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Why Every New Copywriter Should Build a Money-Making Website
November 19, 2024 (04:42:56 am)
Andrew Murray shares two good reasons why every new copywriter should build a money-making website.
3 Ways to Use AI to Help You Create Your Money-Making Website — Plus a Big, Fat Caveat
February 22, 2024 (05:00:59 am)
Nick Usborne, the expert in Money-Making Websites shows how using AI can help you get started with your own Money-Making Website.
5-Part Checklist for Building a Money-Making Website
December 17, 2021 (05:51:21 am)
By following a proven formula for making money writing about something she loves, Jen Phillips April was able to experience several benefits from her Money-Making Website. Here’s a five-step checklist so you can get started.
4 Reasons Why I Really, Really Love My Money-Making Websites
December 16, 2021 (05:39:55 am)
Nick Usborne, a pioneer in digital marketing, has one type of writing he loves best of all. Here are four reasons this writing project is his favorite, including the $500,000 he’s made in passive income from it.
7 Ways to Make Money as a Writer… Without Clients
July 06, 2021 (05:19:23 am)
Andrew Murray is following a proven formula for making money writing about something he loves. Thanks to expert Nick Usborne’s process, Andrew is generating passive income seven ways without clients.
No Clients? Make Money Writing on Your Own Website
April 13, 2021 (05:07:58 am)
To make money without clients, choose a topic you love and start writing on it right away. Here are eight reasons to adopt this money-making technique now.
Make This Your Year… Take a Chance and Chase Your Dream
January 04, 2021 (05:34:50 am)
If you truly want freedom and happiness, decide what you want in life and take a chance. There’s a way your writing can help you earn an income while you pursue your dreams…
5 Ways My Money-Making Website Changed My Life, Both Personally and Professionally
December 24, 2020 (05:53:59 am)
Nick Usborne spends 1-3 hours a week on a hobby he loves. It’s been very lucrative and changed his life. Read how a similar hobby could change yours too.
3 Ways You’re in Control with a Money-Making Website
July 10, 2020 (06:26:31 am)
Whatever your goals, put yourself in control with this tactic. You decide how much time you want to spend working… what you want to write… and how much money you make.
Why V is the Most Profitable Letter for Your Writing Business
June 04, 2019 (06:49:28 am)
Combine your copywriting business and a niche website, and you’ve got a unique opportunity to accelerate your success with both. Here is how it works...
How I Created an Import/Export Money-Making Website
April 11, 2012 (06:12:27 am)
Christina Gillick reveals how she used her web writing skills to create an import/export money-making website.