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20 Ways to Stand Out As a Professional Web Copywriter in 2020

As a web copywriter, you need to make it easy for clients to say yes to hiring you. One way to do that is to stand out from other web copywriters…

How to Stockpile Content for a Rainy Day

For your freelance business, it helps to create future content when you have a little extra time. This can help you be more consistent in your outreach.

A 4-Part Strategy for Copywriters Who Want More Referrals

Would you rather grow your copywriting business by cold calling strangers or by having conversations with warm prospects who have been referred to you?

Defining Your Own Unique Selling Proposition to Attract Clients

Defining your unique selling proposition helps you make connections with people you’ll enjoy working with and who’ll go out of their way to work with you.

Social Media SEO: 5 Steps to Make It Easier for Your Ideal Audience to Find You

Social media networks are search engines in their own right. With so much new content, see how to help your clients find you through social media search.

Are You Attracting the Wrong Audience on Social Media?

If you’re using social media to market your web-writing business, the social media audience you’re attracting matters. Many writer make a common mistake…

How to Use Direct Messaging for Social Media Marketing Success

Social media is a great place to attract attention with public posts AND it can be an effective way to continue the conversation with direct messaging.

5 Creative Ways for Saying Thank You to Your Clients

Saying thank you to your clients is more than just polite. It builds relationships and can help keep your clients coming back to you with new projects.

A Lead Generation Landing Page for Your Web-Writing Business

What if you could start attracting clients even before your professional website is ready to launch? You can with a lead generation landing page.

You Can Increase Client Referrals by Asking 3 Simple Questions

A simple way to increase referrals. Even in today’s age of automated lead generation, most businesses say they get their best customers through referrals.

7 Reasons Why You Should Send Newsletters to Your Clients and Prospects

Sending newsletters to your clients and prospects can help you keep your project pipeline brimming over. Find out 7 ways this strategy helps your business.

The Dangers of Relying on One Major Client

Relying on one major client for your writing work can lead to some landmines. Learn to recognize when you’re in dangerous territory and what to do about it

Submit a Spec Assignment – Your Life Is Now

Take action every day to make yourself more successful. The first step is to submit a spec. It’s a win-win no matter what the outcome is.

The 3 P’s of Successful Networking

Michele Peterson shares her own Three P’s of Successful Networking to help make getting clients more comfortable.

Play for the Name on the Front of Your Jersey

Michele Peterson encourages you to define the “why” that’s driving your writer’s life.

7 Steps to Cure “Cobbler’s Children Syndrome”

Michele Peterson reminds us that we need to help ourselves to further our careers.

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