Thea Sheldon

Articles by Thea Sheldon

How a (Parenthesis) Helps You Avoid Overwhelm and Achieve Your Writer’s Life

If you’re like other AWAI writers, you want more than anything to spend your days living the writer’s life — a life where you thrive. Your dreams fulfilled — you in control, calm, creative, and competent. You’re proud of your work and confident your contribution matters. And you get to have fun. Unfortunately, just like the rest of us, you may have some days that spiral downward — drowning you in distractions as you fall. You quickly feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and don’t know which way to turn. Worse, the days when you haven’t gained a shred of precious momentum on your dreamed-for writer’s life. Ugh! The good news is, there’s a trick to help you take charge and handle the overwhelm. Better yet, to prevent it in the first place. And there’s a bonus — beyond just handling overwhelm, this trick (when consistently used) will set you up for success and productivity every time you sit down to work.

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