The Rare One-Time Opportunity to Learn from a Living Legend
Would you like to learn from a living legend in our industry … a copywriter who routinely makes over $1 million each and every year?
His name is Clayton Makepeace, and he’s widely regarded as the world’s highest-paid copywriter.
He’s been in this business for 42 years … and has written multimillion-dollar controls for some of the biggest names in the industry. (In fact, his copy is famous for having brought his clients’ gross sales to as much as $3.6 million in a weekend … $5 million in a few weeks … and a staggering $18.5 million in a single month!)
Why is this important to you and living the writer’s life?
You have a rare, one-time opportunity to learn from him directly.
It’s not often he agrees to share what he knows in person.
But for two days in April, he’s agreed to open his files and reveal everything he knows about writing the kind of copy he focuses on exclusively these days – online Video Sales Letters (VSLs).
Video sales letters are working like gangbusters when it comes to online marketing. These very simple, very direct "talking promotions” can boost response by double, triple, and quadruple — thereby making your clients very happy and boosting your future fees and royalties as well.
In fact, Clayton routinely earns $100,000 for each VSL he writes … and if he’s earning that much, you can imagine how much his happy clients are earning!
Businesses of all sizes are catching on to the power of online video – and are spending billions on it (last count was $2.9 billion spent in 2012). That’s why, when you learn how to write VSLs, you’ll be able to grab your share of the loot.
That’s because online video is here to stay … and it’s only getting bigger.
It’s estimated that 8 out of 10 Americans who go online regularly watch online videos. And just last year, Internet surfers, as a whole, watched over 456 million content videos and a whopping 105 BILLION video ads. That, combined with the fact that more and more people are also watching videos on their tablets and smartphones … it’s easy to see why VSLs work so well.
That’s why this once-in-a-lifetime training opportunity with Clayton is something you won’t want to miss. He’ll reveal:
- How to craft a video sales letter from scratch
- The best way to approach clients to write this kind of copy for them
- Easy ways to land generous royalty agreements (and how he regularly collects six-figure – even seven-figure – royalties from his clients!)
- The “business” side of copywriting and video sales letters – and how to use it to boost your income even further
- And much, much more!
By the time you’re done, you’ll leave with a finished VSL and a practical skill you can convert to dollars.
What’s more, Clayton has generously agreed to give you ongoing training for 90 days after the live event. Imagine how quickly you could succeed and start living the writer’s life with a legend by your side guiding you along the way!
Plus, Don Mahoney, one of AWAI’s co-founders, will be helping Clayton out with the daily reviews of the copy you write there. (And you will be writing copy there!) So will “A-list” copywriter Parris Lampropoulos and Boardroom Inc.’s newest shining star, Marcella Allison.
This is truly shaping up to be a can’t-miss event.
Spots are limited and are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Register today by clicking here.
Or to learn more, click here.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
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