A Perfectly Scripted Conversation for Your Role as a Highly Paid Web Content Detective
I answered the phone with this single sentence, “Hello, Web Content Detective at your service.”
The prospective client paused for a moment and then said …
“My website isn’t working, and I just don’t understand it. We have a beautiful site, but it’s not bringing in business.” He sighed and added, “We’re stumped. Can you help?”
I smiled and said, “No worries. I can definitely help you with that. What seems to be the problem?”
He explained, “We’re not ranking well in Google, and our competition is owning all the results pages for our business category. Day after day, I watch them show up first in searches … and we’re nowhere to be found.”
“Plus, the traffic we ARE getting isn’t turning into leads or sales for our business. What gives?”
Knowing that most business people aren’t experts on web content that works … or how to optimize web content for search engines …
I respectfully offered to take a look at his site, right then and there.
“Let’s take a quick look at your site. What’s the URL?” I asked.
He gave me his web address and I pulled it up.
“Very nice!” I said. And then I started to talk about the positive parts of the website.
Now … let’s continue this conversation with YOU at the helm, answering a call from a potential client of YOURS as a web content consultant.
You always want to start the conversation with positivity, even if you instantly see problems with the client’s content. You want to praise the work that has been done. Perhaps the client just forked over thousands of dollars for a beautiful design. You’d be crushing his soul if you started out with negative comments about the site.
So, you might say during the live review, “Gosh, there’s a lot of great information here, and the site is attractive. But perhaps you’re missing some of the crucial elements that can improve search rankings. Right off the bat, I can see some ways to improve your site’s lead and sales results as well.
“For instance …”
This is where you give the client a few hints, so he can begin to trust you.
You may say, “For instance, I see that your web pages don’t really include headlines. That’s one big opportunity to grab the attention of visitors with an exciting reason for them to stick around.
“If you can add headlines explaining why your products or services are the best choice for your visitors, that’s a great start. AND, if you add search phrases — the words people are using to find solutions in your product category … even better.”
You then ask, “What might be a phrase people use to search for the solutions you can provide?”
The client may say something like, “gym software; software that local gym owners can use to manage their fitness centers.”
A-ha! That’s the first clue where you can show off your brilliance.
You may say, “Terrific. Here’s the thing. If you add the phrase ‘gym software’ in certain places on your web page, such as the headline I mentioned and many other places … it will make a massive difference in your search rankings.”
The client’s tone will surely turn from defeated to excited. “Wow,” he’ll exclaim. “I had no idea that’s how Google works.”
You say, “That’s just one component of improving the results of your website.
“What would it mean if I could provide you with a full picture of what to do for better results? I can show you …
- How to make certain message adjustments that please your site visitors while helping with your search engine rankings,
- Where to add certain elements so you stand out from your competition as the OBVIOUS choice, and
- Recommendations for the content structure, images, and calls-to-action, so visitors can’t resist contacting you — or buying your products.”
The client may clear his throat and say, “Yes! We totally need that. How do we proceed?”
You sit up in your chair and say,
“I offer a web content evaluation — I call it a Site Audit — to systematically review your homepage and a few other pages so I can pinpoint gaps and opportunities for your site.
“I use my own five-point guidelines for web content that works, along with a 35-point checklist, to discover areas that are easy to improve.
“And then, you’ll receive a detailed report with my recommendations on how to enhance your site. We’ll go over it together so you’re completely clear on what can be done.”
Without skipping a beat, the client says, “That’s fantastic. I know my team would love something like that so we can do better with our site. What’s the next step?”
Once again, you smile and say, “We can start right away. I’ll send you a questionnaire that helps me understand your website goals, audience, competitive stance, and more … and then I can get to work! I’ll email you a Site Audit agreement this afternoon.”
The client says, “Wonderful. Oh — and what’s the charge for this report?”
You confidently say, “That’s $2,000 for our time to review every aspect of your content, do a quick keyword search, see what shows up in Google now, take screen shots of your site vs. the competitions’, and then write our report with recommendations. From that report, you’ll know exactly how to proceed with web content upgrades. Ready to begin?”
You pause for the answer.
“Absolutely,” says the client. “Please go ahead and send the agreement so we can get you paid, and you can get going.”
“Perfect,” you say. “I’m on it!”
The client thanks you and hangs up. His frustration is now eased, and he’s already picturing the benefits of having your report: better search rankings, more leads, more sales.
You just became his hero.
That’s how web copywriters can easily present a powerful consulting service called Site Audits.
And here’s the best part.
Once you deliver your report, complete with recommendations, you’ll propose to DO all the updates you’re recommending.
This means the client will hire you again to revise the web content at roughly $250-$500 per page — or even more.
Tomorrow, we’ll take a look at the checklist I use to do a Site Audit, and how it helps you get paid twice for the work you do.
Do you have any questions about getting a client to see the value of a Site Audit for their business? Please share in the comments below so we can help.

Site Content Audits Made Simple: Consult Your Way to Lucrative Web Copywriting Projects
Get paid upward of $2,000 to audit a website’s content by following a simple checklist. And then get paid AGAIN to write the content! Learn More »
Pam Foster,
A while ago, I came across "Site Audit"
and I was so impressed with it, I never
forgot about it. I have been excited
about it and excited about this program
that I cannot contain myself. I'll be
checking this out this evening, and I'm
sure I'll get back to you tomorrow!
Carol C Shier Yeh!
Guest (carol shier) –
Thank you! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. :-)
Guest (Pam Foster) –
Hi Pam,
Wow! You really bring out the value of a skilled web content consultant.
I'm getting ready to write my LinkedIn summary...just wondering if I could "swipe" a bit of this scripted conversation for a more polished description of the website Audit services I provide? :)
PeggyO –
Great stuff and thank you very much.
1. What is the best theme for freelance that can enable you to put your content and photo on top of your header image and primary menus?
2. Which article has the step by step guide of writing a seo copy .e.g. Intro, headline, body etc.
Sorry am a newbie and ready to learn from experts.
Thank in advance.
Justine –
Excellent information. I shall go over it more often to make sure it is internalized in me
Austino Serendipity –
Excellent information. I shall go over it more often to make sure it is internalized in me
Austino Serendipity –