Digging Deep for Your “Why”
If you haven’t done this yet, I’d like to encourage you to spend some time today thinking about your “why” for living the writer’s life.
Specifically, why is living the writer’s life so important to you at this point in your life? What’s your motivation? What’s your inspiration? And, how is your writer’s life going to change not only your life, but the lives of the people you care about most?
Recognizing and acknowledging your “why” will inspire you to get out of bed early to start writing, or to squeeze in that late-night hour of writing after your day job …
It will be your “guiding star” that will keep you going even after a rough day.
It will help you own your personal definition of success.
So … Do you know what your “why” is?
If so, I’d like you to write it down or say it out loud right now.
(If not, meet me back here after you do … 🙂)
So now that you’ve said it out loud …
I want to challenge you to take it one step further, and dig even deeper …
There Is No “Why” Without a “Because”
When I ask writers about their “why,” I get lots of great answers.
I want to make more money …
I want to finally quit my day job …
I want to keep my mind active …
I want to have more time for my kids …
I’ve always dreamed of being a writer and want to finally make it happen …
Those are all great goals, but are really what I’d call first-level or “surface-level” responses.
Let’s go deeper!
I want you to take some time, find somewhere quiet, and really dig into what’s at the heart of your Level 1 “why.”
And one way to do that is to add a “because …” at the end of your “why” statement.
This is my “why” because _______.
I want to make more money because I want to be a happier person WITHOUT the stress and anxiety every month of trying to make ends meet.
I want to finally quit my day job because I want to be the parent who makes it to every soccer game and dance recital so my child always feels loved and supported, and to do that I need to have the flexibility of making my own schedule.
See what I mean?
And you might even want to do this “because” process several times, getting deeper and more specific each round.
Your goal is to figure out what’s really at the root of your “why.”
Is it because you want your children to have security you didn’t have? Is it because you want them to have a memory of you that will last them years and years?
The more specific your “why” is, the more solid it is.
It will become a touchstone for you — your core value — that will keep you positive and motivated throughout your journey as a writer.
And once you’ve got it … once you’ve dug deep into the specific and personal reasons behind your “why” … write it down.
So You Always Know Where to Find Your Guiding Star
Write your “why” in your favorite journal, or on an index card or whiteboard … or take a picture of the “something” in your life that’s a core part of your “why” …
And then put it somewhere visible. Give yourself the gift of having this as your daily reminder of WHY you’re pursuing the writer’s life …
THIS is why I’m going to wake up early tomorrow to work on the next chapter of my writing training.
THIS is why I’m going to set up my writer’s website today.
THIS is why I’m going to finish this writing project and turn it in ahead of the deadline.
And whenever you find yourself doubtful or anxious about some unexpected turn in your writer’s journey, just remember to go back to your “why” and you’ll never lose your way.
Are you ready to nail down your reason “why” to embrace the writer’s life? Share with us in the comments.

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I am a member of AWAI. This has been one of the most interesting, informative and eventful months of my life. I had my ah-ha moment about two weeks ago. It was the culmination of everything that has happened my entire adult life. I want my writer's life. I want the freedom that this life can provide me with. For my family, myself and most of all for Noah Wyatt, my grandson.
I want the time, money and freedom to be able to give him the fun things. And the opportunities.
I know that copywriting is a doorway to opportunity. I stepped through and I am reaching out with both hands for this excellent opportunity. You can too!
Guest (Rain Hovis) –
I love the Guiding Star idea. That really drives it all home!
Carol Hillegas –
I've found thay Y. R. stands for Yeah Right to Romans 11:32 which says "For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all." and challange other religions, that they can start in such a way. Then Y-Yeah R-ouR Right to see things in different ways and I form the letters with my hand up for Y, then forming the R using your right hand in front you nose and the left hand cupping to it to form the R with your left eye looking out. Y eye write with a W. When too much write it down.
