This “Writer’s Revolution”
Can Set You FREE …
A new power shift is allowing writers to live
the writer's life faster than ever before …
complete with bigger, steadier,
more predictable incomes.
Here's how you can join them …
Dear Reader,
There’s a huge shift going on right now …
One that’s putting more power squarely into the hands of writers like you.
It’s a great way to earn a six (or even seven!) figure income writing short, non-hype-y “articles” that 9 out of 10 businesses need to stay competitive in today’s Internet-intense marketing world.
In fact, according to one industry report, U.S. businesses alone expect to pay out $135 billion to writers who can write them — this year alone!
That’s a lot of money …
Enough to give 135,000 writers a million dollar per year raise!
And it’s only going to get bigger.
So what kind of writing am I talking about — and how can you claim your share of the money?
That’s why I’m writing you today. Not only am I going to reveal everything you need to know about what is fast becoming the biggest “Internet” opportunity for writers today …
I’ll also show you how you can become a highly paid, in-demand expert in this writing field in just 30 days.
Why You Hold Enormous Power as a Writer

President, AWAI
Hi …
Rebecca Matter, here.
As you may know, I specialize in web-based opportunities for writers here at AWAI.
And right now, this “writer’s revolution” is creating historic opportunities for you as a writer.
Let me explain …
The Internet has completely changed the business landscape.
We now live in a content-driven society.
Prospects WANT content before they’ll make a purchase decision. And it better be good, engaging, and informative.
Think about it: When a prospect goes online looking for a solution to their problem, what do they do?
They read articles … blog posts … case studies … free reports … reviews … and more. In short, they read LOADS of content — hundreds, even thousands of words — before they decide what product to buy or what service to use.
As a result, companies of all shapes and sizes are creating content for their prospects to read as part of the sales process … and then marketing it to them strategically.
This practice is known as content marketing.
For example, say a company sells hot tubs. As part of their content marketing efforts, they may create a blog, where they regularly post answers to the most common questions they get … like:
- “How do you choose the right hot tub for you?”
- “What kinds of factors do you need to consider before buying one?”
- “Which features are best for your particular situation?”
- And so on …
Then, they might create a free report interested prospects can download. This report might include great tips on how to buy the right hot tub and make sure you get the best bang for your buck.
On top of that, they may feature articles on their site … or on other people’s sites … that continue the conversation and answer any objections the prospect might have to buying a hot tub (i.e., articles on how financing your hot tub could be a good option if you’re strapped for cash, or how today’s newer hot tubs are built to last and rarely need to be serviced).
I could keep going … that same hot tub company could then create Facebook posts on important topics concerning hot tubs … Twitter tweets of any important information they have on sales, updates to their inventory, or other questions they’ve received from customers … and even create an email newsletter they send out to prospects on a weekly basis with tips on healthy, stress-free living and all the while show them how hot tubs can fit in with this kind of lifestyle.
The list goes on … and on … and on!
As you can imagine, all this content leads to one thing for a business … MORE SALES!
And here’s the thing … the need for this content is never ending.
If a company has a blog, they need to post to it regularly or risk losing readership. If they have an email newsletter or spent time building a social media presence, same deal.
More and more, content marketing is directly linked to a company’s overall sales. The better, more engaging the content … the more money they make.
Businesses Are HUNGRY for Writers
Like You … and They’re Paying
More Than Ever Before
The challenge — and the reason why writers like you are so in demand — is that creating and publishing all this content isn’t a typical business’s area of expertise. All they know is how to build and sell their widgets, services, etc., via traditional means.
This is why we’re in the midst of an ENORMOUS “writer’s revolution.”
No longer are writers seen as “word-slingers” who get paid pennies per word to fill up white space. Instead, they’re seen as an important part of the overall sales process, and a big contributor to their bottom line.
It’s why businesses will pay you handsomely to create this content. And, it’s why you now hold much more power than ever before.
Just how big is the opportunity for you as a writer?
The Harvard Business Review recently posted on its blog, “We are, at present, in the midst of a historic transformation for brands and companies everywhere — and it centers on content.”
Remember, this is HARVARD — one of the most prestigious institutions in our country — recognizing the huge impact of content marketing.
It also reported that big brand companies are poaching top writing talent in droves:
“Former journalist Hamish McKenzie is now lead writer at [Tesla Motors], USA Today’s Michelle Kessler is now Editor-in-Chief at Qualcomm Spark, and [$4 billion venture capital firm] Andreessen Horowitz lured Michael Copeland from Wired.
“Why? Because trained journalists and writers are in the best position to synthesize information, capture a reader’s attention, and uphold a critical editorial standard.”
