Why NOW Is an Even BETTER Time to Become a Freelance HEALTH Writer!
I hope you’re staying as healthy as possible during this time of chaos and uncertainty.
In the aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak — the world continues to scramble and adjust. But — there’s a group of folks who haven’t been quite as caught up in the frenzy.
That’s because these folks are already accustomed to:
- Self-quarantine — with no coworkers in sight!
- Working from home — or ANYWHERE for that matter!
- Ebbs and flows of income — and used to big paydays and lean weeks!
You know who I’m talking about? They’re called freelance writers!
And with most of the world struggling … juggling how to work from home … getting laid off … or looking for a flexible schedule to handle homeschooling — I’m sure glad I took the plunge to become a freelance writer more than 20 years ago!
What about you? Are you feeling good about that decision too? Or are you kicking yourself even more for STILL sitting on the fence — and not jumping into the freelance life?
If it’s the latter — then NOW is the time to get your butt in gear! Because freelancing may soon be the MOST sought-after position in the world!
Why do I say this?
- Businesses — who never even imagined or even poo-pooed freelancing or telecommuting — are now FORCING their staff to work from home …
- Families are getting creative to find ways to now suddenly balance work … instant homeschooling … and childcare …
- It’s downright scary to “put all your eggs in one basket”! Overnight — “secure” jobs at “reputable” companies have disintegrated …
- People are scrambling to hold on to their jobs — even if it means a financial sacrifice …
For example, my daughter’s friend had worked several years for a leading hotel chain. Within a week of the coronavirus crisis — her schedule was cut from 40 hours a week — to just 4 hours per week. She’s a single mom with bills and little savings. Talk about scary!
Freedom and Flexibility
On the other hand … when you’re a freelance copywriter — like perhaps you’ve been thinking you want to be — you have:
- Freedom! To create your own schedule
- Freedom! To choose your clients
- Freedom! To take off and handle problems — without a dip in income
- Freedom! To know that you STILL have a job — or jobs — because you work for many clients all over the world
Isn’t that the kind of freedom you’re looking for? And despite job closings and office shutdowns …
Copywriters are still in high demand!
Companies still need to generate revenue. They NEED new customers to bring life back to their business. They need persuasive copy to sell their products and renew customers. And who’s going to deliver those goods?
Copywriters — of course! And think about this:
What do you think the effects of coronavirus are already doing to the HEALTH market?
People are:
- Emptying out shelves looking for vitamins and supplements to fortify their immune system
- Swarming to the internet, searching for natural cures
- Buying health books … listening to health gurus … and looking for websites for guidance and directions
And …
… they’re buying … Buying … BUYING!
Health marketers are rushing to get NEW copy on their websites to give customers advice. They’re revving up their mailings and sending out NEW cover tests and sales letters to appeal to the needs of the market RIGHT NOW!
And little ‘ole me is plum tired! I’ve been burning the midnight oil coming up with new headlines and leads to address the current health problems customers are facing.
And it ain’t going to be over for a L-O-N-G time. That means health writers will stay in high demand for a L-O-N-G time!
So are you listening to me? A HUGE opportunity awaits you. In these crazy times — Health is Wealth! So get going!
Do it — Don’t wait.
Crazy things can happen down the road — You never know.
- You may be out of a job — because your company folds …
- You may get sick — and can’t go into work …
- You may get tired of the rat race — and want a calmer place to live …
Whatever your reason — you’ve got options as a freelance writer!
So if you’re sitting on the fence — jump over it now — stop hemming and hawing about it! This is your chance — Carpe Diem!
And if you’re already a freelancer — kudos to you — KEEP your skills up. You’re about to get really busy! Plus …
… You still control your own schedule … can GROW your income … and you have the freedom to take off when you want to help those less fortunate than you. Now — that’s priceless!
And please — whatever you do — stay safe and as healthy as possible!
Do you have any questions about jumping into the booming health market? Let us know in the comments so we can get you the answers.

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The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
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