Guest (Elijah) –
Aloha Katie. Here are my "Why? Because, etc." answers. First, I want to stop worrying about money & the uncertainty of our present & future economy. Next because I have many untapped talents that I'd like to mine. Previously, they were often not compensated well. Further, being an AWAI member would enable me to bless my family more abundantly. Because my mother is nearing 90 & has been widowed twice, she deserves a much better hand than she's been dealt in life. Formerly, I was a professional musician. Presently, I continue as an amateur, but living the writer's life, I could turn pro again. I'd regain control over my career & income. Finally, until 2019 I hadn't been overseas in over 30 years. I'd travel more often & widely. Mahalo.
AlohaScottyP –
Thank you Katie for your very inspirational post.I still have to find my Why but now you have shown me how to.Posts like yours are a real inspiration as in life its so easy to become sidetracked.That I will do it tomorrow,later on,I am too busy now etc.You need a solid guiding star you can look up to for inspiration when you are dow
Copywriter53 –
I want to live the Writer's Life because I have ALWAYS said I wanted to be a writer, and make a living from it. I have instead always found reasons to shortchange myself and not stay focused on my dream.
I am tired of that and want to show my children that we can switch gears and do what we believe in. I want to provide for them and show them new places, while being able to "work" from anywhere. I want my family to really live, without the uncertainty of financial insecurity.
Guest (Steven) –
Your question was why do I want to write? Because this book is still almost done with writing and editing ten years, all 86,456 words worth. A large portion of that time was and is spent editing and re-editing. At 67 the hope is it will be finished before the book is closed on me. The grandkids will then have a point of reference when they wonder why they have off-the-wall thoughts. I still find it amusing after countless edits and rewrites.
In essence, it may just be a gift from above to help me pass my time complacently.
Guest (Jay) –
To create something that says one thing but means the world to countless people, that’s what keeps me writing. Becoming the craziest; the most influential reasons people changed or look at the world differently, becoming a hero, being the inspiration someone needed, Saving the life no one else understands, that’s what I strive for. I want to be that emotion someone finally understands, I want to be that quote they still live by, I want to be a voice for the silenced, that’s what I want my legacy to be. It’s not about the greatest lines you will write it’s about writing the greatest story someone read again.
Guest (Victor Aguilar) –
I started writing my thought about 11 years ago. I was going through a divorce at the time. I then downloaded the app called pages and started writing my thoughts in there. There were many “thoughts,” I was also beginning to teach fitness. One day my best friend grabbed my phone away from me while asking, who are you always texting? She looked up at me and asked may I? I said go ahead. They aren’t texts they’re just thoughts I have.
She read for awhile….then said OMG! These are poems! You need to publish these. I have since published two books of poetry, and now my memoirs. I have no idea how to sell them. I also realized I was an artist.
Guest (Deborah E Gray) –
Writing began as a way to keep myself busy so I wouldn’t cry… all the time. I was terribly hurt. It was a sort of therapy while I tried to navigate my broken life. It is still my go to, to calm my mind. I have a huge book of un-publish poetry I still add to in my pages app. But now I need the money. I would like to turn writing into freedom… if I can.
Guest (Deborah E Gray) –
Writing began as a way to calm my mind, keep me grounded through bad times, now my why is to make money. I need financial freedom. I’m on my own for the first time in my life.
Guest (Deborah E Gray) –
For all of the reasons listed but, I want to become a copywriter because it sounds too good to be true! They say if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is! I want to prove there is something out there that sounds too good to be true, but IS! I want to write! I want to prove to my children there is something out there that is real! (And, this is something they might want to do as well, especially my daughter-in-law!)
Thanks so much for this opportunity and I would love to give it a try!
Guest (Brenda Fox) –
I've just retired and finally able to spend more time writing for myself instead of constantly proofing and editing student writing. As a teacher, I taught and supported others, and I'd like to continue doing that through part time writing. I've also been a reporter so understand the need for clarity, facts and excellent grammar. As the digital market continues to expand, I'm fascinated by the abundance of writing opportunities and would welcome the additional income to supplement my retirement.
