The Power of “Reason Why” Headlines
I think of a headline as an ad for an ad. As a marketer, you should too. And be aware of the following truth.
“On average five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy. It follows that unless your headline sells your product, you have wasted 90 percent of your money.”
Who said this?
The late David Ogilvy, world-famous founder of the ad agency Ogilvy & Mather and author of the best-seller “Confessions of an Advertising Man.”
Here are some headline examples which illustrate this powerful and underused technique.
Seven Reasons Why Information Publishing
is Today’s Best Business Opportunity
11 Secrets I Wasn’t Taught in School
That Have Put Millions in My Bank Account
Ten Ways to Survive and Prosper
During the Current Recession
Six Ways to Beat the Coming Tax Increase
13 Inside Secrets to Getting the Best Deal On Your Next Automobile
Car Dealers Do Not Want You to Know
101 Little-Known Ways to Add Perceived Value to Your Home
So it Sells Fast For at Least 98.5 Percent of the Full Asking Price!
17 Ways to Make More Money From Home
With Your Own Internet Business
There are Three Good Reasons an Internet Offer Succeeds …
And You Already Know Two of Them –
The Third Reason May Be The Final Piece of the Puzzle
That Makes Your Next Offer Click
The main reason this wonderful technique works so well rests on a very simple principle that is a powerful motivator for all of us.
Think about your own experience as a consumer. When you see an ad that lists a number of ways to do something beneficial to you, can you resist checking it out?
I cannot. I’m always intrigued. I want to know the “ways.” Or “secrets.” Or “reasons.” And once into the copy, if it’s good, I often order.
Do you relate to this?
My experience has proven to me most consumers feel the same way.
The formula for the technique Ways To/Reasons Why is very simple. Here it is:
(Specific number) ways to dramatize (the big benefit)

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Good headlines need to attract attention.
Sara Millard Dieffembach –