December 2011

Give It Away To Get Rich

Mindy Tyson McHorse starts of this weeks The Writer's Life series with an important message: One of the keys to having great wealth is being able to give it away.

Skyrocket Response by Eliminating Your Prospect's Risk

John Wood explains the classic technique of "risk reversal", taking on the risk of your reader to increase sales.

23 Ways to Strengthen Your Bullet-Writing Skills...

John Wood takes writing compelling and effective bullets one step further by presenting to you 23 different bullet-writing formulas.

How to Write Stronger, More Effective Bullets That Your Clients and Readers Will Love

Have you ever written an ineffective, lacklustre bullet? Whether you use them in an email, website, or online sales page, the quality of your bullets can play a major role in whether or not a reader makes it to the end of your copy.

Write Powerful Bullets That Your Readers Will Devour Like Starving Teenagers...

Today, John Wood is going to talk about an essential part of every writer’s marketing arsenal: bullet writing.

Jeanie Davis: Leveraging the AWAI Community

Learn how Jeanie Davis used the AWAI community to help her find success and leveraged the networking opportunities that come with being a member.

More Important Than Food or Money

Mindy Tyson McHorse takes a moment to remind us that living the life of a freelance writer is more about being wholly satisfied with life and less about making a lot of money.