December 2011
Give It Away To Get Rich
December 26, 2011 (05:13:22 am)
Mindy Tyson McHorse starts of this weeks The Writer's Life series with an important message: One of the keys to having great wealth is being able to give it away.
Skyrocket Response by Eliminating Your Prospect's Risk
December 22, 2011 (06:25:01 am)
John Wood explains the classic technique of "risk reversal", taking on the risk of your reader to increase sales.
23 Ways to Strengthen Your Bullet-Writing Skills...
December 20, 2011 (06:03:08 am)
John Wood takes writing compelling and effective bullets one step further by presenting to you 23 different bullet-writing formulas.
How to Write Stronger, More Effective Bullets That Your Clients and Readers Will Love
December 19, 2011 (06:29:57 am)
Have you ever written an ineffective, lacklustre bullet? Whether you use them in an email, website, or online sales page, the quality of your bullets can play a major role in whether or not a reader makes it to the end of your copy.
Write Powerful Bullets That Your Readers Will Devour Like Starving Teenagers...
December 19, 2011 (06:01:20 am)
Today, John Wood is going to talk about an essential part of every writer’s marketing arsenal: bullet writing.
Jeanie Davis: Leveraging the AWAI Community
December 12, 2011 (05:44:38 am)
Learn how Jeanie Davis used the AWAI community to help her find success and leveraged the networking opportunities that come with being a member.
More Important Than Food or Money
December 02, 2011 (06:33:40 am)
Mindy Tyson McHorse takes a moment to remind us that living the life of a freelance writer is more about being wholly satisfied with life and less about making a lot of money.