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Are You an Activationist or a Passivationist?

Could of, would of, should of. John Wood looks into how to avoid regret by taking action.

Are You an Anti-Writer?

John Wood gives you a great technique for tackling those creeping negative thoughts that keep you from fully living the writer's life.

What a Soapbox Derby and a 14-Year-Old Means to Your Success

Will Newman helps remind us that no matter how far off track we have gone, there is a path to get back.

Use Your Talents to Make a Difference

Steve Roller is here to show you some of the ways your unique skill as a copywriter can help not just your income, but your community and the world.

The Vibrant Longevity of Writers

Steve Roller points out some of the larger, life long benefits of living the writer's life.

The #1 Reason for My Poverty

Joshua Boswell shares the #1 reason he was steeped in poverty and exactly how he broke out of poverty’s death grip.

Nine Ways to Raise Your Enthusiasm to Increase Productivity

If you need some help in the enthusiasm department, here are some tips from Cindy Cyr for getting excited about your work so you can get more done in less time.

The One Thing that Will Dramatically Influence Your Ability to Succeed

Dan Chezem passes on some tips for maintaining a positive attitude as you work towards the writer’s life.

Napoleon Hill's Seven Steps to Self-Confidence...

If your goal is to be a freelance writer, it's up to you to make it happen. And the first step is to believe in yourself and your ability.

Believe in Yourself and Others Will Be Forced to Believe in You

Mindy Tyson McHorse gives you a kick in the rear to boost your confidence and realize you are your biggest fan.

16 Ways to Put More Enthusiasm in Your Work and Life

The benefits of living a more enthusiastic life can't be overstated … John Wood has 16 ways to help breath a fire into your copywriting career, and your life.

How 20 Seconds of Insane Courage Can Change Your Life…

Cindy Cyr challenges you to face your fears and start approaching your ideal clients.

How the Imagination of a Child Will Get You Closer to Your Goals

Christina Gillick reminds us of the splendor of childhood and how to apply that wonder to the writer's life.

Are You in the Right Mindset to Succeed?

Cindy Cyr shares the two types of mindset - and how the one you have can either help or hurt your freelance career.

Need a Greater Sense of Purpose?

John Wood shares how your mindset influences your quality of work - and shares how to create a sense of purpose.

What's Responsible for Your Success?

John Wood shares five tips to keep you from shifting responsibility for your success somewhere else - and how to motivate yourself to succeed.

This Roadblock Has Been Holding Me Back

Roy Furr opens up about something that's been holding him back from success, how you can avoid it, and how he overcame it.

From “I Can’t” to “I Can!” – 5 Easy Ways to Gain Confidence As an Aspiring Copywriter

No doubt, starting out as a copywriter can be downright frightening. The good news is, you can calm these fears down, and become a competent, confident copywriter in no time flat. Just follow one (or more!) of these five confidence boosters.

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