox. That’s what it’s like to talk with Charles George. His passion will inspire you to soak in everything this writer’s life has to offer. Here are some of Charles’ thoughts on using newsletters to connect with clients, positive thinking, and the importance of focusing on family.

A Brand-New Enterprise Is Looking for Writers to Help with Their Launch Copy and Content

A brand-new enterprise is looking for writers to help with their launch copy and content.

3 Winners of Our Special Thanksgiving-Related Contest Each Receive $200 Prize for Researching Unusual Stories (and writing up their findings)

Sandy Franks announces the 3 winners of the $200 prize from our Thanksgiving research writing contest in The Writer’s Life.

How to Become a Go-To SEO Content Writer — AWAI’s NEW Training Program

Get this ONE-TIME 80% off discount as we launch our new SEO content writing program. Learn how freelance writers can get paid to write “discoverable content” for clients.

$200 Prize Winners Announced for The Writer’s Life Web Page Challenge Contest

From over 100 submissions, Pam Foster announces the 3 winners of the $200 prize from our web page writing contest in The Writer’s Life.

Living the Writer's Life: Jon Stoltzfus

We last checked in with Jon Stoltzfus back in 2016 when he was still writing on the side and maintaining a full-time career as an engineer. Now, six years later, Jon has succeeded in building a writer’s life filled with projects he loves. In this “where are they now” interview, you’ll learn why Jon says it’s so important to follow through on commitments as a copywriter. Plus, you’ll discover his secret weapon that helps him write more efficiently when the big projects come knocking!

Living the Writer's Life: Karmin Gentili

Karmin Gentili is still kicking herself for a missed opportunity when she was first starting in the world of copywriting. She was working on AWAI’s Masters Program for Six-Figure Copywriting when she disagreed with the feedback of her tutor... and decided to quit. It was a tutor who just happened to be master copywriter Paul Hollingshead! “Can you believe I threw that amazing opportunity away?!?” Years later, Karmin gave things a second try and has been building a cherished writer’s life that allows her to care for her aging parents. Here’s her story...

The Site is Right

Join us for a fun and interactive session!

Playback: “UX” Demystified!

Watch as Heather Robson explains exactly what UX copywriting is and why it’s becoming the new standard ALL copywriters need to know. Then see her demonstrate how to transform poor UX into great UX!

Meet AWAI’s Latest $10K Challenge Winner — Rebekah Mays

Join us in congratulating Rebekah Mays… the latest AWAI member to be awarded a $10,000 contract.

Living the Writer's Life: Craig Grossman

Inspiration can come from anywhere. For Craig Grossman, inspiration comes from various aspects of the AWAI courses he’s studied or even from his clients. He’ll take one idea and turn it into a blog article or use it to enhance a website. That is just one of the skills this gourmet-food-brokerage-owner-turned-copywriter uses to run his new B2B copywriting business. Today, Craig truly is an artist and writing is his creative outlet. Enjoy his story…

Living the Writer's Life: Holly Emery —​ New Writer Surprised with a Sales Letter Win … and a Retainer!

When Holly Emery took AWAI’s Master Certification for Direct Response Copywriters, she was hoping to build a career to take her away from a job in the private sector. Then, a chance referral from a friend led her to an introduction to a client in the mindset coaching niche. In this interview, you’ll learn how Holly was able to navigate this first big project and even secure a monthly retainer. Plus, you’ll find out how she avoids ever having to write under pressure. Her “nightstand trick” may just help you sleep better too!

How AWAI’s Copywriting Success & Getting Clients Bootcamp Became Ground Zero for Launching Successful Writing Careers

AWAI member Jon Stoltzfus is a textbook case of someone who experienced breakthrough success very quickly after attending his first Bootcamp. Read more about him!

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