The Leap and What Every Writer Needs to Know About It

If you aren’t familiar with The Leap, you need to know about it …

And if you do know about it because you’ve been around AWAI for any length of time, here’s the latest …

The key industry surveys are out …

And they confirm that spending on digital marketing is set to soar by double digits this year … AGAIN! 🤯

It actually makes me giddy to type that …

Talk about right time, right place for writers. The success stories from AWAI members are flying in as a result, and I couldn’t be more thrilled.


So let’s dig in to this phenomenon, and talk about what it means … for you, your income, and your future as a writer.

As you already know, e-commerce is huge. By e-commerce, I mean people going online and buying stuff.

It can be physical goods, like golf clubs or shoes.

It can be services — like coaching or accounting.

Or even digital training, like the programs you get from AWAI.

Now, e-commerce is projected to become a $5.5 trillion industry in 2022 (last year growing from $3.5 when we first broke this story, to $4.9 trillion in 2021!).

That’s trillion with a T.

Which sounds like a lot!

But what if I told you that $5.5 trillion in e-commerce is actually very small?

Take a look at this:

That big bar on the left? That’s the projected global retail market for 2022.

It’s a massive $27 trillion industry.

As you can see, e-commerce looks like a small blip on the radar in comparison.

Now here’s what “The Leap” was … and why it’s still so significant today …

Back in 2019, experts around the world projected that e-commerce would slowly “catch up” to retail …

But their projections were WRONG.

The kind of growth in e-commerce we would expect over the next 10 years …

 … happened in just 90 days.

I’ll say it one more time, because this is so critical:

10 YEARS of growth and adoption with buying stuff online … happened in a three-month period.

It’s why global management consultant McKinsey & Company was quoted saying:

“If you’re feeling whiplash, it might be the 10 years forward we just jumped in 90 days’ time.”

They’re the ones who first called it “The Leap.”

Take a look:

So, what does this mean for you?

Put simply: more people — than ever before in history — are going online and buying stuff.

Which means HUGE opportunity for businesses. And millions of companies scrambling to take full advantage.

In order to do so, they need more content. LOTS of it …

They need content to reach prospective and current customers researching solutions online.

And they need content to engage them, build a relationship, and move them towards a buying decision.

And it’s not just one type of content …

They need a variety of content to turn on marketing channels now primed with potential buyers.

And they need a massive quantity of unique and compelling “conversations” to take advantage of the “leveled playing field” that has happened …

Thanks to the sheer volume of buying decisions starting with blogs, newsletters, videos, social media, and more.

If you were thinking about becoming a writer … if you’ve been thinking about launching your writing business …

Or if you want to inject a huge flood of income into your existing writing career …

NOW is the time.

2019 was already one of the biggest years for writers we had seen over the last two decades …

But this phenomenon poured rocket fuel on the opportunity.

Companies NEED WRITERS now more than ever to survive in this booming digital marketing world …

So if you’ve been sitting on the fence, it’s time to get in the game.

And if you’re in the game, it’s time to level up.

This is your time, writer …

Seize it and make it count!

The AWAI Method™

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter

The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »

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Published: March 8, 2022

21 Responses to “The Leap and What Every Writer Needs to Know About It”

  1. What I love about Copywriting and "The Writer's Life" is the ability to make a great living, have lasting financial freedom and the option to write from anywhere in the world.
    Now that we have become an "online" culture, it might be the best time to explore opportunities.


  2. What I am most excited about is learning how to make a living from something I actually love to do.

    Terri P

  3. I've been searching for a way to monetize my writing skills. Now that I have found AWAI, the search is over!!

    Marty T

  4. Looking forward to learning more so that I can help clients.


  5. Absolutely mind-blowing, I am so excited about this opportunity!

    Guest (Chandra)

  6. This is an amazing and fantastic opportunity for writers such as myself! Lots of work, which means we will be constantly learning!


  7. After reading what I have, I'm very excited to get started on my writing career. I'm extremely hopeful for the future and am looking forward to the opportunity

    Michael Madden

  8. This exciting opportunity to become an in-demand copywriter makes me want to take the leap!


  9. I am excited at the prospects of earning an income from what I love to do.


  10. These few words may not be enough to express my happiness about being here connecting with and learning from the AWAI family. I am finally having the life of a writer, just the way I have always dreamed of it. Writing good contents from anywhere in the world without limitations.

    Lilian Chudey Pride

  11. Still pretty new here, going through the training. Everybody sounds so upbeat, it's very exciting


  12. Just became a member of AWAI, I am super excited to be taking the steps toward my new career as a copywriter. I am looking forward to learning and growing together as a team.


  13. Just signed up today. I am excited to begin a new career in copywriting. This is the best place to start.

    Becky R

  14. I have been searching for a way to make money while doing something that I enjoy. I want to be free to work from anywhere, and this program will give me the training I need to be successful. I am grateful for this opportunity!

    Michele Rae

  15. I'm grateful that AWAI, is here to assist me with new writing skills, and becoming part of the writer's life.


  16. New Years Eve 2024 I promised myself I would do something to help me be a better(see paid) writer. I no sooner made the promise to myself when an ad for A.W.A.I showed up on my phone. I applied immediately.

    KC Jones

  17. I'm really excited about getting started! My only regret is that I should have done this years ago. When I became disabled in 2015, I didn't know what I was going to do. I hated going on disability and now I have the opportunity and resources to make more money than I could dream of.

    M Lurty

  18. Bought an old copy book that I didn't know where to start from. The introductions here so far makes copy inviting and interesting.


  19. I saw an ad for AWAI back in the late 90's, and thought about joining then. When I came across an ad again this last month, I felt the time was finally right. Looking forward to learning how to use words instead of numbers (I've been an accountant for years) to make my life better.

    Guest (GingerW)

  20. I just is the first day of the rest of my life. I'm very excited to write, write, write!


  21. I have always enjoyed writing. My grandma got me interested in the craft when I was a child. I'm 65 now and newly retired, so the time is right to pursue what I love! I have some internet content writing experience, but AWAI seems like the place for me to refine my skills and flourish. Thank you!

    Carrie W

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