Amobee –
I want to use the writing talent God has given me to help myself, my family, and others.
Guest (Laura S) –
I have embarked on my journey to become a well-paid writer because I will no longer need to struggle in debt, I will be building my own business and not someone else’s, my sweetheart and I will have the flexibility to travel and enjoy our lives together, also, we will be able to enjoy security for ourselves we thought was out of our reach. We will be able to trade our rusted out truck for something more reliable one day. No more being stranded miles away from civilization.
Guest (Laura Brenay) –
I am doing this for me. I've always loved to write I still do. So it comes down to I'm doing this for me for the money so I can be free to go wherever life takes me.
Guest (Gina ) –
I would like to write so I can feel more fulfilled living my dream as a full time writer. I want the financial freedom it affords so I can get my teeth fixed, get my daughter a nice laptop, travel to see my mom in Africa frequently and so much more!
Guest (Valerie Okonweze) –
Thank you Katie for shaking me up! Yes, I want freedom and security for my family and myself. I have been self-employed for some time and enjoyed the work but not being able to see the freedom that I have yearned for.I see real potential with AWAI to be that life that I have always dreamed of: fully independent of control and paying off all the debt. But I have to be realistic.I want to realize this dream with baby steps and master the skills to be one of the best copywriters. If I can give my best,I don't need to worry about the outcome.The outcome is not in my hand but it will be there based on my level of effort.And I have already felt a sense of confidence that this will work out for me.Thank you so much once again.
Upendra Dahal –
I want to retire from my career and write BECAUSE not only have I always wanted to write professionally (although the dream was buried for a while) but also because I want freedom from debt and from letting others control my schedule, my salary, and my opportunities. Lastly, I want time with my grandkids!
Guest (Denise Tounzen) –
This is my 3rd entry as to my "why", I have all the hopes and dreams as most of the posts here. I have needs that the Method course has provided. Discipline has been sorely lacking, I have that now. Fun has been hard to come by these days. Fun, happiness, love and learning have been my all-time goals. I'm getting my fix. The rest that follows is icing on the cake as they say. This course has given me loads of fun and happiness because I'm learning. I can hardly wait for the icing.
Leasa –
Writing is my therapy; it keeps me sane. I am now at an age where I want to add more legacy to my name. I have written my book, now I want to tell my story.
Joining the military during the Vietnam War was insane but I enlisted and had some say. I joined the long blue line (U.S. Air Force), and that was fine. By the time I joined the big green machine (U.S. Army) I had a world view.
AWAI allows me an opportunity to build something that I can past down. I am #9 out of 14.
The Wise Warrior –
I am 62 years old. I have been a dependent my entire life. So, at this phase in my life, I feel the need to become independent and live my life on my own terms. I want to be the one to make the decisions in my life. I want to give my family the lifestyle they deserve. I want to be a copywriter because I honestly believe I will finally feel responsible as a mother and wife and as an independent woman which I know will give me peace of mind, and a lifestyle filled with Love, joy and happiness.
Khaftet –
A very important reason to become a writer is to earn a substantial income doing what I am passionate about. Also, I would love to eliminate my long commutes, dress up, and get up early. I will save time and money working at home. I will enjoy a flexible schedule. My work-life balance will improve dramatically. I will enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle, less stress, and more opportunities for professional growth. I will be able to stay close to my family and enjoy quality time together.
Guest (Tere Flores) –
I want to succeed in this program and make some serious money because I'm tired of being broke all the time. I know I can do it because writing is something I'm good at. I'm even published! I wrote a column for a local newspaper's motorcycle magazine for 11 months until it folded for lack of advertising. But let me tell you, that first check I received sent me over the moon! It was only $40 per monthly column, but I didn't care. I got a big kick out of hearing that people liked what I had to say. At the time, my son had a business, and sometimes a customer would come in and say they liked what I wrote, and my son would say "that's my mom". Knowing my son was proud of me was worth a whole lot more than $40.