That’s just for starters …
Each year, the Content Marketing Institute releases a “state of the industry” report on content marketing called “B2C Content Marketing: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends.”
Turns out that, this year, 9 out of 10 companies in North America are using content marketing to boost their sales.
And 60 percent of businesses plan on increasing how much they’ll spend on it.
But that’s not all …
As I mentioned at the beginning of this letter, it’s estimated that, before the year is out, businesses will have spent about $135 BILLION on content marketing.
This means all kinds of companies big and small are using content marketing. Even some of the world’s biggest brands — like Microsoft, General Electric, and Sears — are using it successfully.
And guess what? Every single one of them needs great writers to help them create all that content!
Your Ticket to Freedom
And here’s the thing …
Learning how to become a content marketing expert isn’t hard at all.
For the most part, you’ll be writing short pieces of copy that are informative, engaging, and entertaining. No need to “hard sell” or be hype-y.
One client might ask you to write a blog post per week … another may ask for an article or two every month for their main website … yet another might want you to create a monthly newsletter for them.
The possibilities are endless! And once you know how to write these pieces of content and help your clients market them strategically, a whole new world of options opens up for you …
It means a BIG income you can count on — simply because most clients will need content on a regular basis … and the arrangement that makes the most sense in this case is an ongoing monthly retainer. It’s not unusual to get paid $2,000, $3,000, or even $5,000 a month to create a steady stream of short pieces of content for a single client!
It means more demand for your services and the ability to be picky about who you’ll work with …
It means you’ll rarely — if ever — be “out” of work. There are so many business’s online that desperately need someone who knows content marketing, that you rarely have to “sell” yourself.
It means you can focus on niches you’re passionate about. You could do content marketing for companies in a variety of markets, including gift baskets, natural health, golf, music, art and poetry, and more!
Bottom line: Mastering content marketing means you can live YOUR version of the writer’s life much sooner than you ever thought possible.
And if you’re already a working writer, it means you could easily boost your income while working less, all with loyal clients who’ll want to stick with you as long as you’ll have them!
Now, while we’re on the topic — I want to reiterate just how much money can be made from content marketing.
Because one client can mean thousands of dollars in ongoing, monthly income, it’s not unusual to see content marketing pros who earn six-figures a year. But there are some ambitious writers that take it to the next level, and have created seven-figure income streams …
Meet the Seven-Million-Dollar Man

Allow me to introduce you to Brian Clark.
Brian Clark started out as an attorney … but what he really wanted to do was make a living as a writer.
So he quit law and started his first business.
It flopped.
He didn’t let that stop him. He gave it a second shot, and launched a new site called Copyblogger.
He also took a different approach this second time around …
He leveraged the power of content marketing.
The result?
He’s grown Copyblogger from nothing into a $7 million-a-year business — all through writing content and marketing it strategically!
As you might imagine, this got people to notice Brian VERY quickly …
- In 2014, Forbes named Brian as one of the World’s Top 40 Social Marketing Talents and a Top 10 Online Marketing Expert.
- BusinessWeek says entrepreneurs should follow Brian on Twitter.
- Brian was ranked #3 on a list of the 100 Most Influential Online Marketers of 2009.
- The Guardian named Copyblogger one of the world’s 50 most powerful blogs.
- Advertising Age ranks Copyblogger as a top marketing blog in its Power150 list.
- The editors of Performancing named Brian Clark the most influential blogger of 2007.
- Dun & Bradstreet says Brian is the most influential person to follow on Twitter for small businesses.
Bottom line: Brian is the person you want to learn from when it comes to content marketing.
And it’s why I’m so excited (and proud!) to tell you about the program he’s created, exclusively for AWAI members like you …
Your Fast Pass to Content Marketing Success
It’s called Content Mastery: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Highly Paid Content Marketing Strategist.
Over the course of 8 jam-packed video training modules, Brian gives you everything you need to become a bona fide, highly-paid Content Marketing Strategist.
He explains why content marketing is such a great opportunity for writers RIGHT NOW …
He shows you how to plan your content out for your clients …
He shows you what types of content you’ll be writing …
He even shows you a number of different business models you can use to profit from this enormous content marketing revolution.
Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll discover:
Module 1: How to Rule the World As an Online Writer
In this session, Brian lays it all out … and explains why YOU, as a writer, rule the Web.
You’ll find out why Google is actually helping you achieve rock star writer status … and how that can lead to even more lucrative projects and retainer deals.
Brian will also cover a few important mindset shifts you’ll need to make to succeed in a BIG way with content marketing.
By the time you’re done, you’ll have a great overview of content marketing today, the opportunities available to you, and how to move forward as a well-paid Content Marketing Strategist.
