The Foundation is in Place – Now What?
This week, we’ve looked at how to get clients.
The foundation is in place. You know who your ideal clients are. You have a website, a bait piece, and an e-newsletter …
Now it’s time to get the word out and let the world know you exist! It all comes down to one simple rule (credit goes to expert copywriter and marketer Jason Leister for this one):
Every day, do something to make sure more people know you and your business exist than you did yesterday.
Follow this one simple rule, and you’ll have the makings of a very successful freelance business.
So how do you let people know you exist?
This is where individuality comes into play. It depends on what resources you have and what your personality is comfortable with.
For example, if you’re shy and have some money to spend on advertising, you could launch a direct-mail campaign to a list of prospects that meet your criteria … or place an ad in a trade magazine.
If you’re low on cash but are fearless, you could start cold-calling prospects and invite them to take a look at your bait piece (remember, no asking for huge commitments right off the bat).
Some methods will produce results faster than others. For example, being on a social media site could connect you with a potential client who desperately needs a writer, all in a matter of minutes. In contrast, sending out a monthly newsletter may produce a client six months down the road.
A combination of long-term and short-term tactics works best.
There’s almost no limit to the ways you could promote yourself. Get creative and decide on two or three to start. A few more ideas:
- Contact prospects via email (contact information is usually on the company website)
- Be vocal on social media (sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)
- Attend a conference or trade show
- Pay for online banner ads
- Rent out a billboard on a busy highway
- Ask your friends for referrals
As for me, I’ve settled on doing a combination of direct mail, phone follow-up, email, and social media.
So think about it … how can you get the word out in a way that’s comfortable for your personality?
And remember, the goal here is not to get a “sale.” It’s to get prospects to visit your website and download your bait piece. This way, you can follow up and build a relationship — and have them contact you about work.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
Hey Guillermo,
Great article! Hope you're well.
Thanks for mentioning me. I also like to give credit where credit is due, so I have to thank the great Dan Kennedy for the kernel of such a powerful idea.
That one thing, done daily can make a huge difference.
Keep up the good work!
Guest (Jason Leister) –