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Submit a Spec Assignment – Your Life Is Now

Take action every day to make yourself more successful. The first step is to submit a spec. It’s a win-win no matter what the outcome is.

The “First Wealth” Is …

Embracing your health as the first step to wealth really is the way to go, if you want a long-lasting, lucrative career as a freelance writer.

Big Ideas for Kicking Off the New Year

Joshua Boswell, Jay White, Heather Lloyd-Martin, Pam Foster, Rebecca Matter, and Ed Gandia each have a special message they’d like to share with you to help you do big things in the New Year.

Don’t Make This Mistake on New Year’s Day

This year set goals – not resolutions. Come up with a systematic way to implement your most important writing goals for the coming year and take tangible action steps.

5 Questions to Launch Your GFS

A Goal Fulfillment System is different from just setting goals. It takes you one step beyond voicing your goals and gives you actionable steps for following through on them.

The Real Story Behind "The Nutcracker"

Originally published in 1816, the original Nutcracker story was a complex world of intrigue, adventure, and true love between a girl and her nutcracker doll.

5 Lessons from Michael Jordan’s Minor League Baseball Career

Michael Jordan’s baseball career has 5 important lessons for writers: learn from criticism, be generous, work hard, prove naysayers wrong, and love what you do!

Never Let What You Cannot Do Interfere With What You Can Do

Anthony Robles didn’t let obstacles get in his way. He was born with one leg and still is an amazing athlete and wrestler, turning his disability into a strength.

How to Stake Your Claim as a Copywriter

Steve Roller gives 3 tips for copywriters just getting started: have a two year horizon, develop a sense of individualism, and commit to yourself to make it work.

Applying the 4 “C’s” of Copywriting Success

Commitment, consistency, clarity, & confidence are 4 qualities that will help you succeed in your career. Take 40 minutes to figure out you want to commit to.

1% Will Make a Difference in Your Freelance Career

Commit to getting 1% better at writing every day. Whether it’s learning something new or writing a blog post, everything you do will make you a better copywriter.

You Don't Have to be Perfect

Christina Gillick reevaluates what it takes to get your freelance business started.

Are You All Packed?

The Writer’s Life is a journey, and Bob Sands is here to make sure you've packed your bags properly for the adventure.

4 Steps to Reverse Your Inner Conflicts: The Power of the Victory Log

Rae Robinson gives you a great idea for tracking your goals and keeping your freelance writing business on track.

Play for the Name on the Front of Your Jersey

Michele Peterson encourages you to define the “why” that’s driving your writer’s life.

Motion Beats Meditation

Christina Gillick wants you to take the first step, push the rock over the edge, dive in, get your freelance career going!

7 Ways to Overcome Fear

Christina Gillick has some advice for differentiating fear and anxiety, and why neither should keep you from living the writer's life.

7 Steps to Cure “Cobbler’s Children Syndrome”

Michele Peterson reminds us that we need to help ourselves to further our careers.

Find a Void in the Marketplace and Fill It

Steve Roller knows the initial vastness of the copywriting world can be intimidating. Read on to learn how to quickly narrow it down and make your copywriting journey more manageable.

Are You an Activationist or a Passivationist?

Could of, would of, should of. John Wood looks into how to avoid regret by taking action.

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