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Where to Find Your Most Profitable Customers

Joshua Boswell lays out the difference between Google and Facebook, and how this difference reflects the way to sell to users of each.

16 Tips on How to Write Email Subject Lines that Compel Readers to Open and Read Your Email

John Wood helps you create the pre-headline that will get prospects to the headline, the email subject line.

How to Build an Effective Freelance Writing Website That Gets Potential Clients Falling Over Backwards to Hire You

The most important tool in your marketing arsenal is your own professional website. Today, John Wood gives you a clear blueprint for developing the content for your own site.

7 Ways to Add Value to Your Next Online Copywriting Assignment With Social Media

Nick Usborne reveals seven ways you can use social media to add more value to your next web-writing assignment.

Writing Short, Powerful Emails That Inspire Action

Roy Furr shares why writing short emails is one of the most useful skills he’s picked up as a writer, and some secrets that will help you write effective emails.

7 Subject Line Formulas Guaranteed to Boost Your Email Open Rates

Cindy Cyr gives you seven formulas you can use to boost your email open rates, to make sure your emails get read.

AWAI Announces Brand New Program: Site Audits Made Simple – Consult Your Way to Lucrative Web Copywriting Projects

Learn how to get paid to write proposals for your clients, and then get paid to do the work you propose!

6 Ways to Handle It When a Client Changes Your Copy

SEO expert Heather Lloyd-Martin provides 6 ways to handle a client when they change your copy.

How My “Dirty” Little Secret Can Help You Succeed as a Copywriter

Guillermo Rubio shares his little secret and explains how learning the principles of effective web copy is a must for every copywriter.

Steal this Simple Dan Kennedy Technique and Your Clients Will Think You’re a Marketing Genius

Follow Dan Kennedy’s marketing technique to help promote your client’s or employer’s business. It’s an easy way to bring in some extra income.

A Package Deal

Find out a business building technique that can increase the amount you charge for a project, but can effectively decrease the time you spend.

Meet AIDA – Your Road Map to Success!

Discover a simple and effective roadmap to successfully presenting your product and prompting your reader to take action…

Lights, Camera, Action! Get Paid to Write Short Video Scripts

Online video marketing is one of the fastest-growing copywriting niches today. Learn AWAI member Phil LeMaster’s six tips for writing video scripts that produce results for your clients.

10 Ways to Build a High-Quality, Opt-in Email List

AWAI Staff Writer, John Wood, offers 10 ways to build a high-quality, opt-in email list for your client (and for yourself).

Safelist Marketing: An Affordable Marketing Option Or a Huge Waste of Time?

AWAI Staff Writer John Wood explains the term “safelist” and whether or not you should use them in your email marketing strategy.

Improve Your Copywriting Skills … 7 Ways to Improve the Copy on the Next Web Page You Write

Web copy expert Nick Usborne reveals seven ways to ensure your web copy is the best it can be.

Zero Resistance Writing

Matthew Furey shows you how to write better and more authentically.

Proven Formula for Writing Winning E-Mail Sales Letters

Bob Bly details his formula for writing successful sales letters for email campaigns.

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