Are Copywriting Courses Worth It?

Tuesday October 22, 2024 | Posted by Katie Yeakle

You’re smart to ask if a copywriting course is worth the investment. Before you spend valuable time and money on a program, you want to know that it will advance your career.

So, are copywriting courses actually worth it?

Yes. Copywriting courses are an excellent way to enhance your writing and business skills and accelerate your copywriting success. However, there are countless courses advertised, and not all are created equal.

If you want to become a copywriter, you’ll want to ensure the copywriting course you take is reputable by following five crucial steps; we’ll explore each in this article.

Here’s the thing:

Anyone can promise to make you a profitable, sought-after copywriter — not everyone can deliver on that claim.

The Copywriting Course Buyer’s Guide

Maybe you’re new to freelance writing, but you’ve got a love for the craft and a passion for learning. Or perhaps you’ve been writing for a while, and now you’re ready to level up your copywriting career and charge premium rates.

No matter your starting point, here’s what you need to know to choose the right copywriting course with confidence and ease:

Step 1: Closely Evaluate the Program Curriculum

Your copywriting course curriculum is the blueprint to your career success. Take time to closely examine the lessons and modules included.

Consider what you’d like to learn. The best copywriting courses specialize in persuasive direct-response copy while also addressing general digital marketing.

A summary of the entire course curriculum should be available so you can review all module topics and descriptions. If there are writing sample assignments and feedback, that’s even better! Give them a try to get an idea of the instruction style and copywriting exercises.

Also, realize that the best way to become a better writer is to write. When asking are copywriting courses worth it, look for programs that include plenty of hands-on writing prompts, so you can immediately implement what you learn.

Finally, as with any type of learning experience, the curriculum should be well-structured, organized, and clear.

Step 2: Evaluate the Copywriting Pedigree of the Publisher

Most people skip this next step when evaluating a copywriting course because they don’t realize just how important it is.

Before you invest in any course or program, take a moment to ask:

Who is the publisher behind this copywriting course, and, more importantly, what is their copywriting pedigree?

Here’s what I mean:

Sure, it’s helpful to know who created the copywriting program. However, I care far more about the teacher or publisher’s professional track record than I do about their marketing.

To generate real-world results, you need a publisher with extensive copywriting knowledge and proven experience.

You’re looking for access to the same copywriting strategies that professional, working copywriters use — not abstract theories or distilled overviews you could easily find online.

So, take a careful look at each instructor’s pedigree and track record. Be wary of one-off successes, and instead look for masters of their trade making a lucrative livelihood from the very skills they’re teaching.

Need a few ideas of what to look for? Check out the experts at AWAI. Our instructors are some of the highest-paid copywriting professionals in the world — and they’ve made incredible careers from the very craft you’re learning. Use their bios as inspiration and criteria when evaluating any self-proclaimed copywriting expert.

Step 3: Look for Evidence of Results

No one can guarantee your copywriting success. It’s up to you to study, practice, and put what you learn into action.

Any legitimate copywriting course should have plenty of examples of past students who have achieved results from that program. Look for concrete evidence proving the value of the program material and the quality of instruction.

Remember that you’re not just looking for testimonials about the instructor, but bona fide success stories confirming the copywriting course actually works — and lots of them.

Here are a few examples of case studies you want to see from any copywriting course.

Step 4: Read Reviews by Industry Experts

What do seasoned industry professionals say about the copywriting course you’re considering?

Credible industry experts know a superior copywriting curriculum when they see one and want to maintain high standards in their profession. Take the time to research if leaders in the copywriting industry vouch for the course you’re thinking of taking. A quick Google search usually does the trick.

And if you can’t find reputable reviews from experts at the top of the copywriting industry? Well, that’s a big red flag…

Bob Bly, Copyblogger, and Ryan Deiss are a few of the notable names to review and recommend AWAI’s courses. These are the types of credentials you’re looking for when analyzing course reviews.

Step 5: Look for Ongoing Value and Support BEYOND the Program Materials

If you want to expedite your copywriting success, then this final step is non-negotiable.

