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Don’t Miss Out on the Opportunity to Transform Your Life

Copywriting gives people the tools to transform their lives — it’s a recession-proof contingency plan that allows writers to live where they want, work the hours they want, and build their own income of up to six or even seven-figures a year. If you have even a hint of desire to write your own check with copywriting... don’t miss this opportunity because of doubt or fear. Just take a look...

How Much Money You Need to Spend to Be a Successful Copywriter

Looking for the exact amount you need to spend? Read on as Rebecca Matter gives the answer and dispels a big myth about copywriting success.

How to Get Your Prospect to Say Yes to Your Offer

Every prospect reading your sales letter is having an internal conversation on whether to pull out their wallet or not. Here’s how to get them to say yes.

The Power of One — One Big Idea

Mark Ford gets at the very heart of powerful, persuasive writing. Follow this simple rule and everything you write will automatically be better.

Makepeace Mastermind Alliance: How to Write No-Nonsense “Tough Guy Copy”

There’s a no-nonsense approach to copywriting that’s not often used. Clayton calls it “tough guy copy” … gritty but not insulting. Learn more …

Know Your Audience and You’ll Nail the Right Headline

When you know your audience, you can craft eye-catching headlines that work. Learn the NEW way to write winning headlines and game-changing subject lines.

How You Answer This Question Determines the Fate of Your Big Idea

Writing a sales letter is easy. The difficult part is coming up with the Big Idea. Answering this question will determine the strength of your Big Idea.

These Alternative Health Copywriting Secrets Can Double or Triple Your Success Regardless of Your Niche

When Will Newman started writing in the health niche, he didn't grasp how to handle the emotion of fear in his copy, until he learned two important secrets.

Five Writing Projects that Pay $1,000 or More… And Can Be Completed in Just One Weekend!

Short on time? Rebecca Matter shares five in-demand projects that make it easy for you to turn your weekend or spare time into paid writing income.

15-Minute Exercise Helps Seven-Figure Copywriter Write 4 Promos a Month

Joshua Boswell tells the secret of a successful copywriter who can barely speak English, yet blows away the competition thanks to a 15-minute exercise!

How Writing in Someone Else’s Voice Lets You Discover Your Own

Copywriting tip: this 3-step process will help you get to the heart of a client whose writing voice you need to model. By AWAI member Cara Flett.

Mark Ford’s Secret for Making Your Headlines Better Than 95% of all Headlines Written Today

Mark Ford tells us captivating headlines must promise a future benefit to succeed. He also tells us they must express this other type of benefit too.

A Hidden B2B Copywriting Niche

Most copywriters don’t know about this hidden copywriting niche, but it may be perfect for you.

Why Do Some Copywriters Get Rich, While Others Don’t? It’s Not Talent

Master Copywriter Mike Palmer doesn’t believe talent has much to do with your getting rich as a copywriter. Here’s what he says makes the difference.

I Want to Meet YOU in Person

What would entice a self-described introverted “cave bear” out of his home to travel 2,867 miles? It’s the people he’ll meet when he gets there.

4 Ways to Legally “Steal” Copy Ideas and Make Them Your Own

Stealing somebody else’s copy is illegal, but you can take their ideas and make them your own, legally. Jen Stevens shows 4 ways to cook an idea your way.

How Great Songs Illustrate This Basic Copywriting Principle

Copywriting seems far from songwriting. Or is it? COS member Rebecca Schwab explains how songwriting helped her understand a crucial writing secret.

You Can Still Become a Well-Paid B2B Copywriter ... Even Though 12 Weeks to B2B Copywriting Mastery is Officially SOLD OUT!

12 Weeks to B2B Copywriting Mastery is officially sold out! But we'd still like to help you learn the skill of B2B...with Secrets of Writing High Performance B2B Copy - get all the details of how you can save $150 when you sign up before Friday.

New Report Reveals Shortage of B2B Copywriters to Complete Copy and Content Writing Projects

According to the Content Marketing Institute, the B2B niche is currently experiencing a shortage of writers...but not only that there's a variety of projects available and lucrative fees for you to charge - get all the details here, and don't miss out on your chance to train with Steve Slaunwhite himself!

5 Ways to Improve Your Cold Email Pitches

Cold email pitches can be an effective way to land new clients. Use these five tips to make your emails stand out and get read.

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