Module 2: Business and Marketing Models
This is where Brian explains how you’re going to make money (lots of it!) as a Content Marketing Strategist.
For example, you’ll discover why content marketing is the perfect vehicle for reliable, steady, monthly income as a writer … and how you should approach marketing yourself to start landing clients.
He’ll cover a simple business model you can use to profit from your local city or town (this one is a LOT of fun!) …
He’ll even tell you about the #1 asset you’ll have as a newly-minted content marketing pro — and why you should get started on it immediately.
All-in-all, by the time you’re done with this module, you’ll know how to choose the business and marketing model that’s right for you and your personality … and have the knowledge you’ll need to start profiting fast!
Module 3: The Local Approach to a Thriving Content Marketing Business
In this training module, Brian gives you a rare, inside look into one of his websites that is making him money using his “local” or “hyperlocal” business model for content marketers.
This is PERFECT for you if you want to supplement your income, all while building an ASSET you can sell later on down the road (think of it as your retirement insurance).
By the time you’re done with this training module, you’ll have an excellent idea of how to launch your own “local” content marketing business and make great money doing it.
Module 4: The 7A Framework for Effective Content Marketing
Now that you’ve got a good overview of content marketing and the different kinds of business and marketing models you can use to create a lucrative business for yourself, it’s time to get into the “nitty-gritty.”
In this module, Brian walks you through his proven “7A” framework for powerful content marketing. This is EXACTLY what Brian uses in his business … and it’s what he’s used to build Copyblogger into the $7 million-a-year business it is today.
Imagine how impressed your clients will be once you put the power of this framework into THEIR content marketing … they’ll be hooked and never want to let you go!
Module 5: The 5C Approach
In this session, you’ll delve deeper into the specifics of WHAT kinds of content you’ll be creating. Brian will share his “5 C’s” of content that you need to consider, and the role each type of content plays in an overall content marketing strategy.
You’ll be a true content marketing pro by the time you finish and master the insights Brian gives you during this session.
Module 6: Social Media Mastery
Now that you know what kinds of content to create … and the fundamental strategy behind it all … it’s time to distribute your content online!
That’s why in this session, Brian will show you how to use social media as the perfect way to distribute and market the content you’re creating.
He’ll cover how to use the “biggies” of social media — Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn — for getting the word out about your content.
You’ll also learn a simple, two-pronged strategy for getting your content “shared” and passed around online.
By adding this to your content marketing tool belt, you’ll have practically everything you need to be a “one-stop-shop” for your clients.
Module 7: How to Get Content Ranking Well in Search Engines
This is a VERY important module, as you can bet your bottom dollar many of your clients will ask you about ranking well in Google and other search engines.
Here’s the answer you’ll need! Brian gives you a thorough understanding of what Google wants … and simple tips and “ninja” tricks he uses to get noticed and ranked well by the search engines.
Knowing this alone will make you an invaluable part of ANY client’s marketing team.
Module 8: Email Marketing That Works
This is the final piece of the puzzle before you go out and charge clients for your services.
Once you have a solid content marketing plan in place, the end goal is to get prospects onto an email list. And in this session, Brian will show you how to do that … and then tell you exactly what kinds of emails you should be sending out.
You’ll learn all about content emails, strategic emails, offers, and more. At this point, your clients will be absolutely floored by your depth of knowledge that can help their business GROW!
Applied Knowledge is Power
Watching and learning everything you need to become a successful content marketing pro is great. But it’s only the first step.
You also need to implement what you learn. And to help you do just that, Brian’s including “Action Worksheets” in each and every module.
These will help you ask the important questions you need, in order to move forward. They will also help clarify what you’ve learned and understand better how to apply it in client situations.
So after each module with Brian, please make sure you open up the corresponding Action Worksheet and do the exercises and answer the questions. Remember, knowledge alone isn’t power. Applied knowledge is!
Tools to Help Grow Your Business
Brian is also giving you two more tools that will prove invaluable as your career as a Content Marketing Strategist moves forward.
First — he’s including a Pricing Guide! This is an incredibly valuable resource, as it will give you a starting point for all your clients. When you land your first project, you’ll sound like a pro, and know exactly how much you can charge to start.
As you gain more confidence and your skills improve, you’ll be able to command even higher fees than the ones suggested!
Second — You’re also getting a sample Agreement you can use with your clients going forward. This eliminates the headache of having to try and figure out all this stuff on your own. It’s a simple Agreement, and Brian even shows you how you should fill it out, and why he’s included each section in there.
