Get Ready for:
The Big Reveal!

Bootcamp 2024 Reveal

This Friday is HUGE for the "AWAI World" and copywriters around the world …

It's the one day copywriters new, experienced, young, old, and every age in between wait ALL YEAR LONG for:

The BIG REVEAL of AWAI's Copywriting Success Bootcamp 2024!

It's the day you learn who's coming to this, our biggest and best virtual event EVER …

And get a taste of what you're going to learn!

If you're new to AWAI and you don't know about Bootcamp … it really is the "event of the year" for copywriters …

It's where — over an information-packed three days — we bring together some of the biggest names in marketing and copywriting …

To talk about what's working now …

Have them share their very best writing tips and freelance strategies …

Help you understand the biggest and hottest issues facing copywriters …

Show you the ways to propel your career …

And leap head and shoulders ahead of all the competition out there.

And when we say "big names" — take a look at some of the experts we've welcomed to Bootcamp over the years:

  • Bob Bly — "America's top copywriter"
  • Ryan Deiss — Digital marketing innovator
  • Bill Bonner — Founder of The Agora
  • Mark Ford — Copywriter, master of wealth-building strategies
  • Dan Kennedy — The "Godfather" of Direct Marketing
  • Drayton Bird — legend of British direct marketing
  • Mike Palmer — financial copywriting expert
  • Donald Miller — Author, StoryBrand creator
  • Russ Henneberry — Digital marketing educator
  • Ann Handley — Content marketing pioneer
  • Brian Kurtz — Boardroom's marketing guru
  • Terri Trespicio — Brand messaging specialist
  • Mari Smith — "The Queen of Facebook" Marketing
  • Guillermo Rubio — AI content and prompt expert
  • Jon Morrow — Leading blogging authority
  • Steve Slaunwhite — B2B Copywriting leader
  • Brian Clark — Founder of Copyblogger
  • Carline Anglade-Cole — The "Million-Dollar Copywriter"
  • Clayton Makepeace — The "highest-paid copywriter"
  • Ben Settle — Email marketing maverick
  • Gordon Graham — That White Paper Guy
  • John Forde — Direct response copywriting master
  • Richard Armstrong — The Copywriting Coach
  • Joe Vitale — Hypnotic marketing specialist
  • Andrew Davis — Author of Brandscaping
  • Rick Stratten — Brand engagement specialist
  • Yanik Silver — Maverick entrepreneur and visionary
  • Ryan Levesque — Creator of the "ASK Method"
  • Ted Nicholas — Direct response copywriting legend
  • Henry Bingaman — Health and financial copywriting specialist
  • David Deutsch — Direct response copywriting coach and guru
  • Mark Everett Johnson — the "Copywriting Craftsman"

And that's just a SMALL taste from recent years — a literal who's who of the direct response and copywriting world!

Who's coming this year?

Find out this coming Friday, August 2 at Noon ET!

Rest assured, this year's amazing lineup of experts — including our very special #1 Keynote Speaker — are exactly the pros you want to hear from in these ever-changing times for copywriters.

But that's not the only reason to be ready for this Reveal …

Also Friday:
The LOWEST Admission Price

As is tradition …

"Reveal" Day is also the ONE day you'll get the absolute VERY LOWEST price to attend Bootcamp …

Which means you won't pay anywhere near the $2,495 price to attend …

Or the $1,495 people who wait will pay.

You won't even pay close to the $995 we'll be offering full three-day admittance for after Friday's Bootcamp Reveal …

Your price this Friday will be …

Well — you gotta tune in Friday at Noon ET to find out. 😀

Here's the link to where "Bootcamp 24 Reveal" will happen!

Open it now to learn more …

Once we hit 12 p.m. ET on Friday, August 2 — the Bootcamp 2024 Reveal goes "live."

However you get there …

The important thing is that you are there when Noon ET strikes!

With this many stars from our industry all gathered together …

With so much to learn from these amazing experts — especially in these fast-changing times for copywriters especially …

AWAI Bootcamp is a MUST ATTEND for any serious copywriter.

And Friday is the ONE day you can get your full three-day pass — plus other surprises — at the lowest price guaranteed.

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Average: 5.0
Published: July 27, 2024

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