When asking are copywriting courses worth it, always ensure there’s ongoing value and support once you complete the program. Ideally, this should include a community of peers and industry experts.

Mastering the course material is only the first step to becoming a copywriter. There’s still the matter of running and growing your dream copywriting business.

Challenges will arise. You might run into frustrating situations with clients or questions about contracts or pricing. You’ll also have inspiring wins that you’ll want to share with people who just get it.

An active course community is an invaluable resource, both during the program and for years to come. You’ll learn from your peers, build long-lasting friendships, and share career-boosting ideas. You’ll also get the mentorship and support you need from writers who have been exactly where you are right now, so you can launch your copywriting career with confidence.

Don’t leave a copywriting course asking, “Now what?” Instead, look beyond the program materials for lasting value like:

How Much Do Copywriting Courses Cost?

Copywriting course prices vary significantly depending on the teacher, the educational material, and the program’s pedigree.

Be wary of any program with too low a price tag. You’re unlikely to find it checks off each of the five steps outlined in this copywriting course buyer’s guide. Plus, if you’re new to copywriting and just dipping your toe in the water, there are plenty of free copywriting resources for you to start with.

Most reputable copywriting programs will cost somewhere between $400 - $1,200.

Copywriting Certification

Are copywriting courses worth it if they include a formal certification?

Well, you don’t need any formal certification to become a copywriter. Your copywriting clients care about the writing you deliver and the results you drive — not a piece of paper or a fancy logo.

That said, because copywriting requires no formal training, there are a lot of self-proclaimed copywriters crafting lackluster content at best.

Investing in a copywriting course with a verified certification proves two things:

  1. The course material covers the fundamentals of copywriting principles and best practices, so you can begin your copywriting career knowing you’ve mastered the vital components of winning copy.
  2. You’ve invested in your skills and have the chops to back up your claims. In other words, certification from a well-known copywriting course demonstrates to clients that you have the know-how to take on their project.

To display the AWAI verified seal, you must pass a final exam that proves you’ve learned the key components of a copywriting sales letter. It also shows you understand the direct response industry and your role as a copywriter within the marketing process.

So, while not necessary, a well-respected certification or seal is a valuable way to safeguard both you and your clients — and set everyone up for success.

AWAI Copywriting Courses

Ready to invest in your copywriting career and start living the writer’s life you’ve always imagined?

Good. Now, copywriting doesn’t have an overnight success strategy. But if you follow a few simple yet powerful techniques, you’ll be on your way to a rewarding and lucrative copywriting career.

We offer two comprehensive copywriting courses at AWAI with a proven track record of success. Dubbed the gold standard in copywriting training, both check off every point we outlined in this guide. Here’s a quick look at each:

The AWAI Method™

The AWAI Method™ is our proven introduction to copywriting, so you can become a skilled, in-demand copywriter in four weeks or less. The curriculum has everything you need to:

  • Get hands-on copywriting experience
  • Receive direct feedback and direction from industry experts
  • Build your copywriting portfolio (even as a beginner!)
  • Land your first paying clients

This video-based learning program is suitable for any level and includes everything you need to launch your dream copywriting career.

The Accelerated Program for Seven-Figure Copywriting

This acclaimed copywriting course covers advanced copywriting techniques, including a deep dive into the well-paid world of direct-response sales letters. Here’s a snapshot of the program:

  • Learn the secrets, tips, and techniques that have sold billions of dollars worth of products (and can do the same for your clients).
  • Get feedback on two writing assignments, including a full direct response sales page.
  • Win a $10,000 contract with AWAI!
  • Enjoy a self-paced program you can complete on your schedule.

You don’t have to be an established writer to succeed in this accelerated copywriting course. Follow the proven techniques outlined in the course material — show up and do the work — and you’ll be on your way to earning great money while writing.

Keep in mind that there’s a high demand for skilled copywriters, and an investment in a course is an investment in a fun, well-paying career as a writer.


Katie Yeakle
Executive Director, AWAI