Picture Your Life as a
Content Marketing Pro …
As soon as you’re done going through Brian’s Content Mastery: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Highly Paid Content Marketing Strategist …
… you’ll have the tools you need to launch your career or significantly boost your current income while working less.
That’s because as a content marketing pro, you’re in control.
Businesses desperately NEED you … after all, we live in a content-driven society.
And as I’ve said before, prospects WANT content before they’ll make a purchase decision. And it better be good, engaging, and informative.
That’s why businesses can no longer skimp on paying writers well. If they want to survive, they need great writers like you!
Instead of struggling to find new clients every month, you could be an expert with ongoing relationships with a handful of businesses who pay you handsomely month, after month.
You'll write their blog posts, social media updates, special reports, and email copy. It's all easy, short writing that doesn't take long. None of it is hype-y or super sales-y. Instead, it's useful, interesting content consumers want to find and share.
And if you don't want to work for other people, that's fine, too. You can build a six-figure life for yourself with your own projects, bringing them to life with the same skills that make you so valuable to your clients.
For example, you could use your skills to:
- Establish yourself as an authority in your niche
- Market your own e-books or novels
- Build a Money-Making Website
- Support friends who go into business
- Launch a business of your own
Think what that could mean for your career …
All from using content the right way. That's the power of Brian's expertise in this space. That's why I wanted him to teach you … and why you can't afford to miss this chance to learn from one of the very best in the business.
This is Your Moment
Content marketing is only going to get bigger.
That’s why I’ve done everything I can to make sure you get the best training on the subject available. Even better: I’ve done all I can to make it affordable, too.
Remember, you’ll be learning from one of THE best content marketers in the world!
Brian’s used the secrets you’ll have access to in just a few moments to build a $7 million-a-year business from scratch.
So let’s recap what you get:
- You get ALL 8 video-training modules: That’s eight hours of solid content, showing you the ropes of how to become a content marketing pro. You’ll learn everything from the different business and marketing models available … to exactly what kinds of content you need to write … down to the strategy you’ll use to tie it all together.
- You get the Action Worksheets: These make sure you APPLY what you learn. After every module, you’ll have access to one of these worksheets. Do the exercises faithfully. Make sure you MASTER this material. Remember, knowledge alone isn’t power. Applied knowledge is!
- You get Brian’s sample Pricing Guide: You’ll never be at a loss when a client asks how much your services run. You’ll confidently answer and more than likely land the assignment! Plus, once you gain more confidence and develop your skills, you’ll be able to command top dollar.
- You get a sample Agreement: This is a life-saver! As soon as you have a potential client, send over this Agreement. Brian explains each section of it, along with his reasoning for it and gives you tips on how to fill it out. Your clients will be impressed with your professionalism!
- PLUS … you get instant access to any bonuses or updates we add to the program in the future — for LIFE! As things evolve and change with content marketing, there may be things you need to know to stay current, and on top of your game as a Content Marketing Strategist. That’s why you’ll get ANY updates or bonuses we add to the program now and in the future.
You get all this — over a decade’s worth of Brian’s hard-won experience in the trenches — for ONLY $497.
You Have a FULL YEAR to Try it Risk-Free
I don’t know of any better way to get up to speed with content marketing, than with Brian’s Content Mastery: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Highly Paid Content Marketing Strategist.
But just in case you’re still on the fence, I want to make sure this is an easy decision to make.
Order your copy of Brian’s program. Go through it and implement all the strategies. Start working with clients and getting paid for planning and writing quality content.
Take a FULL YEAR to do all this. If by then, you still don’t feel content marketing is the right path for you to take as a writer, no hard feelings.
Just give our Member Services team a call and they’ll give you a full refund of every penny paid.
But considering just how BIG of an opportunity content marketing is right now …
And considering how desperate businesses are for great content …
I think you’ll fall in love and experience firsthand just how lucrative this “writer’s revolution” can be.
Remember, Harvard Business Review reports that we are currently undergoing a “content marketing revolution” and that big brands are poaching top-writing talent in droves …
And it’s expected that businesses across the country will spend upwards of $135 BILLION on content marketing alone this year.
So as you might imagine, businesses are hungry for writers like you. They’re flush with cash and they’re looking to spend it on those who can create great content for them.
As a result, your chance for higher fees … ongoing lucrative assignments … and the ability to create true FREEDOM in your life is better than it has ever been before.
I sincerely hope you take advantage of this chance … and become a Content Marketing Strategist.
Who knows … with all the content I need here at AWAI, I could end up being your first client!
To Your Success,
Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI
P.S. Remember … you can try Brian’s program for up to a FULL YEAR! You’ve got nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. Think about it: Just one client could pay for this program multiple times over.