This Week from AWAI …

Labor Day Deal: 75% OFF Our Groundbreaking Training

You can boost the results of everything you write …

And Sandy Franks will teach you how to do it using her personal Core Story Framework.

Over 12 high-impact sessions, Sandy will take you from storytelling novice to narrative master, transforming the way you communicate.

She’ll show you all her tips and tricks for crafting compelling stories that will touch your readers and motivate them to take action … and make your clients (and their competitors!) take notice.

This is a crucial skill in today’s age of heavy messaging, AI, and content overwhelm …

And you can start learning it right now and save 75%!

Grab it here!

Get Published, Get Paid!

I want to personally help you get into the paid-writing game NOW!

By helping YOU get your first byline AND your first paycheck as a professional writer.

I’ll share everything I know about writing the kinds of articles we here at AWAI (and thousands of other companies doing digital marketing) pay for and publish.

Then, you’ll take what I show you and write an article for AWAI.

My marketing team and I will review ALL submissions. If we like what we see, we’ll PUBLISH your article AND pay you for it. And there’s no limit to the number of articles we’ll choose.

So if you’re ready to get your first “win” under your belt …

Let me show you how to do it.

Free Webinar:
Inside the Ever-Growing Demand for B2B Writers

Friday, September 6, at 12 p.m. ET 👇

Access Instructions Here

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Do You Have a Question About Freelance Copywriting? Ask Rebecca!

Rebecca Matter will host a live Facebook Q&A session on Friday, September 5th. Get all of the details here!

Circle of Success Member Takes Full Advantage of the Benefits of Membership … and It Pays Off Big-

Learn how Steve Coombes, an in-demand copywriter, can trace his success to one event that put everything into motion.

A Spot has Opened Up for an In-House Copywriter at Agora Publishing's Fastest Growing Company

Here’s your chance to work side-by-side and learn from one of the true pioneers in the Direct Response Copywriting world, Mark Ford.

AWAI Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting Member Lands Two Projects Before Completing the First Installment

Katie Yeakle shares Tim McAuley's excitingly quick copywriting success story and explains how you too can get your copywriting business moving.

Free Course from American Writers & Artists: “Secrets for Creating Red-Hot Sales Copy in No Time Flat” With Clayton Makepeace

Free course from American Writers & Artists: “Secrets for Creating Red-Hot Sales Copy in No Time Flat” with Clayton Makepeace. Registration is absolutely free but enrollment CLOSES on Thursday, October 10th

What Google’s Hummingbird Update Means For AWAI Copywriters

Learn more about Google’s Hummingbird search algorithm update, and what it means for you as both a copywriter and a consumer!

Mike Palmer: Head Copywriter for Stansberry Research to Speak at AWAI’s 2013 Bootcamp

Mike Palmer is head copywriter for Stansberry Research, was voted AWAI 2009 Copywriter of the Year and is one of the top copywriters who will be speaking at AWAI’s 2013 FastTrack to Copywriting Success Bootcamp and Job Fair this October.

Now Hiring: Dr. Al Sears In Search of a Health and Wellness Copywriter

Dr. Al Sears is looking for a full-time, health and wellness in-house copywriter to be on-site at their facility in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. Read on to learn how to apply.

Membership is Open! Join AWAI’s Professional Writer’s Alliance

Membership in AWAI's Professional Writer's Alliance is open, and offering great discounts and bonuses. Read on to learn more.

12 Templates to Help You Start Any Web-Writing Project… Fast

Writer’s panic can be a thing of the past thanks to Wealthy Web Writer’s newest web-writing tool: 12 Templates to Help You Start Any Web-Writing Project … Fast.

The Rare One-Time Opportunity to Learn from a Living Legend

For two days in April, Clayton Makepeace has agreed to open his files and reveal everything he knows about writing the kind of copy he focuses on exclusively these days – online Video Sales Letters (VSLs). Read on to learn more.

Membership is Open! Join AWAI’s Professional Writer’s Alliance

If you’re not aware of The Professional Writer’s Alliance, read on to learn more.

Brand New -- Three New Practice Exercises in the Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting

AWAI announces the addition of new practice exercises to the Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting.

Boardroom’s Brian Kurtz Reveals What It Really Takes to Be an “A-List” Copywriter

Brian Kurtz, Bootcamp Keynote speaker, shares a few insider-tips on how copywriters can improve their skills and become invaluable to their clients, and what it really takes to be an “A-List” copywriter.

Financial Publishing Giant, Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, Coming to Copywriting Job Fair

Stansberry & Associates Investment Research will be attending AWAI’s 2012 Job Fair, looking for fresh new copywriting talent to work with.

Just released! Great Leads: The Six Easiest Ways to Start Any Sales Message

Michael Masterson and John Forde’s sure-to-be-a-DM-classic book, Great Leads: The Six Easiest Ways to Start Any Sales Message is now available through the AWAI catalog.

AWAI Announces The Barefoot Writer’s Club - Your Guide to the “Perfect Life”

AWAI announces their brand new club especially for direct response writers designed to showcase the plethora of opportunities that exist, offer tips, motivation, and specific ways to launch their careers – the fastest way possible.

AWAI Announces: Dan Kennedy’s Business of Copywriting Academy Home Study Program

AWAI introduces an edited, condensed version of the training included in the 3 days of the Academy held last year and the incredible resources given out during those 3 days.

AWAI Announces Brand-New Membership Organization: The Professional Writers’ Alliance

AWAI is introducing Professional Writers’ Alliance. Membership entitles you to full access to a complete "Online Success Center" for all the support, ongoing education, direction and resources you need to succeed in your freelance career.

Congratulations to the Winner of a $100 AMEX Gift Card

Find out who won the AMEX gift card from AWAI’s Commit to Achieve Your Goal in 2011 Giveaway.

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