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Sometimes Quitters DO Win

Michele Peterson outlines four steps to take to get away from your current circumstances and move toward your dream life… a writer’s life full of freedom… The freedom to work when you want, from where you want… writing about what you want, for whomever you want… And most importantly, the freedom to spend your time as you choose… whether that means taking a long break this winter, spending more time with the kiddos, caring for a loved one, or simply going to a yoga class at 10 in the morning.

5 Ways to Improve Your Copywriting

AWAI success Tammy Powell shares the five simple strategies she uses to keep her skills sharp as she continues to build her copywriting business.

Easy Domino-Effect Audience Research for Stronger Writing

The core, the heart, the soul of our writing… lies in our audience. And getting to know your audience is the gold standard for good persuasive writing. Health Master Copywriter Carline Anglade-Cole perfected this art when writing about supplements to the older market. To really find out what was on their minds and haunting their dreams, she went to Walmart and sat on a bench near the pharmacy.

Help for “Overwhelm”… and Four More Lessons I’ve Learned as a Mentor

Michele Peterson has been getting paid to enjoy the writer’s life for 15 years now. Full time for the last 13. And for the last several years, she has been helping fellow writers along the way to their own successful writer’s lives as an AWAI Circle of Success Mentor. She shares a cure for overwhelm nad for other lessons she has learned as a Circle of Success Mentor.

7 Lucrative “Side Hustles” to Support Your Ultimate Dream

Robert Rice shares seven lucrative opportunities for “hustling” your way to freedom right now.

The Future of Freelancing: Why EVERY Copywriter Needs to Harness the Power of AI

AI is here. It’s not going anywhere. And if you’re not embracing it, you’re shortchanging yourself. Guillermo believes it’s the future of freelancing.

Bob Bly on the Joy of Copywriting

Bob Bly shares a list of seven reasons why he finds joy in copywriting.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: What DO You Do?

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and AWAI Learning Chief, Pam Foster talk about effective message basics you can use to help clients – as well as better market yourself.

Perfection is a Myth, Especially When It Comes to the Writer's Life

Michele Peterson digs into perfection, why it’s a myth, and reasons why imperfection should be embraced.

5 Simple Skills for a New Income Stream

Mindy McHorse shares five skills that will give you an instant leg up if you want to join the copyediting world.

3 Editing Tricks to Catch Errors

It looks bad if your client uses copy that has grammatical errors… typos… or something worse, like misquotes or untruths… The latter could actually damage their business. So here are three little tricks you can use to catch errors…

Use This Quick Checklist to Help Ensure Your Client’s Offer is Irresistible

Sandy Franks shares a checklist that you can use to create irresistible offers for your clients.

The Simple Drilling Down Process that Makes Your Copy Feel More Real

Sandy Franks shares a simple "drilling down process" that makes your copy feel more real and compelling … and gets the response you're looking for from your readers.

This Legendary Writer Knew How to get Readers to Say Yes within the First Few Sentences of Copy

Sandy Franks shares some tips for writing winning sales copy from a legendary copywriter.

The Ultra-Curious Way to Write an Attention Getting Headline with 100% Confidence

Sandy Franks shares 5 tips to create curiosity for headlines.

Why Getting to the Heart of Your Reader’s Core Emotion Matters Most

Sandy Franks shares why it’s crucial to get your reader’s core emotion.

Why the Payoff in Copywriting Is Bigger Than You Think (Plus 4 Tips to Get Started)

Mindy McHorse shares a slew of AWAI success stories that illustrate lots of other benefits that come along with the money.

To Go from Good to In-demand Writer, Know What Your Prospect is Feeling

Sandy Franks layers in a copywriting lesson that will make your copy more effective … by further "meeting your reader where they are" when they read it.

6 Things I Love about Writing White Papers

Gordon Graham reveals SIX things he loves about writing these projects , and shows you how White Papers set you up for what he claims is "some of the easiest money I've ever made."

Accelerate Your Productivity with Writing Templates

Jen Phillips April talks about the benefits of using writing templates and how you can implement them to increase your productivity as a writer.

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