Motion Beats Meditation
Yesterday we talked about how our parents tried to give us great advice – if we would have only listened. The same is true for those writers who have gone down the path before you.
If someone has achieved the goal you’re seeking to achieve, why wouldn’t you listen to his or her advice?
Probably because you’re not ready. Maybe it's fear, uncertainty, procrastination, or something else.
I now realize the advice I received was right, and I want to pass it on to you …
I hope you’re ready to hear it now.
Here’s the “secret to success” I discovered in my own timeline:
"Motion beats meditation."– Gary Halbert
You see I spent far too long learning about the writer’s life. I waited years to set up my freelance website and tell the world I am a writer. It wasn’t until I started taking action (by launching that site) that things began to fall into place.
I’m not saying meditation is bad – it’s great for creativity and inspiration. But, at some point, you have to stop meditating (or learning) and start doing.
Without action, all the positive thinking, classes, and videos in the world, won’t help you achieve your goals.
That’s why it’s important to learn, but to also practice what you learn.
Yesterday, I recommended that you make a plan for your next big project and write down all the steps you’ll have to take to finish.
I recommended working on your freelance website, if you don’t have one yet. Why? Because a freelance website sends a signal to the world that you’re ready. It tells clients that you’re willing to work. It gives you confidence that you are a professional. If you’re not sure where to start, I recommend starting here: “How to Plan out Your Freelance Website Content in under an Hour.”
And, remember, Gary Halbert also said, "You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going."
Don’t worry about the mistakes you’ll make or how your website looks the first time around. It’s better to take action, make mistakes, and move on to success.
Have you taken action lately? Please comment here to let us know about it.

Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days
No matter what niche you’re in, if you’re a freelancer, you must have a website that showcases what you do. You can launch your own professional website in just 4 days. Experts show you every step. Learn More »
It's so rare that I catch you I just have to point it out: meditation versus mediation. Read your column again, carefully--or hire me as your editor--and let me know what you find. LOL! Of course, it sorta works the way it is.
Zeeksmom –
yep, you are 100% correct-most of us tend to try to think our way to progress, but action is the only way.
Start a web site when i am not though the progam? What if someone wants me to write something ?
Just maybe getting the site up is another action step to create movement!
Guest (kim) –
I don't intend to ofend or discourage anybody. This comment is more likely acryout for realistic assissdtance to succeed. becuse I had invested so much in programs, any action I take has a cost attached, one price for one item. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE one price for a complete process. But, nobody is accountable for a real outcome, a mentor name, a response of my letters, but a real one. I need somebody to take the time to answer my questions or comments. Please don't let this comment be ignored,
Oscarito –
Hi Zeeksmom! I can't believe I did that - and that it slipped past the editors too! :-O I've sent in an email to have it changed. Thank you for pointing it out!
Christina Gillick –
Dear Kim,
What if someone does want you to write something? I used to agonize over that too. But, if someone wants you to write something, you have a choice - you can turn it down or you can do it and make some money! You can always learn more as you go. :)
Best, Christina
Christina Gillick –
Hi Oscarito,
I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you! What do you need help with specifically? Give me a shout here:
Best, Christina
Christina Gillick –