Guest (Carol) –
I long to have a deeper connection with people on all levels. That is my "why." The BECAUSE is the juice, the heart of the matter. The AWAI life will allow me to become fluid to accomplish what I am good at and then move on to live the Writer's life I have always dreamed of. The because for me is about FREEDOM and autonomy. The denial of freedom of my most authentic nature for some 42 years is a sin. I hear God call from a voice deep inside for reclamation. It will be on paper, and I'm ready.
Lovingly-erin –
I want to contribute to our household income because I want to be able to pay for home renovations, a new Hyundai Palisade, and vacations with cash instead of credit cards and loans. I want to have money for fun memories with our daughters because it’s more fun when you aren’t worried about how much everything costs. Expanding my writing skills is important to me because I am an author and you become a better author with practice.
Bonus - I want to teach my girls that they can achieve anything they choose because I want to empower them to chase their dreams and become confident young ladies.
Heather Renae –
Hi Katie, thank you for teaching me how to go deeper.
I have always been shy in school and no one even bothered to talk to me. As I watched all the popular kids run the school, I longed to just be spoken to as a peer, but no one did.
So today, aside from doing this for me and my kids, my other WHY is because I would like to make a name for myself and for all those who rejected me to see that I have made a GREAT life for myself by The Grace of God and by His Mercy.
I was rejected then, celebrated now!
SharieW –
This will give me the lifestyle I would have chosen when I started my work life if I could have afforded it. The first half of my work life, I worked for other people. The next half of my I started my own company. The income was better but being a small company that included myself and at times one or two employees, the income was still limited. I have no regrets for any of it. I'm retired but still need a income. This is what I'm looking forward to do now. It can give me & my family the life style I would love to have had at an earlier stage of my life instead of in retirement. But I'm thankful I have this opportunity now and look forward to it.
J Meyers –
Thanks for this. My WHY is for family, freedom and flexibility because I'd like to offer my young kids the life I've never had. Travel, comfort and time to develop wholesome lives outside of struggle. For more meaningful moments and intimacy with my wife as well. Thanks!
DrNo –
Thank you for this article. After reading it, I wrote a whole page and a half of why and because. But I guess my main one to share is I want a writer's life for the freedom because I want to be able to spend more time with my family and travel. I want to set my schedule around them not a corporation who does not really appreciate it.
Polly Dee –
I’m fond of writing essays, poems, short stories and speeches in school. But the drift of seeing what’s happening to our world led me to writing. There are broken marriages, neglected children, people growing without compassion. Then the consequence… mankind suffers because we forgot to live. I want to write to inspire others, tell them of God’s friendship, and show them how much love He has for us. I’d like to write so I can share how to see goodness in a person no matter how broken he is. I want to tell you what love can do, so this world can become a better place. That is my core, my because, and still, it is. Until I came to AWAI, it broadens my desire to write. Now I am yearning to support my biggest reason WHY I’d like to write.
Remi –
In my assignment I left it all superficial, I see. Digging deeper now… I want to be a writer because I want to break free of my family beliefs that one is only valuable if he works really really hard. I also want to grow as a person and I think writing will give me much wider perspective of ”how the world works”.
Guest (AnnaBB) –
After reading this post, I began to dig deeper. My because is because i still need to supplement my retirement income with some good money. But my main because is my wife deserves to finally have a life where she can relax more and not work so hard. This woman has never complained throughout our many years of marriage, and has always encouraged me no matter what. She deserves to have the opportunity to relax, travel, and not worry about money. I am determined to make this work.
Guest (James C) –
I believe if we can answer the Why for most of life’s situations we can truly be well paid for knowing how to answer the, Why. How to get to the emotional bottom of what may alienate others and they will look to us as writers to solve the question of, Why?
The path we take in life is the pen that we use to write out our journey throughout this life. Your thoughts my thoughts as we write for the heart will always be around to help others, and that is my Why.
JackieRobertsonJr –
Digging deeper, I want to really master the copywriting craft, as I know that besides enabling me to be better off financially,it will also help me in any situation where the art of persuasion is needed, not only in the written form, but also when speaking privately or publicly.
