Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompts:
How Do You Want to Be Remembered?
Practice your copywriting skills with this prompt from The Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA).
With this Write Now! prompt, sit down and think long and hard about your legacy.
Success coach, Ted Capshaw, wants you to figure out how it is you want to be remembered. What do you want your friends and family to miss most about you when you’re no longer with them. (Or read the transcript below.)
Today, I want you to write about yourself. And it’s going to be more difficult than you think. The reason I say that is that we spend our entire lives building relationships with other people. And unfortunately, I don’t think we really build relationships with self, meaning ourselves.
So today, I want you to write it down. How do you want to be remembered? And I don’t want you to think that that's a dismal thought. But I really want you to think about and write down. What is your legacy going to be? What do you want people to remember you as? What things do you want people to be saying? What do you want your children, your grandchildren, et cetera, et cetera to be saying about you when you’re no longer here?
Now that's a deep thought, but I really want you to spend time to write down in detail how do you want to be remembered.
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Write Now! persuasive writing prompts are presented by the Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA) — a professional association just for direct-response industry writers. Learn about the many benefits of a PWA membership.

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The RAW truth is plainly evident when you can't lie to yourself about how you WILL BE remembered and how you WANT to be remembered.
So, live life with purpose each if it will be your last on earth. Purpose is about others...just as God intended.
teejay –
A sublime advice to fathers. Spending time with their children during their formative years is crucial.It is during that time that children develop emotionally,develop self-worth, establish unbreakable bonds as well as good coping skills to face the challenges of an uncertain world.
I can only hope that I have done enough to be thought of with love, gave enough so those around me will give, asked for forgiveness and gave it, was kind enough, patient enough and did not judge others. Here's to keep trying and eventually be perfect at trying.
Musick –
I missed a golden opportunity to speak at length with Mr. Capshaw at the recently concluded 2019 Boot Camp. I will be immersing myself on all his links on AWAI because of the foundational issues he deals in. Lastly, I will be in touch with him as questions and issues arise. TY all @ AWAI.
Dunnellon Ray –
I did this exercise of introspection for my own benefit and information. Not sure I care to divulge any of it here, but the song "Cat's In The Cradle" by the late Harry Chapin was running through my mind as I wrote it.
Dunnellon Ray –
One aspect of your prompt -- "I don’t think we really build relationships with self, meaning ourselves" -- got me thinking about life's changing situations. I realized my thoughts about how I want to be remembered have changed over the years. I thought about what I would change in the days ahead. Still thinking.
lisa25 –
I don’t want to be remembered. Empathy and love for one another if taught and given will live on forever and like a wildfire will spread across the globe. Think about it, whenever there is a major wildfire that consumes millions of acres, no one ever remembers the match that started the fire. They only remember the result and focus on the impact it had. So, you see “I want to be that match”. Not remembered for who I am, but rather pass on a legacy of lasting love and empathy.
David Freeman –
I have never thought about myself in this type of “future past” way. Legacy just sounds so braggadocios. It almost feels like I don't care, as I'm no longer in the picture and hence it kind of becomes irrelevant. It seems I find it hard to think in those terms.
But what if I bring this into present?
If I pass away today, how will I be remembered?
I have enough money in my bank account to to pay for my funeral. So that some relative wouldn't have to snicker over covering the costs. But isn't it kind of wasted life when your highlight is covering your own funeral costs?
I'm now spending my time over thinking this...
Maybe its not about my legacy after all. Maybe its about having a purpose in life. Am I here just cover the costs “on my way ..
Guest (Kendrick ) –
More than a memory, I would like to be an inspiration, but no for fame or to increase my ego. I've tried to live my life, undergoing through different experiences, I want to show to the next generation of my family, that they don't have to live a single kind of life. They can have as many experiences as they want, different careers, jobs, ideas, opportunities, etc., even with the rules that life has; therefore if they accept the challenge, they'll gain confidence, resilience and gratitude for the wonderful and diverse life that they'll have, without regrets. Just don't interfere in someone else's life. So, I would like to be remembered as someone who did whatever she wanted with her life, and enjoy it.
Barbara Vazquez –
I can see it now; they are standing above my grave reading my date of birth and my day of death. These two dates I could not control. However, the space between those two dates was all mine.
I want them to smile because I smiled, I want them to laugh and be happy because I lived the same. To forgive because I set an example.
As they stand and read my names, I want them to be inspired, not because of who I became, but what we all have to change to become. I want them to live to their fullest.
I was not an angel nor a miracle man; I was just as you are. Remember me as human as you are and know that I failed as you have… However… when you fail raise up... as long as there is breath in you.
He lived, he loved, he shared … well done.
Dodi –
As we say goodbye to the human body, the physical form, we feel wrapped in her warmth.
Expressing GRATITUDE for her presence brings about PEACE & CALM, 3 core characteristics of her very essence.
We carry a tune of joy in our hearts and sing it loud & proud whenever it stirs us, today & everyday, just as she did.
Dance & skip, celebrate life at every turn, the good, the bad, and all the in between, trusting in HIS plan & purpose, knowing each holds its own meaning & significance, and do this with the same confidence & commitment that she did.
We embrace the memories & the lessons as we reflect on a journey filled with love, laughter, and awareness, and strive to mimic the same.
Sara Scribes –