What to do When Clients Call
Lane Sennett here for the last day of The Writer's Life this week. With your copywriting training, experience, the right niche, just a few samples, and confidence in your ability — freelance success can be your reality in a surprisingly short period of time.
Let's wind things down with the fifth and final Step to Success.
As we ended yesterday’s article, I described starting my freelance marketing tactics with surveying possible client websites, writing my own blog articles, and then submitting a guest blog post for consideration to a technology blog site.
Much to my surprise, I received a response to my inquiry from the blog publisher the next day! They asked me to rewrite several of the existing article headlines (like as a spec assignment). I was amazed how quickly and easily my B2B copywriting training allowed me to transform their dry, unengaging headlines. The publisher loved my response, published my article, and endorsed my services to their entire list! I received several immediate inquiries about my services.
So, what do you do when things take off and those first customers call? Relax, research the company, schedule a time to talk, and make it easy for them to talk to you about their challenges and needs. You CAN help them! Make a list of questions to ask them which guide them toward the services you provide.
Everything you do next should be content that will go into your proposal or the background for writing your first paid assignment. (Oh, and while you are waiting for your marketing to get responses, draft a proposal outline so you’ll be ready when your first customer asks for one.)
In short, find out what they need and treat them like a friend who needs help, and then write your proposal. When it's accepted, start writing! Don’t forget to refer back to all of your AWAI training resources, B2B Handbook and Checklists for each type of content your prospects request. Do your best possible job every time with every assignment.
If they pass, try to find out why. And use it as a learning experience for next time.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my story and path to B2B copywriting success this week. I’d love to hear from you with questions or comments about creating your own B2B success path.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
This was solid advice, particularly about having a draft proposal outline ready. I blanked when my first blog customer asked for an invoice!! I also liked the suggestion to think of a client as a friend you're helping...it takes some of the mystery/fear out of it.
Guest (Mike Devaney) –
Thanks Lane,Matt,Katie, and REBECCA and the rest of the AWAI family for everything
Guest (Chancellor) –
Hello - and thank you for your helpful article on success in B2B. I know I can do this, and am struggling to overcome the usual fear and paralysis engendered by not knowing how to undertke the first baby steps. Where do I find the B2B handbook, the check lists for each type of asignment etc..? Even uploading and downloading can be a challenge for me - but like everything - it's like tying your shoelaces once you've done it a few times. Can't wait for the liberation from fear and the thrill of the breakthrough!
William –
William, Chancellor & Mike - Thanks for reading! The handbook and checklists I'm referring to are components of Steve Slaunwhite's High Performance B2B class.
Lane S –