The glicken to learning copywriting is to be able to help friends who have lost their jobs realize there is hope, using the knowledge they already have to make a living and showing them how AWAI makes it so easy!
Clara Mae –
I found here an exciting career, full of obsctacles and rewarding. It gives me the opportunity to live life in my own terms. I love to research and to write and I am curious by Nature. I find here the possibility to live the life of my dreams.
Guest (Samuel Rodrigues) –
My why is to become a copywriter to live my life according to my own terms, schedule and flexibility.
Financial freedom and earning higher income come at the top of my purpose in life. Because employment eats at my very passions and fulfillment
Extending helping hand and keep supporting those in need is the great source of satisfaction and more power to me.
Chasing my why with a laser focus, consistency and putting in continued efforts Should become the touchstones of my way in life.
Guest (Mohtajullah) –
My REAL WHY I REALLY WANT TO BE A COPYWRITER!! I am so tired of financial struggles, making a boss rich & I make scraps from the barrel. I am so sick of that life. I want to wake up everyday doing a job I love so much.
I want a better purpose on a career in life knowing that I am truly helping to keep the economy alive and well.
I want a life where I am making so much money even in my sleep where I can decide to work or not, go on trips, buy the things I want make my fiancee happy & Im happy!!
Guest (Philip J Quirino) –
I want to make a living as a writer because of the flexibility and scalable income it provides. I want to start a family and homeschool my kids.
I want to build a good income to free up time to build my Amway business, which is the ultimate scalable and buildable business.
I want ongoing income to produce time freedom and a legacy income I can pass onto my children and their children. All these things will be done to the glory of God.
Guest (Kirk) –
A company lay-off led me to realize the sum of my life’s purpose had been to make shareholders wealthy. I lost my identity and livelihood, so I turned my attention to my ailing parents. As a writer, I intend to regrow my wealth and return to the lifestyle I grew accustomed to.
Divine intervention opened my eyes to a new purpose. I am here to influence positive changes in the lives of animals by content writing and marketing cruelty-free, environmentally friendly product offerings.
Gjenge –
Copywriting is perfect for me. I always wanted a business that allows me to work on my terms, giving me the stability I need to be successful & financially secured. Be worry-free when making simple daily decisions like buying food, clothes, gas, and paying bills. Have large savings & invest. Leave a substantial amount of money for my daughter & her family so they are secure for their future. I want to remain healthy & strong while having fun growing old. I'm looking forward to an amazing life!
Kai –
I want to feel security and freedom at the same time because I believe it is a great way to live. I want to make more money because I am tired of watching my husband work so hard for so little and having nothing to show for it. I want to be able to work from wherever, as it is the ultimate freedom. I want to be a writer because it is something I absolutely love to do!!!
Lori Kristine –
I want to give my family the stability of a good income with the flexibility in my work required to run a farm. My wife has carried my entire family financially for over 10 years now, and she needs a much-deserved break. I have struggled with many other types of jobs, but never tried utilizing my superpowers to my advantage. In doing this work, I want my words to stir people from the depths of their being, pointing them ever closer to a higher vision, truth, and purpose.
Brad P –
I will make royalties that will pay for my future children education. I will live part of my life in North Africa because the weather is perfect for growing my favorite fruit trees.My nanny will take care of the household chores and I will be free to focus my attention to my garden, children, husband, and career. Debt keeps me anchored in a situation that I don’t want to be in. I want to freedom of not having the bank in my business. My copy will be written in English, Spanish, and Arabic.
I've recently retired and moving into the next phase of my journey with copywriting. I'm absolutely excited after attending the first of the 10 part series. My big WHY is that I still need to be productive. Copywriting attracted me with the ability to make six figures to help my Family. Because my wife and family mean the world to me and I need to keep them supported. Because I want to be with them to have the great lifetime experiences.
Greg East –
I need to provide for myself and more importantly my family. By providing I want to do this with ease of freedom of choices not be controlled by PTO and appointments and finance restrictions. There is a peace that comes over me when bills are paid and there is still money in the bank. To be able to have some savings and a cushion for the unexpected expenses or save for retirement and vacations. Omg to afford a vacation. These are things that are important to many, work life balance. I love to work, and am very proud of my work but I also love to enjoy life. I'd really like to make both happen.
Guest (Corrine) –
I want to become a copywriter to change the narrative for people like myself. a young African female, wanting to break free from limitation and bondage.
To attain the freedom and abundance to financially make a living in a foreign currency, work with clients I want personally choose to work with from around the world, have my work travel with me, and work specific hours of the day as I enjoy time with family and friends. Learning copywriting will allow me to wake up every day, do what I love, and work with impact-driven companies & businesses to create a positive impact whilst earning an income.
Besi –
the "why" and "because" is transformational. why gets you to really get at the problems you are having and to change them and because drills deeper into your why and when you say again,because, you get to the root of why you want to write and what it means to transform your mind into that of a professional writer.
Guest (jeff reed) –
My Why: To be free of the stress of finances and future retirement. To take family on vacations. To be generous and impact others' lives so they feel loved and noticed. To rise in the morning with a passion to do what I love. To prove to others that I can do this.
Nancy of Ohio –
After reading almost all the comments of the people on this page, I have a greater understanding of the importance of the "WHY" of copywriting. There's so much to gain in this venture that it would be "sin" not to heartedly commit to it. I have started so many courses...but after seeing how many lives have been changed for the better, I am committed. I will find the time to finish this course and be successful at it. I too want to see my life and my family's life changed. I want to end mediocrity and do all I believe I am blessed to be and to do. Ther's so much I want to say, but the best I can do is to say it with my actions, by fully committing my time and best effort to it.
Guest (Silvestre) –
My “why” touches on a lot of reasons! I do like to write but have never had the opportunity to do so. I journal a lot to get my feeling out on paper, silent therapy. I’m tired of working for everyone else and their schedule. I want my kids to be able to enjoy after school activities, etc. I have a long commute and spend 3 extra hours a day, just driving. I want to help compensate with the extra funds we need so my husband doesn’t have to work such long OT hours. Take stress off home life!
Guest (Shannon) –
My Why is Money & Freedom & the title of "The Copy Writer". I was full-time Theatre lighting designer, and still do as hobby besides being full time mother and household.
I want money because I would like to shop and travel with what I earn well and buy a house in my home town. "Lighting" to "Writing", "employee" to "freedom, freelancer", "Basic money" to "Wealthy well-paid income". Sounds too good to be true? yes, but I have my faith in AWAI as my third time challenge, and this time, I see the light of future with my "WHY".
Erika C –
My why starts with me. As a copywriter I will create a life for myself on my terms This will give me the knowledge and freedom to pursue my purpose; and earn a living where I won’t feel guilty for spending money.
I will be able to help people with a traumatic brain injury and their families. This is a personal matter to me and is a neglected issue. With a better income it will also help my family financial life security and give me more confidence security and happiness
Guest (Susan Black) –
I'm 17, and the lighter is tempting a flick for 18 by the 7th of June. I've wrote a lot from teeming my silly little diaries up about my anxieties, my fears, and my extremely concerning dejection. My suicidal encroaching tendencies. But that's what I've always done. Write. And now I have a purpose. Finally giving back to a mother that's fatigue of having to bend over backwards incessantly for others just for a flick of chunk change and the smart wrist of writing. I can do this AND SO CAN YOU.
Guest (Tehya Jeter) –
Writing is Life!
Most brightest sign of human is the ability to communicate and the most precise, respectful and durable shape of this communication is writing.
Although speaking is before, but it disappears as soon as is heard. Can we hear now the words the great Cyrus has had commanded about freedom of Babel people? But his "written" on stone is yet in the museums.
Can't say any more when every phenomenon from microscopic to macroscopic are written by God!
Writing is the life, isn't it?
NAsserSAdeghi –
This past August, I spent a week in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, with my wife. The trip was part of our vacation.
I brought my laptop and took advantage of a few hours to work: in the early morning, I would send emails on behalf of a client, and in the evening I would research a topic for which I had to write a landing page.No offices, no schedules, 0 stress. It was that I had always wanted. That´s "my why".
P.D. I´m sorry if my spanish translation isn´t very good. I will try to improve.
Guest (Rubeacuten Espina Lastra) –
My why… at a young age I told myself I was going to turn our family around from being poor. My children are grown and struggling and I need to turn our lives around to enjoy what life I have left. A freak accident left me paralyzed 5 years ago. I since learned to walk again and at 62 I’m forcing myself to learn to write, literally. This is what I need to do to turn our lives around. We deserve to live a life without worrying about money. I need to earn enough to buy a new house, move and finally enjoy life again. I am excited to move forward! Thank you for showing me the way! Sincerely, Debi
Guest (Debi Sewell ) –
I was charged with giving my small community, Obiozimini, in Rivers State Nigeria total transformation. The Writer's Life will help me access the resources to achieve that.
Guest (Huyake Ugoji-Umesi) –
Money is not my main motivator but a person needs money to live in this world. at 55, my body is done with hard physical labor. Copywriting will allow me to do the things retired people do without being retired. I want to be in control of my time.
Scott Berry –
After a serious soul-searching, I got to the bottom of my "why".
Here it is:
I’m here on this planet only for a short time. I want to leave it a better place when I go.
Thank you, Katie.
Guest (Romeo Ubaldo) –
(I wrote 2k words...but here's a summary)
I will be able to support my family while having time to enrich their lives.
I want my pets to live happily and healthy.
I will help businesses that I believe in create a name for themselves and get the attention that they deserve.
In this age of information, seeking and spreading truth is more important than ever.
The freedom that the writer's life provides excites me and makes me want to live again. I’m ready to spread my wings and fly.
Salena Barrickman –
My deep rooted "Why" is to take care of my 98 year old mother myself without having to pay thousands of dollars for home health care while I work full time in a downtown office.
Taking care of her myself would save thousands of dollars each month. I can use that money to pay off my car and then my house. Once these are paid, I can retire and focus solely on caring for my mother.
Marie G Chavez –
i am really intrigued with the varied points people in this forum have raised about their desire to live the writer's life. It is indeed gratifying that everyone sincerely, believe they can achieve this noble goal.
The bottom line is the "WHY" we are all striving to attain something deep within us. The ability to demonstrate this, is very encouraging and a great source of motivation.
I will definitely follow in pursuit of this same objective for the sake of family and myself. Looking great.
GlobalWrlter –
As a writer, I want the flexibility to do what I love, when and where I want, and get paid for it BECAUSE money would no longer be an issue, and I could dedicate more time to my family, my art, and traveling with my husband.
BECAUSE… I need to simplify my life and enjoy what I do.
BECAUSE… I currently have too many irons in the fire and can’t dedicate time to all of them.
Nicklay Writer –
Thank you for reading “My Why” so quickly and sharing how to go deeper into my why. Because Im writing from home on my own schedule, I can see my friends when they drop by. They don’t need to wait for me to come home.
The money I can make will open up the world for me because there is no concern to watch the daily or monthly budget. My because comes down to freedom. I no longer am responsible for my children, my parents. My children are grown and my parents passed on so I can concentrate on my desires. Another because is I can’t imagine not writing!
Guest (Rebecca Duke) –
Longevity is vital to me. This is the reason I want to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. Diet and exercise are essential to me as I grow older. I want to be successful in my lifestyle and share it with others through writing. At almost 67 years old I am in the best shape of my life. Although, I have had both hips replaced and undergone shoulder surgery. I want to promote diet, exercise, and plant-based supplements through Arbonne, which I have been a consultant for the last eight years. I have a website that has never been put to use. I am ready to change that with AWAI's support.
Guest (Mike Ivey) –